Dale Smith
Platinum Member
See how lame you are...you can't comprehend the things I post about because your tiny mind cannot compute it...so you lamely attempt to castigate me and it is only mildly amusing. I have some age on me....I have been around and I have seen the incremental demise of liberty and freedom but it was only 4 years ago did I figure out how it happened and why. Live in your little thought prison...I have taken the "free thinking" route......Allodial rights will change all of that and there is nothing the subdivision gestapo can do that will change it...not even contract law. You see, I know more than you. I am fully aware that under the current fascist system that one has to comply but once we go back to private property rights, all bets are off.....get it now, dumb ass?
I got it from day one with you, conspiracy nut job that should be a lot fun watching be a moron. I must say I was 100% right.
Interesting, because I have worked within the system on a local level and created change. Real change, while you rail against the machine without the slightest change being made. Most rational people would see which of us is "comprehending".
The entire system is corrupt with no checks and balances because it was designed that way after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Only a return to common law will we be able to make the changes necessary to return to our God given liberties. I do not believe in compromises nor am I on board with only being half of a slave to this corrupt system.