House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.
yea, i loved his "gained cred by thinking like i do!!!!"

that's the type of "thought process" that got us into this crappile.
Let's not pretend that isn't how most people here think. This isn't about LL.

I agree it was pretty silly to impeach Bill Clinton for the very human reaction of lying about it when he got accused of having an office fling. But Americans are totally crazy when it comes to sex.
Impeachment should be for big stuff, like what Nixon did. Crimes. If they try to impeach Trump for something that petty, I will not agree with it. It would not surprise me if Trump is up to his eyeballs in breaking laws, but we need evidence of it first. I am not at all confident that we will ever prove it.
I find it very amusing, that LittleTrumpsters don't want an impeachment process that is partisan.
Yet they had orgasms over the Benghazi investigation.
Let's do a flashback: "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought."-Kevin McCarthy, GOP House Majority Leader
But now, everything is different now.
With that said, I'm with Nadler. Good to know there's an adult in the room.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.

I think you missed my point.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.
yea, i loved his "gained cred by thinking like i do!!!!"

that's the type of "thought process" that got us into this crappile.

Yep. I was speaking of you. Well done.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.

I think you missed my point.
Oh. Not about Trump but Iceberg. Got it.
Attempting to Impeach the President armed with absolutely ZERO evidence to support their false accusations would destroy the DNC...but would strengthen / bolster their support among the 'insane / brainwashed liberal extremists' sector of the US populace....
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.

I think you missed my point.
Oh. Not about Trump but Iceberg. Got it.
iceberg iceberg iceberg...

some people should feel like jan brady now. :)
Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

Your link:

"He (Nadler) indicated that he had yet to see evidence that impeaching Trump was warranted, but said that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election as well as future investigations into Trump by Nadler’s Judiciary Committee could yield material for an impeachment proceeding.

"'If Mueller shows us that the president has committed impeachable offenses, we'll have to make judgments as to how serious those impeachable offenses are and whether we should undertake an impeachment. If we see evidence of impeachable offenses not from Mueller the same question will arise,' he said, noting that not all crimes are considered an impeachable offense and vice versa."

How much of the evidence Mueller presents will be made available to the general public?

Given the loyalty of congress to US billionaires, it seems unrealistic to allow those who spend hours every day dialing for reelection dollars to decide whether the Trump crime family ever sees its day in court.

Progressive Charlestown: Donald Trump didn’t invent it, but it could be his downfall
Attempting to Impeach the President armed with absolutely ZERO evidence to support their false accusations would destroy the DNC...but would strengthen / bolster their support among the 'insane / brainwashed liberal extremists' sector of the US populace....

Would it really destroy them? I don’t think it would

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