House Democrat (thug) proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen

Neighborhood watch or vigilante?

If they are legit, they shouldn't mind some law enforcement oversight and training

Keep some asshole from stalking a kid armed with Skittles

What business is it of the Feds what training a Neighborhood watch volunteer gets?

It's a State/local issue.. Not a Federal one.
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman. Its not his fault that the system is designed the way it is. This wasnt a hate crime. This was some fool thinking that he was protecting the weak. He thought he was not only doing the right thing, but being heroic. Little did he know that he was actually a racist.

There are so many people like George Zimmerman. Giving a 5 year old a gun and telling him to protect the house is just asking for him to kill someone. George Zimmerman is like a 5 year old.

I take back everything I just said....what this is an issue of hate and race. Obama said so right? The television says so right? The radio says so right? Our "leaders" say so. Its right. So now what do we do? We certainly dont handle this situation rationally. Accepting the fact that George Zimmerman was just some strange person that had little to no training in how to handle a situation like the one that he was in. Maybe we just need to put a little more weight on who we call a "watcher" or "protector"

The man thought he was going to be a hero. He thought this because he wasnt thinking. Because he wasnt thinking, his case has been branded the biggest race case of our time.


there is that, YOU MUST and how about that, you can't be a racist.....good grief you have to write a book?
scratch a liberal find a fascist

yes. thats where we are here. if it were more simple than that, this case would have gone away ages ago. But it hasnt.
what a commie thug...I hope states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/24/13 10:57 AM ET

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Wednesday that she would soon introduce legislation that would cut federal funding to any state that doesn't require neighborhood watch programs to register with police.

Jackson Lee said her Justice Exists for All Act is a response to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter charges after shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator in the Florida neighborhood where the shooting took place.

"We will … decrease the incidence of gun violence resulting from vigilantes by reducing by 20 percent the funds that would otherwise be allocated … to any state that does not require local neighborhood watch programs to be registered with a local [law] enforcement agency," Jackson Lee said on the House floor.

She said her bill would also use the threat of less federal money to entice states to change their "stand your ground" laws. Jackson Lee said her bill would only allow states to avoid a cut if their laws are amended to include a "duty to retreat."

"For states that do not require a duty to retreat, we will question their federal funding and assess their Justice Department funding and reduce it by 20 percent," she said. She was not specific about what the change might mean for state laws.

Read more: House Democrat proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen - The Hill's Floor Action
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Who keeps electing this woman? Seriously? Aren't they embarrassed?

[ame=]EPITOME OF IGNORANT - Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee I Stand Here as a Freed Slave - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on North and South Vietnam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Limbaugh notes Sheila Jackson Lee's confusion regarding Mars vs. where they planted flag (the moon) - YouTube[/ame]
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman organized his community to defend a black man who was beaten to death by the same local police.

Zimmerman mentored several black kids.

Zimmerman very recently saved a couple from a truck accident.

So your own definition, "living in the real world," excludes you from many activities.
What a stupidity: "what a commie thug...I hope states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site"

Darling, you wouldn't know a commie if you met her, and registering and training Crime Watch organizations is a good idea.
Neighborhood watch or vigilante?

If they are legit, they shouldn't mind some law enforcement oversight and training

Keep some asshole from stalking a kid armed with Skittles

What business is it of the Feds what training a Neighborhood watch volunteer gets?

It's a State/local issue.. Not a Federal one.

I don't care where the oversight comes from. As long as we don't have idiots running around thinking they are cops? Can be federal, state, county or local
House Democrat (thug) proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen

'Thug' huh? Don't you mean '******'?

And why shouldn't neighborhood watch organizations have to register with the police?
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman organized his community to defend a black man who was beaten to death by the same local police.

Zimmerman mentored several black kids.

Zimmerman very recently saved a couple from a truck accident.

So your own definition, "living in the real world," excludes you from many activities.

Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman organized his community to defend a black man who was beaten to death by the same local police.

Zimmerman mentored several black kids.

Zimmerman very recently saved a couple from a truck accident.

So your own definition, "living in the real world," excludes you from many activities.

Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.

The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.
Zimmerman organized his community to defend a black man who was beaten to death by the same local police.

Zimmerman mentored several black kids.

Zimmerman very recently saved a couple from a truck accident.

So your own definition, "living in the real world," excludes you from many activities.

Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.

The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.

the evidence proves you are a raging drunk.......

Regardless this woman isnt a a lot of shit here, but i bet you that you keep quite around real thugs.
Zimmerman organized his community to defend a black man who was beaten to death by the same local police.

Zimmerman mentored several black kids.

Zimmerman very recently saved a couple from a truck accident.

So your own definition, "living in the real world," excludes you from many activities.

Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.

The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.

Really? So, the 911 operator didn't tell him to back off and wait for the police? Are you sure you want to go with that?
Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.

The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.

the evidence proves you are a raging drunk.......

Regardless this woman isnt a a lot of shit here, but i bet you that you keep quite around real thugs.

Plasmaball, six jurors agreed that the evidence showed Zimmerman was not guilty.

Truly, get over it.

And this latest rant of yours is stranger than ever. Get a grip. I never once called Sheila Jackson Lee a thug. And in the middle of nowhere Manitoba I can't even find a thug.


Wow you are getting weirder and weirder.
Zimmerman shot to death an unarmed black teen after the police told him to back off. Nah, people like him don't need training or guidance.

The evidence proves you to be a delusional liar.

Really? So, the 911 operator didn't tell him to back off and wait for the police? Are you sure you want to go with that?

She said "We don't need you to do that". And his response was "OK" . And there is absolutely no evidence to prove that he continued to follow Martin.

None. Zip. Nada. Now I don't blame many for thinking he continued to follow Trayvon, because that is how the media perverted the truth by omitting Zimmerman's compliance with the dispatcher's recommendation.

Economist and commentator Thomas Sowell criticized the national media for implying that Zimmerman had continued to follow Martin after the police dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that."

He said that they mostly left out Zimmerman's answer, "O.K." because "too many people in the media see their role as filtering and slanting the news

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And why shouldn't neighborhood watch organizations have to register with the police?

For the same reason members of a bowling league shouldn't have to register with the police, It's none of the governments business what voluntary organizations made up of private citizens do as long as they aren't engaged in breaking the law, government works for the citizenry not the other way around.
GZ has made his choice and eventually and inevitably he will inherit its consequences.

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