House and Senate sessions today

Senator Hawkins (D-Iowa) just gave a passionate plea to remove a provision from the unemployment benefit extension bill, described in the article linked. This provisions shows just how far Democrats are willing to go just to get a little bit more for the people of America. Those who say that the Republicans and the Democrats are the same have no idea of the battles fought in our Congress.
An awful idea: Hammer the disabled to pay for unemployment benefits -
Someone should just point out to those senators opposed that unemployment is a virtual free lunch, since paying people not to work increases employment. Think about that for a while.
Senator Hawkins (D-Iowa) just gave a passionate plea to remove a provision from the unemployment benefit extension bill, described in the article linked. This provisions shows just how far Democrats are willing to go just to get a little bit more for the people of America. Those who say that the Republicans and the Democrats are the same have no idea of the battles fought in our Congress.
An awful idea: Hammer the disabled to pay for unemployment benefits -

The disabled social security program basically acts as a subsidy for companies who hire disabled people. The companies only need to pay them (the disabled) below minimum wage incomes and the government covers most of the rest through the disabled social security payments. The Democrat's plan wouldn't take money away from disabled would make the companies who profit off this scam pay them fairly.

I fully support Harkin's proposal.
Someone should just point out to those senators opposed that unemployment is a virtual free lunch, since paying people not to work increases employment. Think about that for a while.

If someone puts their hand on a hot oven they pull it off as fast as possible. You think for some people unemployment does not hurt. You think that a certain number of people on unemployment right now would like nothing more that to stay on employment, that being on unemployment does not hurt. What percentage do you think that is? A quarter?, half?, All?
I hope they find time for another "Repeal Obamacare" vote

I do hope so...
A bad law is a bad law....
So far we have 2 million signed up with 5 million thrown off their plan.
I know the Libs consider this another outstanding Obama achievement.
But a lot of us don't quite see it that way.
Someone should just point out to those senators opposed that unemployment is a virtual free lunch, since paying people not to work increases employment. Think about that for a while.

If someone puts their hand on a hot oven they pull it off as fast as possible. You think for some people unemployment does not hurt. You think that a certain number of people on unemployment right now would like nothing more that to stay on employment, that being on unemployment does not hurt. What percentage do you think that is? A quarter?, half?, All?

I remember listening to a radio show in NYC a while back.
The question was put to the audience.If you are currently unemployed please call the show.

Caller after caller said they weren't looking for work.
When asked why the answer was that they are receiveing checks.
When asked what would make them go out and look for work.
The answer was...When the checks stop.

The radio host Joe Crummey.The station WABC radio.
But you don't. Why not?

Because I am self-responsible. And I have enough respect for myself as to not screw over others to finance my laziness.
And because I can see the results of the 1960's-70's social programs that destroyed and condemned the largesse of an entire race to permanent dependency.
Course the Democrats would have no problem with destroying millions more into the permanent dole prison to ensure positive voting results.
Damn Republicans...they hate the poor. :cuckoo:

You're not lazy but others are?
I am not lazy. And yes, there are plenty of people that are. Point?

You say that social programs of the 1960s and 70s are to blame. Which programs are those?
All of them.
Are those same programs in effect today?
Many of them are still in effect yes. And others.

Do you believe by offering less people would do more?
Obviously if you give free money/housing/food stamps etc. to people for nothing in return - there are going to be a LARGE percentage of those people take advantage of it and therefore become dependent on it. Why are you asking this? We have the past 50 years of historical data that shows it crystal clear.

Do you do the same with you children?
Damn straight I did. Both had jobs while going to school, both were in athletics, both worked and received private scholarships. By the time my daughter started college she had $7000 in savings. She graduates this year in one of the top RT programs in the country with solid grades. All the while she is a waitress at Buca De Peppo on the weekends. She works/attends college and does three 12 hour clinicals each week.
My son is a host at the same restaurant, they both share an apartment they pay 100% of the cost for. He attends the same school (IUPUI) and is going for a BioMedical engineering degree which he will finish at Purdue. Also a top engineering school.
There is no way no how I would allow either one of them to sit on their ass and do nothing. And I sure as hell wouldn't support their ass while doing it.
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Someone should just point out to those senators opposed that unemployment is a virtual free lunch, since paying people not to work increases employment. Think about that for a while.

If someone puts their hand on a hot oven they pull it off as fast as possible. You think for some people unemployment does not hurt. You think that a certain number of people on unemployment right now would like nothing more that to stay on employment, that being on unemployment does not hurt. What percentage do you think that is? A quarter?, half?, All?

Too many. Was there a point to that post and that question?
The focus of this administration seems to be on paying people to not work.
After all Obama and Pelosi seem to think that's better for the economy.
Next on Obama's list of things to do is immigration reform.
Or let's get more democrat voters lined up bill...
Damn straight I did. Both had jobs while going to school, both were in athletics, both worked and received private scholarships. By the time my daughter started college she had $7000 in savings. She graduates this year in one of the top RT programs in the country with solid grades. All the while she is a waitress at Buca De Peppo on the weekends. She works/attends college and does three 12 hour clinicals each week.
My son is a host at the same restaurant, they both share an apartment they pay 100% of the cost for. He attends the same school (IUPUI) and is going for a BioMedical engineering degree which he will finish at Purdue. Also a top engineering school.
There is no way no how I would allow either one of them to sit on their ass and do nothing. And I sure as hell wouldn't support their ass while doing it.

And if anyone hurt you either one of your kids, not life threatening or sever assault or anything, but attacked in a way that was extremely offensive and just a bit physical, what would have done?
Someone should just point out to those senators opposed that unemployment is a virtual free lunch, since paying people not to work increases employment. Think about that for a while.

If someone puts their hand on a hot oven they pull it off as fast as possible. You think for some people unemployment does not hurt. You think that a certain number of people on unemployment right now would like nothing more that to stay on employment, that being on unemployment does not hurt. What percentage do you think that is? A quarter?, half?, All?

Too many. Was there a point to that post and that question?

I am getting to it. Patience isn't one of your strong points. :doubt: "Too many." is not the answer I was hoping for. What percentage, as in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4?
If someone puts their hand on a hot oven they pull it off as fast as possible. You think for some people unemployment does not hurt. You think that a certain number of people on unemployment right now would like nothing more that to stay on employment, that being on unemployment does not hurt. What percentage do you think that is? A quarter?, half?, All?

Too many. Was there a point to that post and that question?

I am getting to it. Patience isn't one of your strong points. :doubt: "Too many." is not the answer I was hoping for. What percentage, as in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4?

Being concise is not one of yours.
I have no fucking idea. But the true answer is "too many." Sorry if that ruins your little wet dream but not my fault, sweetheart.
Damn straight I did. Both had jobs while going to school, both were in athletics, both worked and received private scholarships. By the time my daughter started college she had $7000 in savings. She graduates this year in one of the top RT programs in the country with solid grades. All the while she is a waitress at Buca De Peppo on the weekends. She works/attends college and does three 12 hour clinicals each week.
My son is a host at the same restaurant, they both share an apartment they pay 100% of the cost for. He attends the same school (IUPUI) and is going for a BioMedical engineering degree which he will finish at Purdue. Also a top engineering school.
There is no way no how I would allow either one of them to sit on their ass and do nothing. And I sure as hell wouldn't support their ass while doing it.

And if anyone hurt you either one of your kids, not life threatening or sever assault or anything, but attacked in a way that was extremely offensive and just a bit physical, what would have done?

What? Are you drunk?
Damn straight I did. Both had jobs while going to school, both were in athletics, both worked and received private scholarships. By the time my daughter started college she had $7000 in savings. She graduates this year in one of the top RT programs in the country with solid grades. All the while she is a waitress at Buca De Peppo on the weekends. She works/attends college and does three 12 hour clinicals each week.
My son is a host at the same restaurant, they both share an apartment they pay 100% of the cost for. He attends the same school (IUPUI) and is going for a BioMedical engineering degree which he will finish at Purdue. Also a top engineering school.
There is no way no how I would allow either one of them to sit on their ass and do nothing. And I sure as hell wouldn't support their ass while doing it.

And if anyone hurt you either one of your kids, not life threatening or sever assault or anything, but attacked in a way that was extremely offensive and just a bit physical, what would have done?

What? Are you drunk?

No. Don't drink. You could either the kind who puts shield around you children so that no one will interfere with their true potential or you could be the kid that believes one should pick themselves up and dust themselves because that is just the way life is. I am not judging you at all, at least not in this instance, I just want to understand if it is "every man for themselves" or if it is a pack of wolves.
Too many. Was there a point to that post and that question?

I am getting to it. Patience isn't one of your strong points. :doubt: "Too many." is not the answer I was hoping for. What percentage, as in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4?

Being concise is not one of yours.
I have no fucking idea. But the true answer is "too many." Sorry if that ruins your little wet dream but not my fault, sweetheart.

You do ruin my wet dream but that's for another forum. 3,900 people in Iowa will be affected by the decision on the unemployment benefit extension. If you say 1 is too many than that 1 person's abuse of the 3 months of benefits outweigh the 3,899 people's real need. Likewise if you say 3,899 is too many then that 1 person's real need is not worth providing three months of benefits for those who would abuse the unemployment benefits. There is, in all of this, the actual number of people who would waste the 3 months of extra benefits. Even more than that there is the range of numbers which you would believe is the actual number of people who would abuse the 3 month extension of unemployment benefits. Add to that the sources from which you would believe a number of people who would abuse the benefit extension and we have a nation campaign started. :)

And with that I call it a day. Tomorrow is another whole day of Senate debate of the unemployment benefit extension.
I am getting to it. Patience isn't one of your strong points. :doubt: "Too many." is not the answer I was hoping for. What percentage, as in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4?

Being concise is not one of yours.
I have no fucking idea. But the true answer is "too many." Sorry if that ruins your little wet dream but not my fault, sweetheart.

You do ruin my wet dream but that's for another forum. 3,900 people in Iowa will be affected by the decision on the unemployment benefit extension. If you say 1 is too many than that 1 person's abuse of the 3 months of benefits outweigh the 3,899 people's real need. Likewise if you say 3,899 is too many then that 1 person's real need is not worth providing three months of benefits for those who would abuse the unemployment benefits. There is, in all of this, the actual number of people who would waste the 3 months of extra benefits. Even more than that there is the range of numbers which you would believe is the actual number of people who would abuse the 3 month extension of unemployment benefits. Add to that the sources from which you would believe a number of people who would abuse the benefit extension and we have a nation campaign started. :)

And with that I call it a day. Tomorrow is another whole day of Senate debate of the unemployment benefit extension.
Not very articulate or bright, are you?
I hope they pass a pro-American package!!!

One that brings our troops home
Trims 100 billion from the military
Funds our science programs the way they should.
Reforms taxes to bring American jobs back home
Reforms our educational system so we can be number one again!
Respects both sectors of our economy

I hope they find time for another "Repeal Obamacare" vote

I do hope so...
A bad law is a bad law....
So far we have 2 million signed up with 5 million thrown off their plan.
I know the Libs consider this another outstanding Obama achievement.
But a lot of us don't quite see it that way.

You are so right...

Maybe we can have some votes on Republican plans to fix Obamacare
And if anyone hurt you either one of your kids, not life threatening or sever assault or anything, but attacked in a way that was extremely offensive and just a bit physical, what would have done?

What? Are you drunk?

No. Don't drink. You could either the kind who puts shield around you children so that no one will interfere with their true potential or you could be the kid that believes one should pick themselves up and dust themselves because that is just the way life is. I am not judging you at all, at least not in this instance, I just want to understand if it is "every man for themselves" or if it is a pack of wolves.

:eusa_eh: is is the realization that you are the one most in a position to affect your lot in life - good or bad. Thinking free money and free housing with no strings attached is an answer to anything is completely foolish and disregards 40 years of clear - crystal clear - data to show it does not work.
Permanent social programs creates poverty, it will never-ever solve or even alleviate it
What? Are you drunk?

No. Don't drink. You could either the kind who puts shield around you children so that no one will interfere with their true potential or you could be the kid that believes one should pick themselves up and dust themselves because that is just the way life is. I am not judging you at all, at least not in this instance, I just want to understand if it is "every man for themselves" or if it is a pack of wolves.

:eusa_eh: is is the realization that you are the one most in a position to affect your lot in life - good or bad. Thinking free money and free housing with no strings attached is an answer to anything is completely foolish and disregards 40 years of clear - crystal clear - data to show it does not work.
Permanent social programs creates poverty, it will never-ever solve or even alleviate it

Study after study has proved what you just stated on social programs is incorrect. Then again this goes exactly to the reply I last gave to Rabbi.

On the part of your reply concerning "reality" I assume you don't believe in random variables. Do you have insurance of any kind? Why?

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