Holy Moly: Hannity: 901 Cuomo: 362 Maddow: 663. Hannity: 4.154 Cuomo: 1.061 Maddow: 3.044


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Wow, check out the ratings for Thursday. Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham are absolutely lighting it up. CNN is falling off the map, you have to look at the full stats to appreciate it. I bet Fridays rating were even better.

I look at this as a shift in the public. Americans/Independents growing tired of the same old, constant berating of "Trump is bad" day in and day out, night after night, hour after hour. It quite frankly has worn down people, while their lives have actually improved, people are happier they hear this constant fear mongering.

So Independents and others looking to understand "the other side" say "let me put on Fox News, something is amiss here. I am happier, my job is better, getting bonuses, but yet, my people are telling me the sky is falling. Doesn't make sense"

Ironically, I saw that Rand Paul was on The View, the radical left The View! Trumps surrogates are expanding his reach. He is talking about justice reform, he's opening up the markets, he's getting govt out of your business, he's holding govt/people accountable. He's a Libertarian Conservative, and I love it!

SO glad he went this way rather than to the far right, no disrespect to the far right, but I am more in line with some balance.

Scoreboard: Thursday, February 1
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.
MSNBC is the liberal version of Faux.
Just maybe John Q Public has grown tired of the constant stream of misinformation spewed from the bowels of mainstream media. The DNC's political media arm played their hand and in the process disclosed that they are nothing more than political operatives willing to sacrifice truth and honesty in journalism to further their cause.
Old School says Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Here is the thing to realize about people on the left like this clown. They blame the people who watch the news, while those on the right the news outlets themselves.

It's very telling on their state of maturity, akin to a three-year-old who says, believe like I do or you're a poopie head.

Just sit back and read them when they post. The elitism just oozes out of their pores as they denigrate whole populations. Then they can't understand how Trump was elected.
Just a case of Conservatives getting all their news from one source and liberals watching multiple sources

Anyone who watches Hannity is a certifiable moron
You know, I watch a lot of different news sources, and all for different reasons.

When I watch FOX? I'm checking out what the Trump supporters are saying and what they are thinking.

When I watch MSNBC? I'm checking out what the liberals are saying about Trump.

When I watch CNN? Well, it's kinda in between FOX and MSNBC, but they are still biased towards the left.

CNN's Headline News is a good place to find out about things going on in the world that have little to do with politics.

If I want to see what is going on overall with the world? I'll watch BBC News and BBC America. They seem to have the least bias of all the major news networks.

However....................there is a new source that I've been checking out for the past 6 months or so, and that is VICE News on HBO. It comes on at 1730 CST, Monday through Friday, and they have the least amount of bias of all the news places I've seen. They report the story, tell you both sides, and let you make up your own mind.
You know, I watch a lot of different news sources, and all for different reasons.

When I watch FOX? I'm checking out what the Trump supporters are saying and what they are thinking.

When I watch MSNBC? I'm checking out what the liberals are saying about Trump.

When I watch CNN? Well, it's kinda in between FOX and MSNBC, but they are still biased towards the left.

CNN's Headline News is a good place to find out about things going on in the world that have little to do with politics.

If I want to see what is going on overall with the world? I'll watch BBC News and BBC America. They seem to have the least bias of all the major news networks.

However....................there is a new source that I've been checking out for the past 6 months or so, and that is VICE News on HBO. It comes on at 1730 CST, Monday through Friday, and they have the least amount of bias of all the news places I've seen. They report the story, tell you both sides, and let you make up your own mind.

VICE dared to go after the abusive RCMP and they were laid into hard with trumped up arrests, a push to get them off mainstram cable Rogers (which succeeded), and, as I recall a raid on their HQ.

This is Canada though, where diversity of thought, speech and opinion is not allowed. One must always bow to the Queen and those who force "order" but no "law".
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.

If you don't get FNC, go to the crtc website and ask why you don't get it.

I had epic battles with a crtc government drone there called Forest Green , back in 2003.

Ended up getting FNC.
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.

If you don't get FNC, go to the crtc website and ask why you don't get it.

I had epic battles with a crtc government drone there called Forest Green , back in 2003.

Ended up getting FNC.

Really? I want it part of my bloody basic package. I get 900 channels, probably 250-300 individual channels, and I see Fox News but its not part of my Rogers package. I don't get it. I even get MSNBC, BBC, but no Fox unless I imagine I pay additional for it.

So, technically I think it's a Rogers Cable issue, but, the CRTC gives me full access to CNN, channel 33 at that, not 502 or something. Way ahead of many Canadian content based stations even.

Here is something else I have noticed, CNN and CBC are sharing headlines on stories. For instance, with the Trump release of this memo recently both carried the memo "Trump looking to use memo to undermine Mueller investigation" or whatever it was. Why are they sharing the exact same headline and story content? Canada is mirroring CNN's coverage. State run CBC and CNN? Why?
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.
MSNBC is the liberal version of Faux.
Because they have to spend all their time shooting down Fox bs...

Don't get me wrong CNN MSNBC and fox all suck as far as news goes. A never-ending gab Festival. It's a disgrace, Al Jazeera has more foreign offices and reporters then all our media combined... All the news is on the crawl.
Faux always has higher ratings as the GOP has succeeded at herding their sheep efficiently into just one single news/propaganda source.

I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX.

I think it's more important to keep an eye on the crazy people than listen to people who already agree with me.

I watch CNN a great deal, more than any other network since I dont get Fox and have to watch from their site. However I cannot stomach much MSNBC. I feel like I'm literally watching some old East German propaganda state run network, and it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm not going to suggest that all news doesn't do the same, they have their target market to appease and find same mindedness with but MSNBC is an entirely different animal. It's like watching the old East German videos I've seen on youtube in which the state bring out two good looking adults and have them dance to the polka while telling them "this is the hot new dance move everyone is doing!" Who are they fooling? It sure isn't me.

If you don't get FNC, go to the crtc website and ask why you don't get it.

I had epic battles with a crtc government drone there called Forest Green , back in 2003.

Ended up getting FNC.

Really? I want it part of my bloody basic package. I get 900 channels, probably 250-300 individual channels, and I see Fox News but its not part of my Rogers package. I don't get it. I even get MSNBC, BBC, but no Fox unless I imagine I pay additional for it.

So, technically I think it's a Rogers Cable issue, but, the CRTC gives me full access to CNN, channel 33 at that, not 502 or something. Way ahead of many Canadian content based stations even.

Here is something else I have noticed, CNN and CBC are sharing headlines on stories. For instance, with the Trump release of this memo recently both carried the memo "Trump looking to use memo to undermine Mueller investigation" or whatever it was. Why are they sharing the exact same headline and story content? Canada is mirroring CNN's coverage. State run CBC and CNN? Why?
The entire world disagrees with your stupid GOP bubble of BS, super dupe LOL

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