Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

Soooo...it appears after making a fool of yourself in your Trump-can't-leave-New-York-to-campaign topic, you felt the need to reboot with a new topic, eh? :lol:

Why is Trump holding a rally in the Bronx, you ask?

It's obvious. Trump knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Bronx. So it is clear he has an unspoken ulterior motive, which I will get to below.

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

Trump scored almost identical percentages in both elections. He utterly failed to move the needle.

Trump is the most thin-skinned person any of us will ever see. You know it had to have crushed his little black heart to be so roundly rejected by his fellow New Yorkers.

He worked so hard sucking up to them and showboating for their approval for decades, only to fail to have hidden his true nature from New Yorkers who are above average in their discernment of hucksters.

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

That's 20 points less than his statewide vote!

In 2016, he netted a pathetic 9.6 percent of the Bronx.

You always have to hear what Trump says, and then figure out his true motives and the true facts. Trump never speaks the truth or his true motives.

Trump isn't there to win their votes.

The Bronx is only 8.3% white.

Trump is there for the photo ops. The people who stand behind him at his rallies as useful idiot backdrops are almost all white. If a minority person happens to stumble into a Trump rally, his staff immediately grabs that person, hangs a MAGA hat on their head, thrusts a professionally made BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign in their hands, and puts them on the stage behind Trump. But they are far and few between.

The Bronx will provide some nice juicy photos for his campaign ads with Asians, blacks, and Hispanics carefully framed behind his beaming face.

Trump is a marketing genius, after all. Especially of himself.
You can’t compare the results in 2020 or 2016 to what could happen this time.

That‘s because, back then, Biden had not been president. Now, after 3.5 years, working class New Yorkers are struggling to buy groceries, see needed resources diverted to illegals, endure skyrocketing street crime, and witness in disbelief the transgenderism, sexualization of children in elementary school, and men winning 1st place on girls’ sports teams.

NY is in play - especially in working class neighborhoods. The Bronx is a perfect place for his rally.
your post about how trump isn't campaigning for votes is hilarious.

keep up the good work, barely coping with reality.
You can’t compare the results in 2020 or 2016 to what could happen this time.

That‘s because, back then, Biden had not been president. Now, after 3.5 years, working class New Yorkers are struggling to buy groceries, see needed resources diverted to illegals, endure skyrocketing street crime, and witness in disbelief the transgenderism, sexualization of children in elementary school, and men winning 1st place on girls’ sports teams.

NY is in play - especially in working class neighborhoods. The Bronx is a perfect place for his rally.
That's quite a litany of myths you have there, Grandma!

The better to gaslight you, my dear.

Let's be honest and just call your myths lies, because that is what they are.

NYC officials announce city crime 'continues to trend downward'

Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories in the first quarter of 2024, according to the NYPD.

Murder is down 17.2%, rape is down 3.7%, burglary is down 13.8%, grand larceny is down 2% and grand larceny auto is down 9.7% this first quarter of 2024 compared to the same time period in 2023.


Crime is actually way down all across this great land.

Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

Here's the black unemployment rate:



Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!
That's quite a litany of myths you have there, Grandma!

The better to gaslight you, my dear.

Let's be honest and just call your myths lies, because that is what they are.

NYC officials announce city crime 'continues to trend downward'

Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories in the first quarter of 2024, according to the NYPD.

Murder is down 17.2%, rape is down 3.7%, burglary is down 13.8%, grand larceny is down 2% and grand larceny auto is down 9.7% this first quarter of 2024 compared to the same time period in 2023.


Crime is actually way down all across this great land.

Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

Here's the black unemployment rate:



Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

On the other hand....

It seems Brandon Adams has an interest In telling the steeple what they want to hear.

NYC serious crimes hit levels unseen in two decades last year even as Mayor Adams claims ‘crime is down’

Serious crime spiked again last year to levels unseen in nearly two decades, according to internal NYPD data obtained by The Post — even as Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly claimed that “crime is down” in the Big Apple.

For the second year in a row under Adams, overall crime was on the rise — driven by a historic surge in assaults, which neared 28,000 for the first time in the city’s publicly recorded history, according to the police department’s rolling report.
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On the other hand....

It seems Brandon Adams has an interest In telling the steeple what they want to hear.

NYC serious crimes hit levels unseen in two decades last year even as Mayor Adams claims ‘crime is down’

Serious crime spiked again last year to levels unseen in nearly two decades, according to internal NYPD data obtained by The Post — even as Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly claimed that “crime is down” in the Big Apple.

For the second year in a row under Adams, overall crime was on the rise — driven by a historic surge in assaults, which neared 28,000 for the first time in the city’s publicly recorded history, according to the police department’s rolling report.
Did you look at the table in your MAGA link?

Murder, down 10.7 percent.

Rape, down 9.8 percent.

Robbery, down 2 percent.

Burglary, down 12.7 percent.

Only felony assaults and car thefts went up.


Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

Your "skyrocketing street crime" was a lie.

My "Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories" is the truth.
Did you look at the table in your MAGA link?

Murder, down 10.7 percent.

Rape, down 9.8 percent.

Robbery, down 2 percent.

Burglary, down 12.7 percent.

Only felony assaults and car thefts went up.


Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

Your "skyrocketing street crime" was a lie.

My "Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories" is the truth.
The lying Dems are underreporting crime so as to hide from voters had bad their “coddling of criminals” policies have been.

What percentage of the crowd that swarms in front of Trump in the Bronx in a few hours do you think will be white?

More than 8.3 percent? Probably.

"Massive crowds."

Trump won only 15.9 percent of the Bronx voters in 2020.

The population of the Bronx is 1.44 million.

15.9 percent is 228,960 people. That doesn't make it difficult to get a few thousand to show up, does it.
Biden couldn't do it.

Hey Laura, there is no president Trump. There is only criminal defendent Trump.

And good hunting to anybody that does get a shot at him.

I will personally contribute to the defense fund of anyone that does, and nominate them for the Medal of Freedom for being a national hero.

Now. Send that to the Secret Service.
OP, do you honestly believe Trump is getting lots of support in the Bronx?
He certainly has a lot of black and latino support.
There are a lot of people in NYC that are disqusted with the Democrat run city and State.
They'll drive in from Jersey ,upsate, Connecticut,Long Island

He should do queens or Brooklyn.

Ya gotta flip queens in the election
Not a chance. Most big, urban cities are Blue as the GOP has little to offer them. They don’t need less government, they need efficient and effective government.
He certainly has a lot of black and latino support.
There are a lot of people in NYC that are disqusted with the Democrat run city and State.
You're sounding kinda vague, but I'm gonna chalk it up as a resounding "YES!" Thank you.

Which the Dems are currently providing?

LOL they care more about chicks with dicks getting to use the women's room than running things in Cities.
It seems like the GOP is very concerned about chicks with Dickson, way more so than funding urban transportation. Cities around the world are going to EV for clean cars, trains, and busses. Something fought by the GOP.
It seems like the GOP is very concerned about chicks with Dickson, way more so than funding urban transportation. Cities around the world are going to EV for clean cars, trains, and busses. Something fought by the GOP.

And neglecting the needed increases in power generation and transmission needed, because those things require actual work, not just mandating something and hoping for the best.

Meanwhile crime is up, commercial and retail occupancies are down. and the productive people are leaving the areas.

But keep trying to sell lowering the standards of living of the middle class and lower classes while the elites continue to jet around the country, it works SO well for you snobs.
Did you look at the table in your MAGA link?

Murder, down 10.7 percent.

Rape, down 9.8 percent.

Robbery, down 2 percent.

Burglary, down 12.7 percent.

Only felony assaults and car thefts went up.


Fuck you, Brandon! Fuck you!

Your "skyrocketing street crime" was a lie.

My "Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories" is the truth.

Only felony assaults and car thefts went up. Cause for celebration. That's misleading, however.

Not addressed in the above are crimes not prosecuted ny leftist DA's and crimes not reported. Unreported crimes are a function of leftist defund the police policies where people simply don't expect actions to be taken against criminals.

The killer of Lakin Riley was a Biden illegal arrested for child endangerment in NYC. Those charges were dismissed and his record sealed.
You can’t compare the results in 2020 or 2016 to what could happen this time.

That‘s because, back then, Biden had not been president. Now, after 3.5 years, working class New Yorkers are struggling to buy groceries, see needed resources diverted to illegals, endure skyrocketing street crime, and witness in disbelief the transgenderism, sexualization of children in elementary school, and men winning 1st place on girls’ sports teams.

NY is in play - especially in working class neighborhoods. The Bronx is a perfect place for his rally.
Yes, we have however seen elections where the peasants even though bitching and moaning keep voting in the same type of people who have caused these problems.

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