Holiday Season (October-December): Blood Pressure/Cholesterol


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Americans might consider how consumerism and time periods of symbolic consumerism require more social consciousness regarding health and lifestyle-advice.

We can't celebrate seasonal films like Halloweentown without thinking about what the Surgeon General has to say about TrumpUSA!


Americans prepare every October-December for the harvest and holiday seasons/festivals. Halloween (October), Thanksgiving (November), and Christmas (December) marks the latter part of each year, and people stuff themselves with food and buy gifts and toys. It's a high-point for consumerism and hospitality, and sometimes it creates a great deal of social stress.


A Thanksgiving hostess preparing a nice hearty meal for family/friends finds herself in a chef's outfit and planning a dinner-presentation that is both festive, symbolic, and nutritious. Food is the hallmark of the October-December period, and pumpkin pie, turkey, ham, and cranberry sauce are just some of the delicacies enjoyed by celebrating peoples. Consumption is on everyone's mind and so is cholesterol and health and blood pressure. How we feel is as important as how we celebrate.


A Thanksgiving meal may be extraordinarily lavish or very zesty and straightforward. Either way, there may be items on the table that are rich in flavor and high in calories. The pressure of reuniting with friends/family adds to the mental/emotional stress, as we liberally drink beer/wine/ale/cider. Blood pressure and cholesterol are therefore key 'topics.'


A historian might tell you that the harvest-season in the autumn extending through Christmas finds Americans engaging in hospitality-rituals, costume-wearing, and ritualistic eating. Kids go trick-or-treating, and parents watch hours of college football and NFL football on Saturdays and Sundays. Television ratings and box-office sales go through the roof, and basic health and hygiene are therefore obviously central.


A major American TV network might air a classic/iconic holiday-season program such as A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving or The Night they Saved Christmas and QVC will feature signature holiday-decorations, dishes, dinnerware, consumer electronics, fashions, and other gifts/goodies for ravenous consumers. It's a time of great Americana fare. How we tell our kids about the value of social hygiene, manners, dietary-wisdom, and health-tips imprints on them our perspective on overall civilization intelligence. Doctors and nurses are therefore the 'angels' of this time of the year!


A prison/jail will offer the inmates more festive and tasty specially-prepared holiday-season/Christmas and Thanksgiving meals and perhaps even offer Halloween pumpkin pie. The inmates become conscious of the prioritization of prison-upkeep and maintenance/management, and this civics-investment obviously symbolizes a larger macro-focus on societal welfare. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is therefore obviously expectedly busy during this time of the year.


As kids go back to school and college freshman begin their higher-education experience every September, parents at home plan for the October-December season and want their sons/daughters to feel well-fed and well-provided for as they study and play. Hollywood (USA) movies might present the societal trends and moods of the time and/or present iconic events in American history that reveal our country's interests in civics, customs, care, and of course cholesterol.


As you decorate your house this October-December, consider how you're treating your inner-selves (your bodies!) as well. Are you drinking as much water as you are consuming beer/alcohol? Are you getting exercise while ingesting and consuming large amounts of food (e.g., baked potatoes, apple pies, chicken nuggets, cider, etc.)? Balancing festivity with lifestyle helps a person, arguably especially an American, maintain good vital signs and keep a normal blood pressure level and cholesterol/calorie count. Be merry, drink, travel on, and stay well...


As many Halloween decorations are orange-colored, and Thanksgiving ornaments are orange-colored too, you might consider an orange-colored Christmas tree this December. Such a sign of 'awareness' of this symbolic and 'linked' October-December period can help you keep 'mental notes' or tabs on what you're doing and how you're living throughout this season of spirits, folklore, cider, turkey, beer, and candy.


A doctor might remind you of the value of remembering the omens of poor health and blood pressure neglect and present you with a Halloween-sarcastic image of a deathly spook-clown meant to compel you to stop smoking cigarettes, get more exercise, and not consume too many fatty foods. Temperance helps us gauge proper customs, in other words. Should Americans therefore make the October-December period a time of great 'social care'? What would our consumerism-oriented President Donald Trump say?


October-December is therefore about hospitality and festivity balanced with health-consciousness and temperance and community values. Watch over each other and yourselves and your campfire and family-room tales and memories of this latter end of the year will be as clean as it will be cool! Good tidings...



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