House Passes $733 Billion Defense Bill, Including 3.1% Troop Pay Raise for Troops


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

With all the other garbage going on, this items seems to have slipped through the cracks.

But it still has to go through the reconciliation process for a Senate bill voted 86-8 to pass a $750 billion version of the NDAA, which also included the 3.1% pay raise.

Republicans opposed it because it was less than what the president has asked for.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-California, predicted that the House version of the NDAA would not survive a conference committee with the Senate.

"This bill will never become law," McCarthy said in a statement.

And the president has threatened to veto it.

More @ House Passes $733 Billion Defense Bill, Including 3.1% Pay Raise for Troops

And the bill includes an amendment prohibiting military funding for another Salute to America.

Hell, the president could come up with the money for that with no problem at all. The Dims are just shooting themselves in the foot again.

@ Amendment Would Bar Trump from Holding Another July 4 'Salute to America'

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