Holder Wants Secret Meeting to Discuss Freedom of the Press


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Holder wants to talk to the media in a secret meeting. Only he could think it's okay to discuss freedom of the press as long as the press keeps the meeting unofficial and off the record.

The AP and Huffpo are just a few who rejected the invitation. The ever-faithful Politico will be there, but then they are still lapdogs and they haven't been spied on by the DOJ, at least not that we know.

Personally, I think they are going to get read the riot act for their sudden turnaround when it comes to actually reporting facts. It must be upsetting for the administration that the media didn't remain in the usual spin cycle when all the latest scandals surfaced. I don't think the media is really turning on him, but this was just too big to keep a lid on and they had no choice. Of course, spying on the AP and others didn't exactly strengthen the relationship between the Obama administration and their formerly state-controlled media.

Holder is likely calling the meeting for damage control. Too many facts are out there and that makes them look really bad. Even the ACLU chimed in and they support those in the media who plan to boycott the meeting. I guess not everyone likes being controlled and they really do believe in freedom of the press. I was beginning to think they forgot what that was.

Politics: Mainstream media not interested in secret meetings with Holder? | CainTV
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From what I have been reading, quite a few have already told him to GO TO HELL..

too bad it took this for them to finally vet these people in this vicious administration
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From what I read virtually every outlet invited declined with exception to MSNBC. (yet)
Hell - even Huffingtpost declined!!
This whole administration is one big study in irony, paradox, and oxymoron.

the worse I have lived under for the abuse of their power..
that must be that HOPE AND CHANGE thing they were selling..HOPE the hell you aren't on their enemy list or CHANGE your address if you are
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I thought that Obama might throw Holder under the bus, but I guess they feel they haven't exhausted all options yet. This is the last desperate attempt to control the flow of information to the public. I was hoping that the turnaround in the media signaled a permanent change in the way they will report on the Obama administration, but I bet it's just a tiff and they'll kiss and make up soon.

For now, the media has no choice but to cover the news or lose all credibility. As much as they love Obama, they cherish their ratings even more and they do need to survive after Obama leaves office so they can't risk everything to save Holder and others in the administration. Many of the media outlets have had dismal ratings and FOX picked up viewers after the Boston bombing. Maybe the media is just being more competitive now to keep viewers from abandoning them completely.
From what I have been reading, quite a few have already told him to GO TO HELL..

too bad it took this for them to finally vet these people in this vicious administration

I don't know that they are vetting them, but just pissed because they feel betrayed. The media needs to do what is in their best interest and right now they are more worried about how they are perceived by the public than they are about covering Holder's sorry ass.

They know this meeting isn't on the up and up or it wouldn't be off the record. Holder is letting the media know he has something to say (threat??) and he doesn't want what goes on in the meeting to be a matter of public record.

I think it was a mistake for Holder to do this because it is backfiring something fierce.
I don't understand how it could be secret since no doubt he'd have tape recorded it.

It was only supposed to be secret from the public, but the media didn't play along after they got the invitation.

Where are the liberals? I figured they'd be here by now defending Holder and saying there is nothing here to see. Maybe they are quiet because all their trusted sources more or less told Holder to go piss up a rope and they aren't going to his stupid meeting.
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