Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra


How DARE anyone have a belief or a choice that is against a liberal stance or chanting point.. and how DARE anyone be against paying for something they do not believe in

My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

It's a choice, I know freedom bothers you but it is a choice based on their religious principles, you don't have to understand it and I don't think they care whether you understand it or accept it.

If I were you, I wouldn't t shop there and all will be fine.

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Those sperm are all potential human beings.

vasectomies are covered so apparently they don't believe that---they are being allowed to follow what they believe. Just like women who abort

If they are truly Catholics they would be opposed to such operations, as they are birth control.

your argument would carry some weight had hobby lobby

not already approved 16 type of BC before obamacare came along

How DARE anyone have a belief or a choice that is against a liberal stance or chanting point.. and how DARE anyone be against paying for something they do not believe in

My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

They don't you can quit, it's called freedom.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

How DARE anyone have a belief or a choice that is against a liberal stance or chanting point.. and how DARE anyone be against paying for something they do not believe in

My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.
vasectomies are covered so apparently they don't believe that---they are being allowed to follow what they believe. Just like women who abort

If they are truly Catholics they would be opposed to such operations, as they are birth control.

your argument would carry some weight had hobby lobby

not already approved 16 type of BC before obamacare came along

And the ones they refuse to cover do NOT cause abortions.
Those who believe masturbation is a sin?

I don't think the perceived sinfulness in masturbation centers around a belief that sperm are individual organisms.

Those sperm are all potential human beings.

There's no such thing as "a potential human being", as much as the "I'm all about SCIENCE!" left likes to make up new, bullshit concepts like that. They're just cells, intended by nature to be disposable in droves.

Do us all a favor and stick to trying to make sense of the bullshit YOU believe. That's a big enough job. When you start trying to tell other people what they should believe based on your cockeyed attempts at "logic", you descend into realms of stupid no human being should have to encounter (I'm referring to we unfortunate souls who are forced to watch you).
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

Libs still butt-hurt over the loss.
They still cover 16 forms of female birth control. Just not abortion inducing drugs.

Hillary Clinton?s claim that Hobby Lobby wanted to stop covering all contraception procedures - The Washington Post

Also, Vasectomies and Viagra don't kill fetuses.

Hobby Lobby are idiots because they have no idea what an abortion is. Hint: Its not birth control.

Noomi is an idiot because . . . Not sure if it's genetics or you were dropped on your head as a baby, actually.

You're still not grasping the concept of "No one fucking asked you to approve their beliefs". I get that freedom is a hard concept for someone from the Government Womb of Australia, but in this country, we give people rights even when we don't personally like what they use them for. Not everyone is interested in playing, "Mother, May I?" with Big Govt over their own lives.
Those sperm are all potential human beings.

vasectomies are covered so apparently they don't believe that---they are being allowed to follow what they believe. Just like women who abort

If they are truly Catholics they would be opposed to such operations, as they are birth control.

Thanks for sharing, Pope Noomi, but allow me to point you back to the whole "No one asked you what they should believe" concept. YOU don't decide "true Catholicism", and you get no vote whatsoever on what individual people decide is right and wrong, since the Catholic Church - the real one, not the one you've decided you're spokesman for - doesn't get a vote in that, either.

Say it with me now: "Not my beliefs, not my conscience, not my company, NONE OF MY BUSINESS."
My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.

No you are controlled by your own government, like sissies, and you can't just quit your government. You and your pretend freedom amuses us Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

How DARE anyone have a belief or a choice that is against a liberal stance or chanting point.. and how DARE anyone be against paying for something they do not believe in

My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

Which is irrelevant, because choosing not to participate in your life decisions is not "forcing" anything on you. Please try to understand that in the United States, we still pay lip service to the idea that we do not own other people's property, and do not have a right to have other people give us things.

Do you go to your next-door neighbor's house and demand that they repaint it in the colors you choose, at their expense, and then whine about how they're "forcing" their color choices on you when they tell you to fuck off? What IS the limit to the control you think you're entitled to over other people's actions?

You sound like my five-year-old throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get a cookie . . . except my five-year-old is smarter, cuter, and better-behaved.
My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.

What the fuck exactly do you think the topic is here, and what do you think you're adding to it, you ignoramus? Is it just that you think every thread is about, "Ooh, I wonder how this relates to Noomi's pathetic excuse for an existence. I wonder if this has anything to do with Noomi's situation"?

Let me spell it out to you, since your Nanny Government obviously coddled you into near-brain death. This thread is about employer-provided health insurance, and whether or not employers who are purchasing health insurance as an employment benefit for their employees have a right to limit what they pay for on the basis of religious objection.

I realize that it's officially illegal for people to actually think in your country, but maybe you should give it a try once in a while anyway.
My employer does not have the right to force their outdated religious beliefs on me.

your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.

most people in this country have employer based health insurance, [MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION]. We also happen to have a first amendment that prevents interference with our own religious beliefs. until this decision, it didn't allow any wing nut theocrat to impose their view on us.

i look forward to new justices on the court. the rightwingnut majority needs to go back to law school
vasectomies are covered so apparently they don't believe that---they are being allowed to follow what they believe. Just like women who abort

If they are truly Catholics they would be opposed to such operations, as they are birth control.

Thanks for sharing, Pope Noomi, but allow me to point you back to the whole "No one asked you what they should believe" concept. YOU don't decide "true Catholicism", and you get no vote whatsoever on what individual people decide is right and wrong, since the Catholic Church - the real one, not the one you've decided you're spokesman for - doesn't get a vote in that, either.

Say it with me now: "Not my beliefs, not my conscience, not my company, NONE OF MY BUSINESS."

thanks for your er... OPINION, cesspit.

now say it with me, i'll even speak slowly so even someone as limited as you can understand.... KEEP YOUR RELIGION TO YOURSELF. A CORPORATION DOES NOT HAVE RELIGION..

now run along,
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your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.

most people in this country have employer based health insurance, [MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION]. We also happen to have a first amendment that prevents interference with our own religious beliefs. until this decision, it didn't allow any wing nut theocrat to impose their view on us.

i look forward to new justices on the court. the rightwingnut majority needs to go back to law school

Says the two bit self described counselor that cheered the same court who declared that the ACA Constitutional.

You people are laughable.
your employer can decide what kind of health coverage they will provide for you

My employer doesn't pay for my health coverage. We are not controlled by our employers like sissies.

most people in this country have employer based health insurance, [MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION]. We also happen to have a first amendment that prevents interference with our own religious beliefs. until this decision, it didn't allow any wing nut theocrat to impose their view on us.

i look forward to new justices on the court. the rightwingnut majority needs to go back to law school

And how is it, again, that anyone is "imposing" anything on you? Oh, I forgot, you consider it a terrible imposition on your life for anyone else to have different beliefs and let you know they exist, instead of hiding them.

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