Honor Mandela by viewing Palestine with the same moral clarity as apartheid S Africa


Sep 6, 2013
Honor Mandela by viewing Palestine with the same moral clarity as apartheid South Africa | Mondoweiss

In 1974, there was a network of blacks-only areas, known as “bantustans,” outside of which blacks were not allowed to go. These bantustans were turned into independent black mini-states, cut off from each other and denied access to the resources of the South African state. Today, the West Bank is carved up into much the same network of isolated islands, cut off from water resources, fertile lands, and each other. Those islands are surrounded by a system of segregated roadsand a network of checkpoints and walls (that we are invested in) that attempt to make their isolation permanent. Comparing the Palestinian territories in the West Bank to the bantustans from South Africa’s past, South Africa’s International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said ”the last time I saw a map of Palestine, I couldn’t go to sleep…It is just dots, smaller than those of the homelands, and that broke my heart.”

Apartheid South Africa


Aprtheid Israel/palestine


It should come as no surprise that there is a long history of South African solidarity with the Palestinian people, who like black South Africans are jailed, beaten, and killed while struggling for their own freedom. Nelson Mandela expressed his solidarity with the Palestinian struggle in simple but compelling terms. Today, Desmond Tutu actively supports the divestment campaigns of SJPs at the University of California, and Ahmed Kathrada, who spent 26 years in prison alongside Mandela, works to freePalestinian prisoners subjected to conditions he, Mandela, and many others once faced.

In the same interview in which she compared the situation in Palestine to her country’s own past, Nkoana-Mashabane declared that “the struggle of the people of Palestine is our struggle.” Today we must join her in solidarity with the Palestinian people, or else bury the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
There is very little difference between how the apartheid states of the former S. Africa and todays Israel carry out their racist policies. ... :doubt:
Not to mention that the children in our government had Mandela on the terrorist watch list until 2008.
There is very little difference between how the apartheid states of the former S. Africa and todays Israel carry out their racist policies. ... :doubt:

You don't say? Isn't it strange that one of the daughters of the present African leaders said there is no apartheid in Israel? Meanwhile, I am sure if you took a group of Black South Africans who actually lived there years ago under apartheid, they would laugh at your comments. Yessiree, the hate sites must really be pushing this apartheid thing because the posters here can't seem to get anough of it.
"Israel's top leaders will be conspicuous by their absence at Nelson Mandela's funeral, skipping a ceremony for the anti-apartheid hero world leaders are mourning and whom Palestinians have always viewed as their comrade in the struggle for freedom."

Neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor President Shimon Peres will attend the event in Johannesburg's Soccer City stadium on Tuesday, officials said on Monday, citing costs and health reasons.

Israel's top leaders to skip Mandela funeral - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

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