Holocaust never happened

The Victor gets to write history so I would be shocked if there where not some inaccuracys in the readers digest historical version of events but its not all that relevant regardless of details NAZIS still suck
Is the Holocaust a Hoax? YUP, READ HERE:

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?
I wonder what hate site this mentally disturbed poster got that from. As you can see, one hate site publishing this is as follows, and I am sure there are plenty more.

Is the Holocaust a Hoax? - Vanguard News Network Forum
vnnforum.com › News & Discussion › This Just InCached
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15 posts - 11 authors - May 3, 2011
Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax.

National Vanguard | Southern Poverty Law Center
Southern Poverty Law Center › Get Informed › Intelligence Files › GroupsCached
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Formed in 2005 by longtime activist Kevin Strom, National Vanguard was a breakaway group from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, the most dominant neo-Nazi ...
BSbreed is a fuckstain.

No. A shitstain.

Seriously, fuck yourself you motherfucker.

You are a diseased rat twat.

Just sayin'
Is the Holocaust a Hoax? YUP, READ HERE:

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?

You are a hoax........

if morons would fly..... sky would be black.

if morons would fly ? dont you mean could and are you trying to say morons are black ??...

No way..... they say if pigs could fly.... I say if morons could fly..... what a moronic OP.

What a ridiculous OP

I say those guys the youtube...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrZ0qqVXm34]Flying Morons - YouTube[/ame]
if morons would fly ? dont you mean could and are you trying to say morons are black ??...

No way..... they say if pigs could fly.... I say if morons could fly..... what a moronic OP.

What a ridiculous OP

I say those guys the youtube...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrZ0qqVXm34]Flying Morons - YouTube[/ame]

Are those two children Holocaust deniers as well? They are flying morons after all.
Obviously you've never seen the PBS program The War by Ken Burns...

... where our veterans who were soldiers at the time...

... speak of their entry into the concentration/crematory camps...

... ignorance is such bliss, isn't it?
Obviously you've never seen the PBS program The War by Ken Burns...


PBS? the Big Bird?

Nope hundreds of us dont watch that

Get outta here :eusa_shifty:

PBS also airs Curious George...and his own special message about the Holocaust


and George's lessons in denial....with pictures for those moronic deniers who have trouble reading


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