HOLY moly trump discovers covid 19 anti bodies!

The cocktail of drugs that Trump is taking uses embryonic cells. Where are the anti-abortion hypocrites now?

Wow! This is absolutely incredible! He’s giving it out for free!

But but but... He was given antibodies at the hospital. Regeneron supplied.
Holy moly the holes in the OP.

"But doctors and scientists have since pointed out that the president having detectable antibodies could be meaningless, since he was administered a very high dose of an experimental antibody treatment on Friday."


Shares of Regeneron are ripping higher Thursday in premarket trading, building on its gains from Wednesday evening, after the company submitted its COVID-19 antibody cocktail to the FDA for emergency-use approval.
The news follows President Trump's full-throated endorsement of the therapy, which the president credited for his speedy recovery, calling the treatment a "cure" for COVID-19.
Trump last night declared that he wants everyone who needs the treatment to get it, and added that the White House wants to "make it free for everyone."
Of course, Regeneron isn't the first drugmaker to file for an EUA from the FDA: Eli Lilly asked for approval for its antibody treatment, which it said had been found to reduce viral load, symptoms and hospitalizations in patients (per its extensive trial data).
As far as the prospects for approval for the cocktails submitted by Eli Lilly and Regeneron go, Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Sam Fazeli said in a note published Thursday that the FDA “should think hard” about approving Lilly’s single-antibody COVID-19 therapy and should only consider approval of its combination therapies given "the LY-CoV555 antibody alone - though also effective - is associated with development of resistant virus."
He also noted that while comparison of data from Lilly and Regeneron’s combination antibody therapies may at first suggest Lilly’s is superior, this may be explained by “substantial differences” between the trials.
Regeneron and Eli Lilly aren't the only drugmakers developing therapeutics tied to antibodies: Other companies testing antibody treatments include AstraZeneca, as well as GlaxoSmithKline and its partner Vir Biotechnology.

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