Holder on The Law: It Doesn't Matter To Me


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In a not so surprising move, Holder moved today asking a federal court to order Texas to require "pre-approval" from the Federal Government before making any changes to its voting laws. This is in spite of a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling this past June striking down a key provision which at the time of its implementation, singled out states with a history of profiling voters based on race. That part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was ruled unconstitutional.

Well, it's official, our Attorney General thinks that the law has no bearing on his behavior.

In a move that drew the ire of Texas officials, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday the Justice Department will ask a San Antonio-based federal court to force Texas to get permission from the federal government before it can make any additional changes to its voting and election laws.

The challenge to Texas' authority comes after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act. The high court’s 5-4 decision invalidated a rule that singled out certain states, like Texas and North Carolina, and forced them to get Justice Department approval before changing their election rules.

The Voting Rights Act was a major turning point in black Americans’ struggle for equal rights and political power. The court did not unravel the law itself, but questioned the validity of the allegedly outdated criteria used to select which states would be singled out.

Holder takes on Texas over voting laws after court ruling | Fox News
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illinois virginia(they redid theirs too) the panthers oppressing voters. he does not give a shit about any of that.
racist oiece of shit.
the raxist divider and chiefs admin. strikes again!
No he isn't. He knows Obama has a Presidential Pardon form on his desk with Holder's name on it. All Holder has to do is be the lightning rod and fall on his sword if it comes down to it. Fast & Furious is proof enough of that.
WOW. Just wow.

this piece of shit a.k.a AJ is really walking the thin line


What thin line? He kinda fell off that thin line with F and F.

This is just part of his fall to the ground.

well, going against the Supreme Court ruling is a precedent by itself. Plus Texas is a unique state in the Union....
No he isn't. He knows Obama has a Presidential Pardon form on his desk with Holder's name on it. All Holder has to do is be the lightning rod and fall on his sword if it comes down to it. Fast & Furious is proof enough of that.

the precedent is much bigger than this shitty persona. it's not about his responsibility
I just listen to his latest speech.

He's blaming the Court Ruling on Republican money.

WOW. Just wow.

this piece of shit a.k.a AJ is really walking the thin line


What thin line? He kinda fell off that thin line with F and F.

This is just part of his fall to the ground.

well, going against the Supreme Court ruling is a precedent by itself. Plus Texas is a unique state in the Union....

Yes indeed. It can become it's own country if need be.
No it can't. They tried that between 1861 and 1865 on the battlefield and after that in the courts and got slapped down both times, treaty be damned.

The US is like the mob. You become a made man and you're in for life.
It is interesting that in spite of the multitude of serious and damaging crimes perpetrated by members of the previous administration and by hundreds of bankers and Wall Street operatives the only time we hear from this wooden indian is about civil rights issues. That observation makes it inescapably obvious why trusting Barack Obama and allowing him to rise to the Presidency was a bad mistake.

The security and stability of the Nation cannot be superseded by the racial concerns of the Chief Executive and his cabinet.
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No it can't. They tried that between 1861 and 1865 on the battlefield and after that in the courts and got slapped down both times, treaty be damned.

The US is like the mob. You become a made man and you're in for life.

well, it is not 1861 or 1865 anymore.

I am not saying that Texas is willing to go this way, but it might be a push from obamoids specifically in order to start the inside turmoil in the country.
This clique has to have a civil unrest otherwise they won't have the reason to implement the martial law in their quest to stay in power.
Combining this with their push for "Racial Justice" is just them continuing their need to have racial strife in this country to get more power.

They don't care about the people.. Only the power they can get.
The law was passed. Groups of citizens in Texas file suit. Holder files a statement of interest in support of those group.

All within the legal framework.
What is so wrong with a ID? We're all equal, right?
I am in favor of a forgery-proof biometric, addressable Citizen ID card. Every citizen should be required to have one. It would effectively eliminate illegal immigration and simplify the voting process.

Why don't we have such a card? Because it would eliminate illegal immigration, an action which would oppose the interests of those who profit from the labor of illegals and who bribe legislators.
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Holder doesn't care one iota of the law. As long as he has Obama backing him up, he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and no one can stop him.

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