Holder lied.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Well Holder is no longer denying the emails about Fast and the Furious. Now he claims the emails were about operation Wide Receiver. I would also like to point out his elitist mind set.

Holder: The email that you just read, now this is important, that email referred to Wide Receiver. It did not refer to Fast and Furious. That has to be noted for the record.

During the Congressional hearings this was the asked of him by Rep. Charset
Charset: No, it doesn't. It says Fast and Furious. 'Do you think we should try to have Lanny participate in press when Fast and Furious and Laura's Tucson case are unsealed?' It's specific to Fast and Furious. That is not true, Mr. Attorney General. I'm happy to share it with you.

Holder: The Laura Tucson case refers to Wide Receiver --

Chaffetz: It says Fast and Furious. We'll let the media have it and it'll play out there.

Holder: Laura Duffy was not involved -- Laura was not involved in Fast and Furious.

Chaffetz: The email says 'Fast and Furious,' you say it doesn't I've got it in black and white.

Holder: I've got superior knowledge.
Holder: Emails With "Fast & Furious" Have Nothing To Do With Operation | RealClearPolitics
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

uh there is no moral equivalence. We can discuss Iraq ALL day long sweetie.
Letting guns go out of the country into know criminals to then kill your own people is not SOP.
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!! Can "anyone" on the LEFT EVER take responsibility for the actions of their peers? Just once? Ever? Who am I kidding?... Trying to tie Bush to "fast and furious" is complete LUNACY!!!! I find it ABSOLUTELY UNNERVING that there are people in this Country that really believe this sort of crap. There is rampant Mental Illness running amok, and people are more concerned with who the hell is "dancing with the stars". Disturbing.
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

We had cause Beli to Invade Iraq. Just for his failure to live up to his deal to end the first war. But that was not all we had. he had weapons which were moved probably to Syria.

But more damning is the information we discovered after the invasion. Documents that prove we were right. Saddam maintained the team and equipment to return to working on nuclear biological and chemical weapons as soon as France Russia and China managed to lift the UN embargo. His entire plan was to get the embargo lifted return to mass production of chemical weapons return to research on biological and nuclear weapons and to dominate the middle east. ALL PROVEN with captured documents. ALL proving Bush was right when he said Saddam was a problem that not only was not going away but was going to be worse in the future.
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

We had cause Beli to Invade Iraq. Just for his failure to live up to his deal to end the first war. But that was not all we had. he had weapons which were moved probably to Syria.

But more damning is the information we discovered after the invasion. Documents that prove we were right. Saddam maintained the team and equipment to return to working on nuclear biological and chemical weapons as soon as France Russia and China managed to lift the UN embargo. His entire plan was to get the embargo lifted return to mass production of chemical weapons return to research on biological and nuclear weapons and to dominate the middle east. ALL PROVEN with captured documents. ALL proving Bush was right when he said Saddam was a problem that not only was not going away but was going to be worse in the future.

I think you meant 'Casus belli'?
Holder needs to learn that he can't talk to all of us as if we're idiot Obama supporters who will believe anything they say.

'Do you think we should try to have Lanny participate in press when Fast and Furious and Laura's Tucson case are unsealed?'

Email talked about Fast and Furious and Laura's Tucson case (aka Wide Receiver). Can't be much clearer. They knew this would be made public and they were panicking. Holder hasn't been cooperative in the investigation and now he's just going to lie. He needs to resign. I hope he is charged when the investigation is complete.
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

uh there is no moral equivalence. We can discuss Iraq ALL day long sweetie.
Letting guns go out of the country into know criminals to then kill your own people is not SOP.

yeah, because we sell guns to people who kill others in our country every day, but we do not invade sovereign countries based on lies every day. So how long before the guns they sold actually get the innocent body count our foreign invasions get?
Maybe Holder was trained by the previous administration who invaded a sovereign foreign country and killed thousands of innocent people based on complete fabrications. This administration is at least smart enough to sell or give people arms before invading them (see libya).

In the end noticing any government official of either party lying is like noticing we breath air. Just FYI you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips move.

uh there is no moral equivalence. We can discuss Iraq ALL day long sweetie.
Letting guns go out of the country into know criminals to then kill your own people is not SOP.

yeah, because we sell guns to people who kill others in our country every day, but we do not invade sovereign countries based on lies every day. So how long before the guns they sold actually get the innocent body count our foreign invasions get?

3 Congressional Investigations stated that no one lied. The fact that every western nations intel agreed with ours tells us no one lied. You have had 9 years to come up with proof anyone lied. You have failed repeatedly. Repeating the same tired lie does not somehow make it true.

Further captured documents prove Bush was right Saddam was a threat that was only gonna get worse.
Darrell Issa: Eric Holder contempt decision ?soon? - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

This isn’t the first deadline suggested by Republican lawmakers. Rep. Trey Gowdy, also a member of the Oversight Committee, had previously threatened that Holder’s refusal to fully comply with a subpoena by May 28 would trigger contempt proceedings.

they should either put up or shut up.

They won't do anything.

Once you remove the fangs from the snake he can't hurt you anymore. Holder is the fangs of the obama snake.

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