To this day , No indication as to the origin , or where Covid-19 came from?!

Bio weapon from China.... released on purpose... the only question remaining is how many Americans were in on it to get rid of Trump...
Like Fauci and Obama and Biden...
There is no doubt China developed Covid-19 just as they are developing the next generation Covid-like virus. I'm not convinced it was an intentional deployment but it came from the Wuhan Lab with NIH funding and Fauci's involvement, that is 100% certain.
Being Chinese Communists, it is not like they are viewed as the most forthcoming and honest sources of information. I go with normal stupidity, in attention to lab protocols. I think they just screwed up and, like their government culture, do not want to own up to it. I doubt we ever get a definitive answer.

They provided the genome pretty early on. They could have hidden it for a longer while. They did not.

The definitive answer thing is based on the presumption it definitely came out a lab.

With what I know, with my own admitted limited understanding of things (brutal honesty lesson much needed around here), it's all about the first reported patients. Where they were, what they were doing, ... We may get more evidence of the transmission from samples taken early on.
There are no more beings of an intelligent life posting after this post. :26:

Read more posts after this at your own risk.

Why? You may like conspiracy theories, but it is well known that conspiracy theories prime one to become a low-information citizen.

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They provided the genome pretty early on. They could have hidden it for a longer while. They did not.

The definitive answer thing is based on the presumption it definitely came out a lab.

With what I know, with my own admitted limited understanding of things (brutal honesty lesson much needed around here), it's all about the first reported patients. Where they were, what they were doing, ... We may get more evidence of the transmission from samples taken early on.
Not referred to as the Wuhan virsus for nothing, and that is coincidentally where the lab is and where the lab workers worked. Just sayin...
Of course they did... do you think they care about their population?... Don't be so stupid... a reduction in the number of people in China was part of their attraction to the idea...

Look at the fantasies you have to make up to support your other fantasies.

In what we call reality, China locked down their populace to mimimize the death toll and greatly damaged its own economy.
Not referred to as the Wuhan virsus for nothing, and that is coincidentally where the lab is and where the lab workers worked. Just sayin...

First Known Covid Case Was Vendor at Wuhan Market, Scientist Says​

A new review of early Covid-19 cases in the journal Science will revive, though certainly not settle, the debate over how the pandemic began.

links for White 6


Look at the fantasies you have to make up to support your other fantasies.

In what we call reality, China locked down their populace to mimimize the death toll and greatly damaged its own economy.
Hey its my opinion and my opinions usually turn out to be correct...
Gain of function dumbshit... fauci admitted it... but here you are showing us all your ass again...
Experts have suspected the SARS-CoV-2 virus similarly originated in bats. Researchers in China — including at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — have said the virus shares 96% of its genome with a bat virus collected by researchers in 2013 in Yunnan Province, China. (While that’s quite similar, Dr. Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa who studies coronaviruses and a pediatric infectious disease physician, told us it would be “impossible” to take such a virus and make the kind of changes required to turn it into SARS-CoV-2 in a lab. One would need a virus that’s 99.9% similar, and “in theory it might work.”)


The Facts – and Gaps – on the Origin of the Coronavirus​

Lab Leak Conjectures

Lab Escape Possible, But Unlikely

Viral Genome Almost Certainly Not Engineered


Viral Genome Almost Certainly Not Engineered

Why Wuhan?

Lack of a Clear Animal Connection?

Getting an Answer


The Facts – and Gaps – on the Origin of the Coronavirus​

Lab Leak Conjectures

Lab Escape Possible, But Unlikely

Viral Genome Almost Certainly Not Engineered


Viral Genome Almost Certainly Not Engineered

Why Wuhan?

Lack of a Clear Animal Connection?

Getting an Answer

Viral Genome Almost Certainly Not Engineered

Experts have suspected the SARS-CoV-2 virus similarly originated in bats. Researchers in China — including at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — have said the virus shares 96% of its genome with a bat virus collected by researchers in 2013 in Yunnan Province, China. (While that’s quite similar, Dr. Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa who studies coronaviruses and a pediatric infectious disease physician, told us it would be “impossible” to take such a virus and make the kind of changes required to turn it into SARS-CoV-2 in a lab. One would need a virus that’s 99.9% similar, and “in theory it might work.”)

The Wuhan lab is run by the Chinese military...

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