House Bill Would Cut Funding to Backers of Israeli Boycotts

If that was the case yes. The people trying to BOYCOTT and BAN academicians and universities from their freedom of speech and an open exchange of information and research are the BDS, using Nazi like bullying tactics funded by Hamas and other foreign terroristic elements.

The Supreme Court is merely reflecting the overwhelming public support for Israel, including both Houses of Congress to not succumb to these fascistic tactics. If somebody wants to voice their opinion on a boycott of Israel, that's fine, BUT NOT WITH US GOVT. MONEY.

There is no boycott of academics.

The boycott is only against institutions that are complicit in criminal activity.
The boycott asks for a ban of all Israeli professors and any exchange of information thereof from Israeli universities. Are you acting dumb again?

Not true.

[ame=]The Scholars: Noura Erakat Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

A new bipartisan bill introduced Thursday in the House would strip all federal funds from any U.S. academic institution that decides to boycott Israel, according to a copy of the newly filed legislation obtained by the Free Beacon.

The introduction of the bill marks the first time that Congress has sought to level harsh economic penalties on federally funded universities that seek to boycott the Jewish state.

The bill comes just months after the American Studies Association (ASA) agreed to boycott Israeli academics and universities, prompting a fierce backlash from pro-Israel groups and others.

The “Protect Academic Freedom Act,” jointly filed by House Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) and Rep. Dan Lipinski (D., Ill.) could serve as a deterrent to other groups considering Israeli boycotts.

It would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 “to prohibit an institution that participates in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions or scholars from being eligible” to receive federal funds, according to text of the legislation.

“Attempts to single out Israel for discriminatory boycotts violates the principle of academic freedom guaranteed by the United States,” the bill states.

House Bill Would Cut Funding to Backers of Israeli Boycotts | Washington Free Beacon

I love it!!!! Let Israel through AIPAC show its muscle...What they propose is a gag order on our American rights that so many have died for...The Israelis are neo-fascists out of tune with the rest of humanity, only American subservience to Israel out in the open can we get our country back...Let them show their muscle!

What they propose is a gag order on our American rights that so many have died for

Still spreading that bullshit lie, eh? Blame your own country for your troops dying, not another country.

The Israelis are neo-fascists

LOL You need to stop using words that you don't understand
If Congress passes a law banning Federal dollars from going to institutions that divest from Israeli settlements, President Obama is likely to veto it.

If he doesn't veto it, the Supreme Court is likely to overturn it as a violation of the 1st Amendment.
You know as well as I do that the actions of our Congress often do not reflect the will of The People.
Moot point. In this case they totally do.

If schools can divest from Cuban, North Korean, or Iranian companies they can do the same with Israeli ones. Schools in the US cannot do business with North Korea or Iran because it is against the law. Any American found selling even a toothbrush gets his ass thrown in Federal prison.

I can understand not wanting them to boycott academics, but they should be able to divest money. Money is speech. They cannot take money from the govt. and at the same time take a political stand. They also cannot ban or bar or allow harassment of foreign academicians or cooperation with universities in other countries just because they have a few radical nutjob teachers or a large student body consisting of Muslim anti Semites.
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You know as well as I do that the actions of our Congress often do not reflect the will of The People.
In this case they totally.

If schools can divest from Cuban, North Korean, or Iranian companies they can do the same with Israeli ones. Schools in the US cannot do business with North Korea or Iran because it is against the law. Any American found selling even a toothbrush gets his ass thrown in Federal prison.

I can understand not wanting them to boycott academics, but they should be able to divest money. Money is speech. They cannot take money from the govt. and at the same time take a political stand. They also cannot ban or bar or allow harassment of foreign academicians or cooperation with universities in other countries just because they have some radical nutjob teachers or a large student body consisting of Muslim anti Semites.

What evidence do you have that most Americans support banning Federal dollars from schools that divest from settlement companies?

Why can't universities take Federal dollars and take a political stand?
There is no boycott of academics.

The boycott is only against institutions that are complicit in criminal activity.
The boycott asks for a ban of all Israeli professors and any exchange of information thereof from Israeli universities. Are you acting dumb again?

Not true.

[ame=]The Scholars: Noura Erakat Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Actually very true. That's why most universities have taken a stand to ban BDS associations on their own. Would you like to see what their presidents have written. Or do you think you know better?
You know as well as I do that the actions of our Congress often do not reflect the will of The People.
In this case they totally.

If schools can divest from Cuban, North Korean, or Iranian companies they can do the same with Israeli ones. Schools in the US cannot do business with North Korea or Iran because it is against the law. Any American found selling even a toothbrush gets his ass thrown in Federal prison.

I can understand not wanting them to boycott academics, but they should be able to divest money. Money is speech. They cannot take money from the govt. and at the same time take a political stand. They also cannot ban or bar or allow harassment of foreign academicians or cooperation with universities in other countries just because they have some radical nutjob teachers or a large student body consisting of Muslim anti Semites.

What evidence do you have that most Americans support banning Federal dollars from schools that divest from settlement companies?

Why can't universities take Federal dollars and take a political stand?
It is against the rules of the funding. And it makes sense. Taxpayer money should not be spend on promoting politics on a campus.
The boycott asks for a ban of all Israeli professors and any exchange of information thereof from Israeli universities. Are you acting dumb again?

Not true.

[ame=]The Scholars: Noura Erakat Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Actually very true. That's why most universities have taken a stand to ban BDS associations on their own. Would you like to see what their presidents have written. Or do you think you know better?

Actually, this is precisely it. No matter how many links you provide him that say the EXACT OPPOSITE of his claim, he thinks he knows better.
It is against the rules of the funding. And it makes sense. Taxpayer money should not be spend on promoting politics on a campus.

And yet I bet Federal law also REQUIRES schools that receive Federal funding to fully cooperate with the Cuban embargo. And the Iran sanctions.

Funny how hypocritical our system can be.
It is against the rules of the funding. And it makes sense. Taxpayer money should not be spend on promoting politics on a campus.

And yet I bet Federal law also REQUIRES schools that receive Federal funding to fully cooperate with the Cuban embargo. And the Iran sanctions.

Funny how hypocritical our system can be.
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.
It is against the rules of the funding. And it makes sense. Taxpayer money should not be spend on promoting politics on a campus.

And yet I bet Federal law also REQUIRES schools that receive Federal funding to fully cooperate with the Cuban embargo. And the Iran sanctions.

Funny how hypocritical our system can be.
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.

Please start arresting Americans for boycotting Israel, it will be the start of a revolution for our freedom!
And yet I bet Federal law also REQUIRES schools that receive Federal funding to fully cooperate with the Cuban embargo. And the Iran sanctions.

Funny how hypocritical our system can be.
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.

Please start arresting Americans for boycotting Israel, it will be the start of a revolution for our freedom!
Reading comprehension problems again? An individual or company can boycott whoever they want. However any publicly funded organization cannot, unless it is mandated by the govt.

The funny part about the phony baloney boycott crowd of hypocrites and anti semites is after all the huffing and puffing, they are the first people to use Israeli made products.
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.

So Congress, which is funded by campaign donations, gets to decide who we can and cannot boycott? That's dumb. So much for Free Speech.
And yet I bet Federal law also REQUIRES schools that receive Federal funding to fully cooperate with the Cuban embargo. And the Iran sanctions.

Funny how hypocritical our system can be.
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.

Please start arresting Americans for boycotting Israel, it will be the start of a revolution for our freedom!

You don't get it do you, the law is there to force you to change the way people think and act. Now if your childs school is one that supports the BDS and gets its funding stopped it means that your childs education suffers and you have to pay more for their education. So you start asking questions about the reasons behind the school no longer giving value for money and getting the answers you don't like. So you take part in a Parents meeting and demand the resignation of the person responsible for the cut in funding. The funding is re-instated and the offender is reduced to flipping burgers at mac king burger joint
You don't get it do you, the law is there to force you to change the way people think and act. Now if your childs school is one that supports the BDS and gets its funding stopped it means that your childs education suffers and you have to pay more for their education. So you start asking questions about the reasons behind the school no longer giving value for money and getting the answers you don't like. So you take part in a Parents meeting and demand the resignation of the person responsible for the cut in funding. The funding is re-instated and the offender is reduced to flipping burgers at mac king burger joint

No, it is you who "don't get it".

The USA forces Americans to abide by an immoral and useless embargo of Iran and Cuba. Now Congress wants to force Americans to NOT abide by a boycott of Israeli settlements. The hypocrisy couldn't be greater.

If this travesty passes the Supreme Court will surely overturn it and it will be a great day in the USA. But Israelophiles will be sad. :(
Maybe you have a problem understanding how our legal system works. When there is an embargo, that means not only universities, but EVERY PERSON RESIDING IN THE USA can be criminally prosecuted if found guilty of selling anything to the country in question, even if indirectly.

So Congress, which is funded by campaign donations, gets to decide who we can and cannot boycott? That's dumb. So much for Free Speech.

You still have your free speech, just not the freedom to engage in criminal racism. What would you do if Israel decided to no longer buy American goods and products or sell it medical supplies because some half wits decided it was apartheid in the way it dealt with Mexican drug runners. You cant have it both ways, you cant make a whole nation suffer because of what happens outside that nation.

To do so makes you personally a two faced hypocrite because that is one of the charges you have laid against America. AND THERE IS NO BUT.............
You don't get it do you, the law is there to force you to change the way people think and act. Now if your childs school is one that supports the BDS and gets its funding stopped it means that your childs education suffers and you have to pay more for their education. So you start asking questions about the reasons behind the school no longer giving value for money and getting the answers you don't like. So you take part in a Parents meeting and demand the resignation of the person responsible for the cut in funding. The funding is re-instated and the offender is reduced to flipping burgers at mac king burger joint

No, it is you who "don't get it".

The USA forces Americans to abide by an immoral and useless embargo of Iran and Cuba. Now Congress wants to force Americans to NOT abide by a boycott of Israeli settlements. The hypocrisy couldn't be greater.

If this travesty passes the Supreme Court will surely overturn it and it will be a great day in the USA. But Israelophiles will be sad. :(

Since control of our Representatives seems to be on your mind...
Please explain why the Arab Oil Sheiks, with all of their money, aren't out-bribing all the Jew Lovers you claim are bribing our Representatives.
You still have your free speech, just not the freedom to engage in criminal racism. What would you do if Israel decided to no longer buy American goods and products or sell it medical supplies because some half wits decided it was apartheid in the way it dealt with Mexican drug runners. You cant have it both ways, you cant make a whole nation suffer because of what happens outside that nation.

To do so makes you personally a two faced hypocrite because that is one of the charges you have laid against America. AND THERE IS NO BUT.............

Israel commits ethnic cleansing of almost a million Arabs, installs an Apartheid-like regime in the West Bank, violates international laws in a racist manner with impunity, and you accuse me of racism? This is why folks hate Israel.
You don't get it do you, the law is there to force you to change the way people think and act. Now if your childs school is one that supports the BDS and gets its funding stopped it means that your childs education suffers and you have to pay more for their education. So you start asking questions about the reasons behind the school no longer giving value for money and getting the answers you don't like. So you take part in a Parents meeting and demand the resignation of the person responsible for the cut in funding. The funding is re-instated and the offender is reduced to flipping burgers at mac king burger joint

No, it is you who "don't get it".

The USA forces Americans to abide by an immoral and useless embargo of Iran and Cuba. Now Congress wants to force Americans to NOT abide by a boycott of Israeli settlements. The hypocrisy couldn't be greater.

If this travesty passes the Supreme Court will surely overturn it and it will be a great day in the USA. But Israelophiles will be sad. :(

You wish but when it turns and bites back don't cry about all the deaths. The vast majority of heart operations are carried out using Israeli medical supplies and equipment. Now imagine no longer being able to do these operations because the next best costs ten times as much and are known to cause complications. Will you tell the patients and relatives that their Mother, Father Husband, Wife or child has to die for your cause because it will stop Israel from complying with the Geneva conventions.

Or will you chicken out and change your tune when it is one of yours that needs the operation?
Since control of our Representatives seems to be on your mind...
Please explain why the Arab Oil Sheiks, with all of their money, aren't out-bribing all the Jew Lovers you claim are bribing our Representatives.

If you were an American you would know that it is illegal for foreigners to make contributions to Congressional campaigns. Maybe this is legal in your country but not in mine.

But you are right, if more Arabs and people who were pro-Palestine made campaign contributions, our Congress would be more even handed and less on Israel's side.

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