Hoping for Change


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Hoping for Change

Henry Oliner


There is a wave of people who were able to hold on for a longer period, who were hoping that America would reject the stifling policies that burdened their businesses. They were hoping for a change that did not come. I expect many of them to now throw in the towel.

There are many stories out there in your local papers. Some will be accused of laying off workers in an act of spite because their choice lost, but it is rare that people will intentionally lose money just to make a political point. They also know that there are a lot of regulations pending from Obamacare and other regulations that are to take effect in 2013. There is little chance that these additional regulations will be blunted.

The Hope and Change small business people desired did not occur, and we will all be poorer as a result.

Read more: Blog: Hoping for Change
Yep, folks are going to see, elections do have consequences. I know 3 guys that will likely fold up shop in the next 4-6 months that will put around 60 on the unemployment lines.

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