Hockey Dad Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child


Oct 19, 2012
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

Your father sounds like a fair minded guy who kept things in perspective. At this stage it is about character building, balance and lessons and tools to build self esteem in the young person while playing and learning about a sport.
The glasses wearing nerd father of the midget son should have shut his mouth and minded his own business ......... :cool:
sports are taken way too seriously in this country.

Its entertainment.

Its a game

Its not the source of all your manhood.

At any level it should be about how you play the game and NOT what your willing to do to win.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

That was not my sons experience and I wish we would have had your father for a coach! My sons coach was very ambitious and the team won the top title by his keeping the less capable players ( like my son ) benched! My son never missed a practice, was early in fact but he never played ball on that coach's team! To be fair, my son was not a good baseball player. He was a brilliant chess player and the champion of our city at age of 10 and the coach read about him in the newspapers. My son told me he didn't care to stay in touch with the coach or his son as the season was coming to a close. ( I was a single parent at the time ) The coach contacted us to let us know there was a big playoff between the team and a team from another city and my son should be there. He did not go. The team lost.

The coach sent my sons team trophy to our home as he refused to attend the party at the end of the year. He refused the trophy. The asst. coach came in and saw all of my sons trophys on the mantle. He had alot of those from playing in chess federation tournaments. The man said, you won all of those trophies? My son said yes. I earned them. But I didn't earn the baseball trophy and I don't want it. I don't believe that coach ever forgot my son. In looking back I should have let my son pursue his interests in chess and not listened to others insisting I put him in baseball to even things out. It was a bad idea!

True story -

As a Christian mom I would tell my son the best thing to do about being benched all the time is to pray to God and ask him to speak to the coach! My sons response to me was brilliant! He said, I already have, Mom. He isn't listening! ( the man wasn't listening to God ) I still laugh when I think about that lesson because it taught my son that although God can speak to someones conscience it is up to the individual whether or not he listens to it! You know? - Jeremiah
I believe the hockey dad needs to come to terms with what it means to be a responsible, loving parent.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

Your father sounds like a fair minded guy who kept things in perspective. At this stage it is about character building, balance and lessons and tools to build self esteem in the young person while playing and learning about a sport.

He was also smart enough to stay out of coaching once the kids got to travel team age and skill level. At that point you are dealing with kids who really want to play, are really good at at, and really want to win. He stuck with the "we take everyone" leagues.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

That was not my sons experience and I wish we would have had your father for a coach! My sons coach was very ambitious and the team won the top title by his keeping the less capable players ( like my son ) benched! My son never missed a practice, was early in fact but he never played ball on that coach's team! To be fair, my son was not a good baseball player. He was a brilliant chess player and the champion of our city at age of 10 and the coach read about him in the newspapers. My son told me he didn't care to stay in touch with the coach or his son as the season was coming to a close. ( I was a single parent at the time ) The coach contacted us to let us know there was a big playoff between the team and a team from another city and my son should be there. He did not go. The team lost.

The coach sent my sons team trophy to our home as he refused to attend the party at the end of the year. He refused the trophy. The asst. coach came in and saw all of my sons trophys on the mantle. He had alot of those from playing in chess federation tournaments. The man said, you won all of those trophies? My son said yes. I earned them. But I didn't earn the baseball trophy and I don't want it. I don't believe that coach ever forgot my son. In looking back I should have let my son pursue his interests in chess and not listened to others insisting I put him in baseball to even things out. It was a bad idea!

True story -

As a Christian mom I would tell my son the best thing to do about being benched all the time is to pray to God and ask him to speak to the coach! My sons response to me was brilliant! He said, I already have, Mom. He isn't listening! ( the man wasn't listening to God ) I still laugh when I think about that lesson because it taught my son that although God can speak to someones conscience it is up to the individual whether or not he listens to it! You know? - Jeremiah

My parents realized I was terrible at sports, and stopped suggesting I participate in them once I hit around 12. My brother was good at sports, and he made the "A" travel teams, and enjoyed it. Some parents force thier kids to keep trying at it even when they are at the point where the competition is too good and they end up bench riding it.

Nothing wrong with having your kids participate in the intermural early level, but once they get to the competitive travel point, only kids with talent should keep at it.
Saw this on the HS hockey forum....Pretty pathetic.

This right after the Farmington HS goalie who shoved the puck in his own net and skated off the ice flicking off his own coach.
It's pathetic, but you see this all the time at hockey games. My son plays hockey and some parents expect the refs to be pros! They miss a ton of penalties and make a ton of bad calls, yet there is no reason get overly nutz of it.

The one of the things I hate is hearing parents make fun of kids on the other team. More than likely the kid's parents are in the stands or are in hearing distances.

The father in this clip should be ashamed of himself. Insulting a KID on the other team was bad enough, but when he saw the father hear this, he should have apologized and simply said the thrill of the game got to him.
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

Best thing about NWHL youth hockey is they do balanced ice time (meaning every kid gets out there more or less the same amount), but they still keep it very competitive: (1) Keep score, (2) rankings, (3) playoffs and (4) only the #1 and #2 teams get trophies! Not to mention they actually send you a patch to put on your jersy if you get a hat trick (rewarding success)!
Having a child in soccer I listen to some parents scream "take his legs out", knock her out of the game" and other similar remarks. I just scratch my head and winder what the hell is so important about 1st grader boys and girls soccer.

However, this kind of behavior caught really caught my attention.

"The worst thing about little league sports will always be what it does to the players' parents. There is just something about children playing sports that draws out the darkest parts of the adult soul. Case in point: the madman in the video above who shouts, "He's a midget!" at a child who is trying to play hockey, and then threatens that child's father by saying, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that?"

God help that woman—presumably Ragey McRagestein's wife—who just stands there, staring helplessly into the void while her husband embarrasses himself. Also, is there any threat that drips with more cringe-inducing dadditude than, "I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in?"

Hockey Dad Heckles Children, Makes Violent Threats While Holding His Infant Child

This kind of lunacy has nothing to do with sports or good parenting.

MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

Best thing about NWHL youth hockey is they do balanced ice time (meaning every kid gets out there more or less the same amount), but they still keep it very competitive: (1) Keep score, (2) rankings, (3) playoffs and (4) only the #1 and #2 teams get trophies! Not to mention they actually send you a patch to put on your jersy if you get a hat trick (rewarding success)!

Nothing wrong with keeping score. Learning to lose is just as much of a lesson as learning to win. Trophies for everyone is silly. I didnt get baseball trophies, but I got science fair, band, and history fair trophies.
It's pathetic, but you see this all the time at hockey games. My son plays hockey and some parents expect the refs to be pros! They miss a ton of penalties and make a ton of bad calls, yet there is no reason get overly nutz of it.
No, you don't see parents like that asshole at hockey games all the time....I've attended nearly 30 HS games this winter and haven't seen or heard anything that even comes close.

And, yes, the officiating can get pretty shaky at times.
MY father was the most hated man in intermural baseball when my brother and I were playing. He was a head coach from time to time, and he played everyone. Kids who werent that good got to at least try the infield and pitching, everyone batted. One time we were like 4-6 playing an 0-9 team and my father basically threw the game, playing the less skilled kids in skill positions, and not doing anything to try to win.

Some of the other parents hated him. (to be fair I was a terrible ball player, but my brother was good). This is with 7-12 year olds.

Nothing like trying to live vicareously through your children.

Best thing about NWHL youth hockey is they do balanced ice time (meaning every kid gets out there more or less the same amount), but they still keep it very competitive: (1) Keep score, (2) rankings, (3) playoffs and (4) only the #1 and #2 teams get trophies! Not to mention they actually send you a patch to put on your jersy if you get a hat trick (rewarding success)!

Nothing wrong with keeping score. Learning to lose is just as much of a lesson as learning to win. Trophies for everyone is silly. I didnt get baseball trophies, but I got science fair, band, and history fair trophies.

I love the winners only get the trophy! My son's first season they came in 4th place and my son asked,"Where is my trophy." I said you didn't win, "so no trophy!" In the following Spring his team won and he got a trophy! I guarantee he will appreciate that trophy to which he earned a heck of a lot more than a token trophy he didn't!
That was not my sons experience and I wish we would have had your father for a coach! My sons coach was very ambitious and the team won the top title by his keeping the less capable players ( like my son ) benched! My son never missed a practice, was early in fact but he never played ball on that coach's team! To be fair, my son was not a good baseball player. He was a brilliant chess player and the champion of our city at age of 10 and the coach read about him in the newspapers. My son told me he didn't care to stay in touch with the coach or his son as the season was coming to a close. ( I was a single parent at the time ) The coach contacted us to let us know there was a big playoff between the team and a team from another city and my son should be there. He did not go. The team lost.

The coach sent my sons team trophy to our home as he refused to attend the party at the end of the year. He refused the trophy. The asst. coach came in and saw all of my sons trophys on the mantle. He had alot of those from playing in chess federation tournaments. The man said, you won all of those trophies? My son said yes. I earned them. But I didn't earn the baseball trophy and I don't want it. I don't believe that coach ever forgot my son. In looking back I should have let my son pursue his interests in chess and not listened to others insisting I put him in baseball to even things out. It was a bad idea!

True story -

As a Christian mom I would tell my son the best thing to do about being benched all the time is to pray to God and ask him to speak to the coach! My sons response to me was brilliant! He said, I already have, Mom. He isn't listening! ( the man wasn't listening to God ) I still laugh when I think about that lesson because it taught my son that although God can speak to someones conscience it is up to the individual whether or not he listens to it! You know? - Jeremiah

I coached and umpired youth baseball leagues, off and on, for about 30 years. Many of the youth baseball leagues I coached in required that EVERY player on EVERY team play in EVERY game. I always liked that rule, and I used that rule with EVERY team I coached, whether it was "required" or not.

The way I saw it was, no matter what the talent level of the player was, if that player came to all the practices and put forth a good effort, and if his parents were involved and came to the games, I owed it to the player and to the parents to put "Tommy" in the game and reward him, and his parents, for their efforts. I don't recall this "method" ever causing any of my teams to lose a game.

Coaching in the early 80s was fun for everybody involved......the players, the parents, and the coaches. Coaching in the late 90s and into the new century became a pain in the butt, NOT because of the players, but because of the PARENTS.

The PARENTS took the JOY out of coaching, and took the JOY out of playing. The players felt pressure from the parents, some more than others, and the smiles became fewer and fewer.

I remember several times remarking to my assistant coaches that if I had my way, most of the PARENTS would be BANNED from coming to the practices and games.

I always thought umpiring was the toughest thing to do on a baseball diamond, but when COACHING became a lot tougher than umpiring, I stopped coaching and umpired for several more years. At least with umpiring, I had much more overall control, and I could more easily tune out obnoxious parents and loud mouth coaches, because I didn't have a "personal" investment in the players.

I have many wonderful, lifelong memories of my players, my coaches, our triumphs, our heartbreaks, the many supportive parents and all the other GOOD things about youth baseball, and I focus on all of those positive aspects.

I sometimes wonder what some of my more "memorable" players are doing, now that they are adults. What are they doing for a living? Are they married? Do they have their own kids who are playing youth baseball? Do they have fond memories of their baseball days?

The thought that I might have had a positive impact on ANY of my former players in what they have done with their lives, is very humbling.

But, today, I would NEVER coach youth baseball, and I doubt I could ever umpire again.

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