Hockey Stick Guy and several other violent Trumpists arrested


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Chris Wray and the FBI are doing an amazing job identifying and rounding up the violent insurgents. These idiots are not very bright. Posting selfies and bragging about their criminal activities on Facebook is rarely a good idea.

They thought they were going to get away with it. That they were going to force Congress to overturn the election by force and Donald Trump would be installed for another four years.
They thought there would be no repercussions and they wanted their 15 minutes and hero fame on social media. I especially love all the idiots who posted shit on Parler and then
tried to delete it. Unfortunately, a bot skimmer got there first and got a lot of good footage before it was deleted.
They thought they were going to get away with it. That they were going to force Congress to overturn the election by force and Donald Trump would be installed for another four years.
They thought there would be no repercussions and they wanted their 15 minutes and hero fame on social media. I especially love all the idiots who posted shit on Parler and then
tried to delete it. Unfortunately, a bot skimmer got there first and got a lot of good footage before it was deleted.
We still want D.C. destroyed. So stop it now.
Some wannabe Canadian A-hole giving us Canadians hockey fans a bad name with his stick work. Throw the book at him!
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They thought they were going to get away with it. That they were going to force Congress to overturn the election by force and Donald Trump would be installed for another four years.
They thought there would be no repercussions and they wanted their 15 minutes and hero fame on social media. I especially love all the idiots who posted shit on Parler and then
tried to delete it. Unfortunately, a bot skimmer got there first and got a lot of good footage before it was deleted.

Thankfully Parler is still dead. :)
Chris Wray and the FBI are doing an amazing job identifying and rounding up the violent insurgents. These idiots are not very bright. Posting selfies and bragging about their criminal activities on Facebook is rarely a good idea.

Did they get the guy who was attacking the DC cop with an American flag yet?

He's a FINE Trumpster.
Chris Wray and the FBI are doing an amazing job identifying and rounding up the violent insurgents. These idiots are not very bright. Posting selfies and bragging about their criminal activities on Facebook is rarely a good idea. video of the actual incident which usually means your propaganda sites are making up shit-------
Excellent, prosecute them to the same extent the rioters in the July attack on the Capitol were prosecuted.

What July attack on the Capitol? A crowd protested outside the White House and a few people tried to climb the fence. They didn't get very far. :)

Yes, the Nazis have no yesterday. The past is fluid and changes to meet party goals.

These facts will be purged from the internet shortly as the Reich rearranges reality to meet party goals.
Some wannabe Canadian A-hole giving us a band name with his stick work. Throw the book at him!

They will, they're also throwing the book at the smug asshole beating a cop with an American flag.

Chris Wray and the FBI are doing an amazing job identifying and rounding up the violent insurgents. These idiots are not very bright. Posting selfies and bragging about their criminal activities on Facebook is rarely a good idea. video of the actual incident which usually means your propaganda sites are making up shit-------

Change the channel from Fox News and you will be able to view it. video of the actual incident which usually means your propaganda sites are making up shit-------

Plenty of video TurtleBoy

The New Yorker releases shocking video of the capitol riot;


During the 12 days of production by the best talent in Hollywood, nothing was changed in the raw footage........ :eusa_whistle: video of the actual incident which usually means your propaganda sites are making up shit-------

Plenty of video TurtleBoy

Video of WHAT pumpkin? Your videos show no hockey stick guy hitting any cops anywhere. I smell BULL SHIT propaganda----------And Actually what your video shows is a bunch of pissed off citizens who know that the election was fraud doing as our founders would have wanted (atleast in part---Our founders would have brought guns and been shooting to take over and keeping the building). Most of those people acted with class and reserve in the face of a corrupt government---but watch you and the other trolls spin nonsense.

The videos show viking guy wasn't interested in the corrupt congress or trump but was playing games------and it show an ORGANIZER likely anti -fa directing the protestors in----also not a real protestor but something else.
Video of WHAT pumpkin? Your videos show no hockey stick guy hitting any cops anywhere. I smell BULL SHIT propaganda----------And Actually what your video shows is a bunch of pissed off citizens who know that the election was fraud doing as our founders would have wanted (atleast in part---Our founders would have brought guns and been shooting to take over and keeping the building). Most of those people acted with class and reserve in the face of a corrupt government---but watch you and the other trolls spin nonsense.

The videos show viking guy wasn't interested in the corrupt congress or trump but was playing games------and it show an ORGANIZER likely anti -fa directing the protestors in----also not a real protestor but something else.

You're a certifiable NUT TurtleBoy. I hope the FBI is keeping an eye on you too. In Mr Foy's case, Daddy outed him. And sorry, there were no AntiFa per the FBI, so you've only yourself and your fellow violent, insurgent Trumpettes to blame.

Father's Facebook activity helped lead authorities to Foy
The FBI identified both men after receiving tips and investigating social media activity.​
In Foy’s case, the hockey stick he carried and a Marine Corps Veteran hat were used to find him.​
The FBI began investigating Foy on Jan. 10 when it received a tip via Twitter that included a photo of a man carrying a hockey stick.​
Within a week, the FBI found other photos and videos of the man with the hockey stick.​
Investigators eventually identified the man as Foy with help from the Facebook account of his father, Joseph Foy, the FBI affidavit reads.​

Chris Wray and the FBI are doing an amazing job identifying and rounding up the violent insurgents. These idiots are not very bright. Posting selfies and bragging about their criminal activities on Facebook is rarely a good idea.

Another win for the good guys.

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