Hollywood Hatchet Lady


Sep 23, 2010
When Hollywood wants to do a hatchet job they call Meryl Streep. She did one on Julia Child in Julia & Julia, and on Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Now she’s expanding her range. She’s been hired to do a hatchet job on the Second Amendment:

Movie producer Harvey Weinstein announced for the first time on Howard Stern’s radio show that he is making a full feature drama to try to destroy the National Rifle Association.

Surely, Weinstein is smart enough to know that the only way to destroy the NRA is to destroy the Second Amendment. He dared not admit that he is out to destroy the Second Amendment; so he will make it look like the NRA is the target. That’s where Meryl Streep comes in:

Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

I understand the anti-Second Amendment crowd, the parasites, the totalitarian government freakazoids, and so on, but I don’t understand why a Hollywood Jew would hop in bed with this guy:

Obama to Dems: I'll act with or without Congress
January 15, 2014 7:47 PM


The liar talked about national security but he always wanted a well-armed, well-trained, personal goon squad.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UHmecy94z-M]Obama calls for civilian paramilitary force - YouTube[/ame]​

So will Weinstein’s movie attack guns in the hands of Barack Taqiyya’s Civilian National Security Force? After all, it is funded in the Affordable Care Act:

Obama's vision becomes the law of the land

On March 23rd, 2010, the 77th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act bill, Obama signed into
law H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare. It's
a big bill to say the least. The copy that I read at frwebgate.access.gpo.gov is filled with legal
mumbo-jumbo right up until you get to section 5210. In that section there is hidden a little gem

Obama's private army, a reality. And your tax dollars will pay for it.


Emily Miller goes to the heart of the matter in her closing paragraphs:

Mr. Weinstein has been watching too many movies if he thinks the good guys find fully loaded firearms in convenient locations to use only when necessary.

Before Mr. Weinstein and Miss Streep start production of their multimillion-dollar effort to persuade Americans to give up their guns, they might want to look at the history books of what happens when you do.

MILLER: Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep new movie to make NRA ‘wish they weren’t alive’
Producer reveals secret project to Howard Stern
By Emily Miller -The Washington Times Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MILLER: Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep making movie attacking NRA - Washington Times
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Nobody listens to Hollywood's pontificating in movies. They refuse to pay good money to be told how to live.

This is only meant to attract liberals. I don't think they care all that much right now ether.
Meryl Streep plays all of her characters with precision. The Devil Wears Prada was the most recent one I have seen her in and she nailed the role of the beyond mean boss.
Meryl Streep plays all of her characters with precision. The Devil Wears Prada was the most recent one I have seen her in and she nailed the role of the beyond mean boss.

Streep is the best actress of her generation. She never does hatchet jobs. She was wonderful in the Thatcher movie and in the Julia Child movie. Whatever your issue is about the 2nd Amendment, what's Streep got to do with it?
Nobody listens to Hollywood's pontificating in movies. They refuse to pay good money to be told how to live.

This is only meant to attract liberals. I don't think they care all that much right now ether.

To mudwhistle: I don’t disagree. The harm is that Weinstein’s movie will give liberals talking points they can recite as though the crap in a movie represents universal truths.

Meryl Streep plays all of her characters with precision. The Devil Wears Prada was the most recent one I have seen her in and she nailed the role of the beyond mean boss.

To AquaAthena: I’m not much of a judge of acting ability, but I sure as hell can judge her liberalism. It stinks.

Streep is the best actress of her generation. She never does hatchet jobs. She was wonderful in the Thatcher movie and in the Julia Child movie.

To Esmeralda: Blame the plots is the kindest thing that can be said about two hatchet jobs.

Whatever your issue is about the 2nd Amendment, what's Streep got to do with it?

To Esmeralda: I don’t have a problem with the 2nd Amendment —— Streep does.

“I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”
Nobody listens to Hollywood's pontificating in movies. They refuse to pay good money to be told how to live.

This is only meant to attract liberals. I don't think they care all that much right now ether.

To mudwhistle: I don’t disagree. The harm is that Weinstein’s movie will give liberals talking points they can recite as though the crap in a movie represents universal truths.

Meryl Streep plays all of her characters with precision. The Devil Wears Prada was the most recent one I have seen her in and she nailed the role of the beyond mean boss.

To AquaAthena: I’m not much of a judge of acting ability, but I sure as hell can judge her liberalism. It stinks.

To Esmeralda: Blame the plots is the kindest thing that can be said about two hatchet jobs.

Whatever your issue is about the 2nd Amendment, what's Streep got to do with it?

To Esmeralda: I don’t have a problem with the 2nd Amendment —— Streep does.

“I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

You are quoting someone who is inserting Streep's name in his melodrama. You are assuming she is participating in his fantasy and at the same time accusing Streep of ideas she herself has not expressed. Don't you think that's kind of a stupid thing to do. Why don't you wait to see what she says about it?
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You are quoting someone who is inserting Streep's name in his melodrama. You are assuming she is participating in his fantasy and at the same time accusing Streep of ideas she herself has not expressed. Don't you think that's kind of a stupid thing to do. Why don't you wait to see what she says about it?

To Esmeralda: The fact that the 2nd Amendment is the real target says it all. Weinstein would not have used her name the way he did if she disagreed with him.
I caught a few talking heads discussing the Weinstein/Streep movie. Most of the talk I heard was “The NRA this” and “The NRA that.” Not a one of them mentioned the 2nd Amendment. In fact, Senator Cruz is the only one that referred to the Constitution, and his comment was not directly related to the movie under discussion. Move the cursor to 3:00:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzGRUa00mjo]Liberal Hollywood Hypocrites - YouTube[/ame]​

Are talking heads trying to con their viewers? or is Weinstein conning them? One thing is certain. Weinstein is more than a hypocrite. Let’s take it from the top.

The government only fears those guns they do not know about.

Every time a nut case kills people with a gun there is another push for registration; never confiscation. Why? Answer: Because registration is the final step before confiscation.

Registration & confiscation is the only way to disarm the American people without repealing the 2nd Amendment.

It’s all or nothing when it comes down to confiscating guns. It would be a nightmare for the government if it tipped its hand by confiscating some guns without knowing where the majority of guns are located.

Never, never, never put your name on a membership list of gun owners of any kind. The government already has every such list. The instant you join the NRA, a gun club, a neighborhood watch, or anything else that connects you to your gun, the government simply adds your name to the list it already has.

The Weinstein/Streep movie is hoping to stampede gun owners into joining the NRA. That will tell that smart ass Hollywood producer where to get off. Some might call it cutting off your nose to spite your face.

There are tens of millions of guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans the government does not know about. Even if two million gun owners join the NRA as a way of protesting the movie’s message, that’s two million more names than the government had before the movie was announced.

Bottom line: Weinstein’s movie is a devious recruiting drive for the NRA; i.e., increasing the NRA’s membership in order to identify more gun owners. There is no other reason for attacking the NRA.

Finally, I am a big fan of the NRA. When I want to help the NRA defend the 2nd Amendment I do it with an anonymous donation.
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Meryl Streep plays all of her characters with precision. The Devil Wears Prada was the most recent one I have seen her in and she nailed the role of the beyond mean boss.

Streep is a terrific actress. I have enjoyed all her films.
Bottom line: Weinstein’s movie is a devious recruiting drive for the NRA; i.e., increasing the NRA’s membership in order to identify more gun owners.

This is the exact reaction Weinstein AND THE GOVERNMENT seek:

“I hope it motivates many of those millions to join the NRA. Every gun owner should be a member and support the 2nd amendment against these Marxist radicals,” another commented.

Harvey Weinstein, Meryl Streep target NRA in 'The Senator's Wife'
Date January 17, 2014
Roger Ma

Harvey Weinstein, Meryl Streep target NRA in 'The Senator's Wife'

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