If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving

Age is nothing but a number. Many people Biden's age are sharp as a tack. Then there are others, like Biden, who need to be living in a nursing home.
Those that are sharp as a tack at 80 are the exception. At 80, decline can happen quickly.
Almost everyone has cognitive and physical decline in their 70's and beyond. Some much more than others
The worst thing a person can do, for themself and those around them, is not accept and deal with those declines in an honest way. It is not easy to do.
But for the good of all. You need to.
There is nothing worse than some dude hits his 70's and cannot handle he is getting older.
They go out and buy a hot new car, they get a hot new wife and they start running marathons to prove there is no physical decline.
The hot car, the hot young wife or the marathon will kill them before age will.
Somehow the real issue about mental ability seems to be deflected by an argument about age. Some 80 year old's are mentally astute and some, like Biden, have been in decline for years. If the Founding Fathers were negligent or mistaken about anything it was the assumption that the media would remain honest about the mental condition of a candidate and not become the propaganda arm of a particular party. In a just world every sorry assed political pundit who lied to America about Biden's mental condition would be fired.
The media that lied about Trump's mental acusity, the media that that espouses false conspiracy theories, the media that sell opinion as fact, the media that reports what will get them more viewers regardless of truth ARE A HUGE PROBLEM TODAY.
Those that are sharp as a tack at 80 are the exception. At 80, decline can happen quickly.
Almost everyone has cognitive and physical decline in their 70's and beyond. Some much more than others
The worst thing a person can do, for themself and those around them, is not accept and deal with those declines in an honest way. It is not easy to do.
But for the good of all. You need to.
There is nothing worse than some dude hits his 70's and cannot handle he is getting older.
They go out and buy a hot new car, they get a hot new wife and they start running marathons to prove there is no physical decline.
The hot car, the hot young wife or the marathon will kill them before age will.
I actually deal with a lot of senior citizens in my line of work and I can tell you that there are MANY who are sharp as a tack at Biden's age. Yes, if something happens you can go downhill fast but there are still MANY who are sharp as a tack. It is up to the voters to decide if someone is too old or not.

The trouble with Biden is the democrats and the DNC and their lefty media conspired to defraud the American people about Biden's condition and they wouldn't even allow Biden to have any competition in the primaries where it could have been weeded out. They could have allowed a fair environment and debates in the primaries and they would not have been in the predicament they find themselves in now.

They also tried to pull a fast one on Trump by proposing unfair and biased debates and moderators hoping that Trump would turn down the debates and they could use that against him. But, Trump outsmarted them and readily accepting the unfair and biased debates and their moderators because he knew it would expose Biden to the world and it did.
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The media that lied about Trump's mental acusity, the media that that espouses false conspiracy theories, the media that sell opinion as fact, the media that reports what will get them more viewers regardless of truth ARE A HUGE PROBLEM TODAY.
The NYT and WAPO used to be the major sources of information available to the American public. Add the A.P. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC PBS CNN MSN and others. What happens when it is revealed that they had all been engaged in the big lie and the coverup of the Biden administration?
Those that are sharp as a tack at 80 are the exception. At 80, decline can happen quickly.
Almost everyone has cognitive and physical decline in their 70's and beyond. Some much more than others
The worst thing a person can do, for themself and those around them, is not accept and deal with those declines in an honest way. It is not easy to do.
But for the good of all. You need to.
There is nothing worse than some dude hits his 70's and cannot handle he is getting older.
They go out and buy a hot new car, they get a hot new wife and they start running marathons to prove there is no physical decline.
The hot car, the hot young wife or the marathon will kill them before age will.
Damn, hot car, hot wife, what a fawking way to go, Seems this dude has it figured out.
The first freedom the Founding Fathers addressed was the freedom of the press. They knew a free press was essential for an informed voting public but what happens when the free press becomes biased and bigoted and downright anti-American? God bless 'em, the FF never foresaw the day when the media would betray the American people in order to keep a crooked regime in power.
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..

Nary a peep outa your inept commee mouth in 2020 when you and your butt-buddies were warned and informed about your vegetable hero. Fork off, you dumb maggot.
I think they felt seperation of powers would prevent a Trump. Trump has worked for 8 years to weaken seperation of powers and it is working. Disgusting
A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.

Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."
Those riots were incited by demagogues. Inner city neighborhoods and some center city areas have been sent ack decades with the destruction. Purposely destroying their Prog areas for the almighty godless Progressive Socialist Party. Cities have many areas to live in. Living further away from the problem areas is prudent. Thinking moving into a city needs to be thought out. Trusting local politicians to not self-destruct their communities is now a question.
I think they felt seperation of powers would prevent a Trump. Trump has worked for 8 years to weaken seperation of powers and it is working. Disgusting
A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.

Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."
The president who needed to be held back was FDR. FDR holds the record for most times elected as president. He also took an axe to the Supreme court in his plans. But at least he did not get away doing that crap.
The NYT and WAPO used to be the major sources of information available to the American public. Add the A.P. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC PBS CNN MSN and others. What happens when it is revealed that they had all been engaged in the big lie and the coverup of the Biden administration?
It will not happen. There is no deep state. All the crazy crap MAGA throws out is to increase fear in their followers to keep them loyal.
Things went wrong in the Biden administration. Some may be covered up but no crazy deep state whacko stuff tha Trump espouses to keep his minions scared and see him as the only hope. Trump is the greatest con man of all time
It will not happen. There is no deep state. All the crazy crap MAGA throws out is to increase fear in their followers to keep them loyal.
Things went wrong in the Biden administration. Some may be covered up but no crazy deep state whacko stuff tha Trump espouses to keep his minions scared and see him as the only hope. Trump is the greatest con man of all time
I rank both Lincoln and FDR as the two greatest con men this country has ever had.
Nary a peep outa your inept commee mouth in 2020 when you and your butt-buddies were warned and informed about your vegetable hero. Fork off, you dumb maggot.
You express yourself in a way that does not inspire people to think you are the sharpest tool in the box, but I think I understand what you are attempting to say.
I was not a Biden fan in 2020 but he was much better than Trump.
Those riots were incited by demagogues. Inner city neighborhoods and some center city areas have been sent ack decades with the destruction. Purposely destroying their Prog areas for the almighty godless Progressive Socialist Party. Cities have many areas to live in. Living further away from the problem areas is prudent. Thinking moving into a city needs to be thought out. Trusting local politicians to not self-destruct their communities is now a question.
You are not dealing with reality.
I rank both Lincoln and FDR as the two greatest con men this country has ever had.
We define con men in very different ways.
Lincoln freed the slaves. Are you anti-black?
FDR made changes that resulted in the government helping people like the government never had, Are you ant-Social Security
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..

The court would not have half the power it does now, and provisions would be put in that Congress can over ride any decision by the courts.

There would be a provision forbidding the Senate from being able to make a rule for the filibuster, and that the majority wins period. This way the people through the vote decide, and no minority can ever rule.

There would also be a provision that there is a guaranteed, 100% absolute right to vote that can never be restricted or taken away.

There would also be a provision prohibiting any state legislature from drawing unfair districts, that is coded in law, that no federal court could rule against.

There would also be no electoral college.
Lincoln freed the slaves. Are you anti-black?
Thanks a lot for asking. Abe entered war declaring his war against the South had nothing to do with slaves. He declared he did it to put the Union back together. Blacks do not matter at all to me. I am not anti black.
The court would not have half the power it does now, and provisions would be put in that Congress can over ride any decision by the courts.

There would be a provision forbidding the Senate from being able to make a rule for the filibuster, and that the majority wins period. This way the people through the vote decide, and no minority can ever rule.

There would also be a provision that there is a guaranteed, 100% absolute right to vote that can never be restricted or taken away.

There would also be a provision prohibiting any state legislature from drawing unfair districts, that is coded in law, that no federal court could rule against.

There would also be no electoral college.
We would have been a dictatorship.
Are you ant-Social Security
I am guilty of collecting Social Security. I say Guilty because of it, I could easily quit being a Broker where I performed great service for my clients. They lost an excellent Broker. I live now with my son. I use SS to pay him rent. He soon will also collect SS and he has a hell of a lot of money. I quit too early but at the time believed in what I did. I got mixed up with a woman who cheated. It had a dramatic impact on my life. SS by FDR created a massive debt for you all.

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