Holder Could Still Charge Wilson On Federal Charges


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
The Missouri grand jury's decision isn't binding on the Department of Justice in Washington, where outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder still could charge him.

It's possible that Wilson could still face a federal trial and a long prison sentence. That would still be the case even if he had been acquitted in a state-level court.

Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill hinted at a second bite at the apple for the government in a statement issued after the news broke, saying Missourians should 'await the conclusion of ... [an] independent investigation' being undertaken by the DOJ before passing judgment.

Read more: Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires and attack police cars in Ferguson after grand jury refuses to indict police officer in Michael Brown case Daily Mail Online
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Holder just has to get out of there!
How is it YOU get to start thread after thread but everyone elses threads get locked instantly?
The topic is different. Don't be so goddamned sensitive! So your thread got closed. BFD!

Grow fucking up!

Back to topic: Holder will have to fabricate some different witnesses to get a different conclusion. I wouldn't put anything out of bounds for that sleazy, lying, racist asshole.
How is it YOU get to start thread after thread but everyone elses threads get locked instantly?
The topic is different. Don't be so goddamned sensitive! So your thread got closed. BFD!

Grow fucking up!

Back to topic: Holder will have to fabricate some different witnesses to get a different conclusion. I wouldn't put anything out of bounds for that sleazy, lying, racist asshole.
I wasn't commenting on my thread ya ass. My thread was never intended to discuss the events of tonight but rather encourage the mods to ease up on everyone else.

It isn't going to happen. Every piece of evidence has been shared with the DOJ. The investigation is done.

What will happen is Holder will announce an investigation and that's the end of that. Isn't Holder is still investigating Zimmerman. That's how the DOJ deals with having no case. As long as they are investigating they never have to do anything else.

There is only one reason why that grand jury didn't charge Wilson with one of the five possible charges. The evidence against charges was so overwhelming that a conviction was not possible.
It isn't going to happen. Every piece of evidence has been shared with the DOJ. The investigation is done.

What will happen is Holder will announce an investigation and that's the end of that. Isn't Holder is still investigating Zimmerman. That's how the DOJ deals with having no case. As long as they are investigating they never have to do anything else.

There is only one reason why that grand jury didn't charge Wilson with one of the five possible charges. The evidence against charges was so overwhelming that a conviction was not possible.

Convictions against cops are always impossible. Until American citizens wake up to what is going on, this is going to keep happening. This particular case definitely is not an easy one, but it is just one in many that continue happening where cops are killing unarmed citizens. When cops are never found to be guilty of anything, you really have to start questioning what is going on. The case of the Beavercreek Walmart shooting is just unbelievable and defies any type of logic. If you are not familiar with the case look it up. Basically the cops killed a young black man for holding a toy gun and pointing it toward the ground. White NRA members walk into stores displaying real guns because it is their legal right, but cops kill young black men buying a toy gun, and the cops are never even charged. We are living in a very fucked up society currently.
How is it YOU get to start thread after thread but everyone elses threads get locked instantly?

Because this thread is on a new and different aspect of the story. The countless threads that were closed or merged were not new aspects of the story.
As Holder leaves his job as AG, I'm sure he leaves a "To Do "List" and on on top of that list is "Get Whitey Wilson on Federal Charges"
We heard the same bullshit about federal charges after the trial of the other dead street thug Trayvon Martin ended without a conviction. But nothing ever came about due to the evidence presented at trial. And nothing will come this time either. The nearly 300 lb., 6' 4", dead thug was the author of his own misfortune. Nice job dumbshit giant.
If Holder does that it will make it look like the Obama administration has no confidence in the judicial system. It will also look vindictive. I can however see the family filing a wrongful death lawsuit. I don't think they'll win but it's their option none the less.
Holder needs to be charged and jailed.
And castrated so he can't breed.
Don't worry about Holder ever 'breeding'. He's as queer as a three dollar bill.
McCullough made a special point of telling everyone last night that Holder had been given every scrap of information his office has.
That was basically saying: "We have cooperated 100% with the DOJ. We couldn't find anything to charge Wilson with and the DOJ, as much as Holder would have loved to charge Wilson with even picking his nose in public couldn't even fabricate anything.
Holder has nothing. Holder will soon wander off to the 'Chicagoland' steam baths where BOBO found him.
If Holder does that it will make it look like the Obama administration has no confidence in the judicial system. It will also look vindictive. I can however see the family filing a wrongful death lawsuit. I don't think they'll win but it's their option none the less.
Obama is encouraging lawlessness.

He's just assuring job security after he's gone from Washington.

He can spend the rest of his days acting like he cares about the black community while using them as pawns as a community-organiser.

There's plenty of cash in fomenting hatred.
The Missouri grand jury's decision isn't binding on the Department of Justice in Washington, where outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder still could charge him.

It's possible that Wilson could still face a federal trial and a long prison sentence. That would still be the case even if he had been acquitted in a state-level court.

Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill hinted at a second bite at the apple for the government in a statement issued after the news broke, saying Missourians should 'await the conclusion of ... [an] independent investigation' being undertaken by the DOJ before passing judgment.

Read more: Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires and attack police cars in Ferguson after grand jury refuses to indict police officer in Michael Brown case Daily Mail Online
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Holder just has to get out of there!

It will never happen.
Yes, the Feds could charge Wilson.

They could charge you for something.

They won't charge Wilson.
The Missouri grand jury's decision isn't binding on the Department of Justice in Washington, where outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder still could charge him.

It's possible that Wilson could still face a federal trial and a long prison sentence. That would still be the case even if he had been acquitted in a state-level court.

Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill hinted at a second bite at the apple for the government in a statement issued after the news broke, saying Missourians should 'await the conclusion of ... [an] independent investigation' being undertaken by the DOJ before passing judgment.

Read more: Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires and attack police cars in Ferguson after grand jury refuses to indict police officer in Michael Brown case Daily Mail Online
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Holder just has to get out of there!

yeah good luck with that

doesnt matter which court

the evidence remains the same
If Holder does that it will make it look like the Obama administration has no confidence in the judicial system. It will also look vindictive. I can however see the family filing a wrongful death lawsuit. I don't think they'll win but it's their option none the less.
Holder will periodically announce that the investigation is on-going. Just like he has done with Zimmerman. He's doing nothing because there is nothing he can do.

I doubt that the family will file any sort of wrongful death lawsuit since Brown was engaged in the commission of a crime when he was killed.

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