Homeowner Faces Jail Time For Flying Donald Trump Flag In Yard

Americans lost Allodial rights to their property with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 which made ALL property collateral on the debt with the banking oligarchs as the real title holders and the only way to hang onto said property is to follow their acts, statutes and codes while paying a property tax. That is the only reason as to why the "state" can dictate what you can or cannot do on the property you are paying for. Once we rid ourselves of the bankers and once this unbelievable fraud is exposed, Allodial rights will be returned to the people. There is a huge movement afoot to make this happen with plenty of "white hats" within this corporate government that is helping to pave the way. People just need to wake the fuck up and snap out of their slumber. Be one of the 5 percenters that actually understands this debt slavery system. I can explain it if you have any questions. I have spent the good part of three years reading and researching this 10 to 16 hours a day. I have a very good grasp on this.
That is NOT the issue

This law is:

3-19.4 Time Posting; Removal.

a. No political sign shall be displayed sooner than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the election or the decision of the issue is scheduled.

b. Signs shall be removed within five (5) days following said election or date of decision.

(Ord. #O-07-15, S 4)


3-19.1 Definitions.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

Political sign shall mean a sign which directs attention to an issue, issues, candidate or candidates for public consideration in an election, including the name of a political party.

Property or parcel shall mean any property other than property which is publicly owned.

(Ord. #O-07-15, S 1)

The problem the Municipality has is flag is not included in definition of sign.

Here is the defintion of sign

Sign shall mean any device, structure or object for visual communication that is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereto to the attention of others, but not including any flag, badge or insignia of any public, quasi-public, civic, charitable or religious groups.

Police/Prison State. The U.S. imprisons more of its Citizens per capita, than any other nation on earth. Yes, even more than North Korea, Iran, and China. The U.S. prison population makes up a shockingly high disproportionate amount of the world's incarcerated. The stats are out there for anyone who's interested. If not, chow down on some more Freedum Fries and pretend you're still free.
Not being allowed to stick up posters sounds a bit restrictive. Why would they have that rule ?

There are probably subdivision restrictions as well. You sign these contracts prior to purchasing your home. In this case I suppose it is to create a clean looking neighborhood.
Americans lost Allodial rights to their property with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 which made ALL property collateral on the debt with the banking oligarchs as the real title holders and the only way to hang onto said property is to follow their acts, statutes and codes while paying a property tax. That is the only reason as to why the "state" can dictate what you can or cannot do on the property you are paying for. Once we rid ourselves of the bankers and once this unbelievable fraud is exposed, Allodial rights will be returned to the people. There is a huge movement afoot to make this happen with plenty of "white hats" within this corporate government that is helping to pave the way. People just need to wake the fuck up and snap out of their slumber. Be one of the 5 percenters that actually understands this debt slavery system. I can explain it if you have any questions. I have spent the good part of three years reading and researching this 10 to 16 hours a day. I have a very good grasp on this.

Stop spamming the board.
Americans lost Allodial rights to their property with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 which made ALL property collateral on the debt with the banking oligarchs as the real title holders and the only way to hang onto said property is to follow their acts, statutes and codes while paying a property tax. That is the only reason as to why the "state" can dictate what you can or cannot do on the property you are paying for. Once we rid ourselves of the bankers and once this unbelievable fraud is exposed, Allodial rights will be returned to the people. There is a huge movement afoot to make this happen with plenty of "white hats" within this corporate government that is helping to pave the way. People just need to wake the fuck up and snap out of their slumber. Be one of the 5 percenters that actually understands this debt slavery system. I can explain it if you have any questions. I have spent the good part of three years reading and researching this 10 to 16 hours a day. I have a very good grasp on this.

Up your meds. Grasping straws well is not a skill.

I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

Is that what they call it now? It looked to me like you just added LSD to your morning coffee.
Americans lost Allodial rights to their property with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 which made ALL property collateral on the debt with the banking oligarchs as the real title holders and the only way to hang onto said property is to follow their acts, statutes and codes while paying a property tax. That is the only reason as to why the "state" can dictate what you can or cannot do on the property you are paying for. Once we rid ourselves of the bankers and once this unbelievable fraud is exposed, Allodial rights will be returned to the people. There is a huge movement afoot to make this happen with plenty of "white hats" within this corporate government that is helping to pave the way. People just need to wake the fuck up and snap out of their slumber. Be one of the 5 percenters that actually understands this debt slavery system. I can explain it if you have any questions. I have spent the good part of three years reading and researching this 10 to 16 hours a day. I have a very good grasp on this.

Stop spamming the board.
Go fuck yourself. Just because it's outside of your ability to comprehend this fraud doesn't mean this hasn't happened....it has and it will only continue to get worse unless this fraud, racketeering and extortion by this corporate "gubermint" is stopped.
Roll, roll roll the joint
Pass it down the line
Take a toke and hold the smoke
Feel it blow your mind!

That must be some GOOD shit!
Up your meds. Grasping straws well is not a skill.

I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Depends upon the size of said wookchuck, his/her desire to chuck wood and the de
Up your meds. Grasping straws well is not a skill.

I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Depends upon the size of the woodchuck and his or her motivation to "chuck" and the time frame of which said wood must be thrown, the density of that wood and what proximity of feet would that wood would have to be thrown to technically be declared as being "chucked"....lots of variables, Isaac....lots of variables.

Every woodchuck would chuck as much wood as that woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Depends upon the size of said wookchuck, his/her desire to chuck wood and the de
I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Depends upon the size of the woodchuck and his or her motivation to "chuck" and the time frame of which said wood must be thrown, the density of that wood and what proximity of feet would that wood would have to be thrown to technically be declared as being "chucked"....lots of variables, Isaac....lots of variables.

Every woodchuck would chuck as much wood as that woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Dale chipmunk said he could answer the question, but no answer yet. And I'm sitting here ready to hit 'bid' on an ebay auction for a woodchuck IF they can chuck enough wood. But Dale is still collating apparently.
I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Depends upon the size of said wookchuck, his/her desire to chuck wood and the de
I know more than you....infinitely more. Go back to posting in the "Flame Zone" where the ability for critical thought is a liability. You have nothing of worth to offer here.

So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Depends upon the size of the woodchuck and his or her motivation to "chuck" and the time frame of which said wood must be thrown, the density of that wood and what proximity of feet would that wood would have to be thrown to technically be declared as being "chucked"....lots of variables, Isaac....lots of variables.

Every woodchuck would chuck as much wood as that woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I stand by my contention that there are too many variable to create even a benchmark for how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...if they indeed could or even would chuck timber....
Last edited:
So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Depends upon the size of said wookchuck, his/her desire to chuck wood and the de
So saying you 'know more' means you know more. Or anything.

What school of thought is that, the Fish Dimbaugh school of assery?

It means that I have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and thrown off the shackles of conventional thinking that your controllers depend on in order to keep compliant serfs under their thumb....any other questions? Because I have the answers.....

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Depends upon the size of the woodchuck and his or her motivation to "chuck" and the time frame of which said wood must be thrown, the density of that wood and what proximity of feet would that wood would have to be thrown to technically be declared as being "chucked"....lots of variables, Isaac....lots of variables.

Every woodchuck would chuck as much wood as that woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I stand by my contention that there are too many variable to create even a benchmark for how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...if they could indeed could or even would chuck timber....

Fair enough and honest, you can't answer the question, I won't buy a woodchuck.

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