House Panel Concurs PP Profits from selling human organs


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Report: Planned Parenthood Organ Sales Are ‘Pure Profit’

The U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives released a preview of its findings after a months-long review of internal documents obtained from the nation’s top abortionist, as well as organ procurement companies and buyers. The panel concluded that abortion clinics incur no additional costs in harvesting organs obtained from an already-aborted baby and that the sale or transfer of those organs represented “pure profit” for the clinic.

Tell me again what the lie was from the videos which made original allegation
"The [abortion clinic] has no costs..."

Because electricity and medical supplies, linens, pharmacy, phone lines, office equipment, and so on are brought in by winged magic abortion fairies. And ownership of the buildings and lands was granted by the Unicorn King.

You wingnuts need to start checking your sources.
"The [abortion clinic] has no costs..."

Because electricity and medical supplies, linens, pharmacy, phone lines, office equipment, and so on are brought in by winged magic abortion fairies. And ownership of the buildings and lands was granted by the Unicorn King.

You wingnuts need to start checking your sources.
Covered by cost of the abortion....ooops
"The [abortion clinic] has no costs..."

Because electricity and medical supplies, linens, pharmacy, phone lines, office equipment, and so on are brought in by winged magic abortion fairies. And ownership of the buildings and lands was granted by the Unicorn King.

You wingnuts need to start checking your sources. left off part of the quote:

“The [abortion clinic] has no costs so the payments from the [procurement business] to the [abortion clinic] are pure profit,” the report concludes. “All costs are born by the [procurement business] or the customer. The payments from the customer to the PB exceed its cost by a factor of 300 to 400 percent.”

So clearly your little canard is just that.
Pity we'll never see the actual report, just a report on the report by someone who doesn't know the difference between "born" and "borne."

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