House Democrat (thug) proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen

And why shouldn't neighborhood watch organizations have to register with the police?

For the same reason members of a bowling league shouldn't have to register with the police, It's none of the governments business what voluntary organizations made up of private citizens do as long as they aren't engaged in breaking the law, government works for the citizenry not the other way around.

Bowling leagues aren't walking around neighborhoods interrogating people. Nice try though.
The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.

Really? So, the 911 operator didn't tell him to back off and wait for the police? Are you sure you want to go with that?

She said "We don't need you to do that". And his response was "OK" . And there is absolutely no evidence to prove that he continued to follow Martin.

Except for the fact that he tells the dispatcher that the kid is leaving his sight. If the kid left his sight and he still got into an altercation with him, then obviously he was following him.

Then there's this from the transcript:


Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then?


Yeah that's fine.


Alright George, I'll let them know to meet you around there, okay?


Actually could you have them, could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?

Why does Zimmerman need to have them call him so that he can tell them where he's at if he's staying put and not following him? Again, obviously he followed him.
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what a commie thug...I hope states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/24/13 10:57 AM ET

That idiot has a problem with 17 year old kids getting shot for nothing. What a loser. Fuck 17 year olds. Let them all die.

You have a problem with due process. Real loser for sure here. Fuck the law, all white people are racist and kill for the fun of it. They all need to be put in jail, regardless of what the facts and evidence say.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Bowling leagues aren't walking around neighborhoods interrogating people.Nice try though.

*Drat* nanny state mentality defeats logic & reason once again ....... :rolleyes:

"The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom." --- Ludwig Von Mises
Bowling leagues aren't walking around neighborhoods interrogating people.Nice try though.

*Drat* nanny state mentality defeats logic & reason once again ....... :rolleyes:

"The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom." --- Ludwig Von Mises

I want people acting as security guards for neighborhoods to have basic law enforcement training. If that makes me a nanny statist in your eyes, then, oh well.
what a commie thug...I hope states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/24/13 10:57 AM ET

That idiot has a problem with 17 year old kids getting shot for nothing. What a loser. Fuck 17 year olds. Let them all die.

You have a problem with due process. Real loser for sure here. Fuck the law, all white people are racist and kill for the fun of it. They all need to be put in jail, regardless of what the facts and evidence say.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Says the guy who wrote this:

Brand them, tattoo their foreheads, if they enter again, they will be deported in a box.

Yeah! Torture and then kill them if they come back! USA! USA! USA!

Actually not a bad idea. If you consider how much they don't care about not breaking our law.

You were saying something about stupid?
You see with Liberals what they think (take the Zimmerman case) is the RIGHT thing and no one else can think different, if they do that make's them wrong and on top of it a Raaaaaaaaaaaaacist.....

you have to shake your head at these high and mighty know it alls
LOL! So the federal government doesn't have jurisdiction over determining how federal funds are spent? That's a good one!

If local police depts. get any federal funding, yes, the feds can make the rules for Crime Watch.

Local PDs shouldn't be receiving federal funding in the first place. That's why we're seeing a rise in the militarization of police departments across the country which is jeopardizing the safety of the public.

We are seeing a rise because its good money.
I want people acting as security guards for neighborhoods to have basic law enforcement training.

That's nice, I'd recommend bringing that up with your neighbors (but I'd leave the "do it or I'll get government to force you to do what I want" part out of it).

If that makes me a nanny statist in your eyes, then, oh well.
What makes you a nanny statist isn't what you want it's how you want to go about forcing people to do what you want, regardless of whether they agree with you or not and regardless of whether they're a part of your community or not.
"you want to go about forcing people to do what you want, regardless of whether they agree with you or not and regardless of whether they're a part of your community or not" is a mark of the right and left.

So stop the nonsense.
Truth here with this saying

Scratch a Liberal Find a FASCIST
"you want to go about forcing people to do what you want, regardless of whether they agree with you or not and regardless of whether they're a part of your community or not" is a mark of the right and left.

Didn't I ever indicate I thought the nanny state mentality was exclusive to the right or left? besides what's "right" or "left" got to do with this topic under discussion?

So stop the nonsense.
You first.
More feel good bull crap.

Time to reboot these idiots but we need to clean our own house first

Neighborhood watch or vigilante?

If they are legit, they shouldn't mind some law enforcement oversight and training

Keep some asshole from stalking a kid armed with Skittles

What business is it of the Feds what training a Neighborhood watch volunteer gets?

It's a State/local issue.. Not a Federal one.

I don't care where the oversight comes from. As long as we don't have idiots running around thinking they are cops? Can be federal, state, county or local

1) Nobody 'thinks they are cops'
2) It cannot be federal until you show that power in the constitution
3) You want to monitor watching or patrolling?? Now, if it were an ENFORCEMENT agency created by a neighborhood that charged ENFORCEMENT as a task, I would agree with oversight. This is not the case.... and you, per usual, are full of shit
Good idea. The last thing we need is another vigilante gunning down an innocent teenager and getting away with it.

OTOH, creepy ass cracker GZ got himself a life sentence of looking over his shoulder. How long before another vigilante guns him down?

Ain't payback a bitch.
Bowling leagues aren't walking around neighborhoods interrogating people.Nice try though.

*Drat* nanny state mentality defeats logic & reason once again ....... :rolleyes:

"The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom." --- Ludwig Von Mises

I want people acting as security guards for neighborhoods to have basic law enforcement training. If that makes me a nanny statist in your eyes, then, oh well.

Just in case you didn't know it.. Security Officers are not Police Officers. Security Officers do go through a 40 hour training course in Florida, most of the time telling them just that over and over and over. Trained and Licensed Security Officers in Florida do have detaination power, but not arrest authority.
Bowling leagues aren't walking around neighborhoods interrogating people.Nice try though.

*Drat* nanny state mentality defeats logic & reason once again ....... :rolleyes:

"The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom." --- Ludwig Von Mises

I want people acting as security guards for neighborhoods to have basic law enforcement training. If that makes me a nanny statist in your eyes, then, oh well.

No it makes you a potential easy victim

Good idea. The last thing we need is another vigilante gunning down an innocent teenager and getting away with it.

OTOH, creepy ass cracker GZ got himself a life sentence of looking over his shoulder. How long before another vigilante guns him down?

Ain't payback a bitch.

There was no innocent teenager gunned down. A thug was shot while physically attacking another person who was legally armed.
"you want to go about forcing people to do what you want, regardless of whether they agree with you or not and regardless of whether they're a part of your community or not" is a mark of the right and left.

Didn't I ever indicate I thought the nanny state mentality was exclusive to the right or left? besides what's "right" or "left" got to do with this topic under discussion?

So stop the nonsense.
You first.

You began it. :lol: So you agree that progressivism is a phenomenon of both the right and left that wants to use statist power for government or cultural or social or economic or all by political means? Welcome to the 20th and 21st century.

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