Holy Polaris! North Korea Just Launched A Ballistic Missile Over The Japanese Mainland

Provocative action from NK, for sure...

But I still hope cooler heads will prevail .
Japan says no debris has apparently fallen on its territory after what it calls a provocative rocket launch.
What was it that trump said he would do if NK made any more threats?
i give up.....what did he say?...
Something about fire and fury the likes of which the world hasn't seen.
He was speaking about his number twos...There is no way Trumpet is going to take on the reds, er Ruskies and Chinks...

The only adult seems to be the President, not wanting a nuclear war.

Good for him.
I posted a thread after this one, PLEASE MERGE moderators. No, Trump promised FIRE AND FURY, but let us hope his cooler side shows through.
What was it that trump said he would do if NK made any more threats?
i give up.....what did he say?...
Something about fire and fury the likes of which the world hasn't seen.

Did IT REALLY mean this ?
What was it that trump said he would do if NK made any more threats?
i give up.....what did he say?...
Something about fire and fury the likes of which the world hasn't seen.
ok so is this supposed to happen immediately or do we have time to get a snack?...
I hope we have time to go pee first. Then maybe a sammich...
yea now you are talking......
Were President Trump to try to do anything about NK aggression you can feel confident Democrats, RINOs and liberals of all stripes would do their best to tie his hands. A fair number of them have to nuked to death for the others to come to the senses. And even then......

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