Hotel California Redoux - Another 1979-like Right Wing Shift?


Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
As the Eagles said, we havenā€™t had the spirit here since 1979, when the U.S. lurched from the liberalism of the New Deal and Kennedy eras, to Jimmy Carter, towards Ronald Reagan's landslide election. Several storm flags are flying:

  1. In synagogue tonight, my Rabbi, generally a woke liberal, was unbelievably firm on the issue of Hamas and Gaza. He said that saying ā€œitā€™s complicatedā€œ or ā€œis relativeā€œ is not OK;
  2. The popularity of two right wing country songs: Donā€™t Try That in a Small Town, by Jason Aldean, and Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony;
  3. The recall of a San Fransisco DA, and of a Board of Education member
During the late 1970's and recently there were similar parallel events:

  1. Watergate, the 1973 War and fear of the power of Arab Oil fueled a lurch to the left, and did the 2020 murder of George Floyd;
  2. Right-wing country music surged in popularity in 1979/80-81 with Urban Cowboy and the sudden success of WHN in the ultra-liberal NYC market;
  3. Charlie Daniels' rightward shift with "In America is similar to the aforementioned Don't Try That in a Small Town and Rich Men North of Richmond is strikingly similar to the 1979-80 country music surge.
I believe that we are at a divide in a good way similar to what happened after November 1979 with the disgust at Carter's weakness in handling the hostage crisis. Joe Biden is an even more addled version.
I suspect that the overall disgust with Biden, and the woke is penetrating. People don't like our country apologizing for itself. They like living large, and not the forced shift to glorified golf carts. This could be big.

So I called up the captain
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
They had in-person more legit Elections back in 1979. Now they just whip up or accumulate mail-in ballots and dump them in drop boxes. No one checks Signature validity. No Audits allowed. No traceability or chain of custody is clean. They keep counting for days and days until they have a clear victory. In some places its rumored they use online access to vote tabulators and switch the count.

people better wake up. We canā€™t vote our way out of this as the enemy owns the counting rooms, equipment and printers with USPS working for them. They also rig the rules. it looks nearly hopeless to me//

P.S. it may take 110million+++ legit votes to be able to swamp out the Communist corruption. maybe they canā€™t stop that many? In person? Mail-in? Ugh!
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So I called up the captain
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
Obviously, the song came out as 1976 slid into 1977. The events in question were in 1979/80 and hopefully 2023-24.
Yes. Think Thatcher in May 1979.
Ah yesā€¦.exactly.

The question is: will Democrats be able to harvest enough ballots from ignorant, gullible people to overcome the will of the people to put the breaks on wokism (and releasing money to Iran with which to fund HAMAS attacks in Israel, but I digressā€¦.) and block the return of control to the Republicans?
Ah yesā€¦.exactly.

The question is: will Democrats be able to harvest enough ballots from ignorant, gullible people to overcome the will of the people to put the breaks on wokism (and releasing money to Iran with which to fund HAMAS attacks in Israel, but I digressā€¦.) and block the return of control to the Republicans?
I am a lifelong Democrat. I am horrified by the idea that we would cheat in elections. I do think that the Republicans need to get an extra 2% of the vote to compensate for door to door canvassing or Kaddish ballots.
Hamas savages killing kids at an Israeli music festival compared to the Eagles "Hotel California" legendary hit? Do you really want to go there?

I am a lifelong Democrat. I am horrified by the idea that we would cheat in elections. I do think that the Republicans need to get an extra 2% of the vote to compensate for door to door canvassing or Kaddish ballots.
Agree, but I doubt that many people understand what you mean by Kaddish ballots.

Hint: Itā€™s a prayer we Jews say in memory of our departed.
Hamas savages killing kids at an Israeli music festival compared to the Eagles "Hotel California" legendary hit? Do you really want to go there?
The comparison is not to the song; it is to what happened, politically during the subsequent years.

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