Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

You have made a lot of racist remarks. Are you Jewish? Do you have an ass? Now tell me how that is racist.
Sorry, pal…..I’ve said nothing racist. And your making the remark about ”kissing my Jewish ass” tells me you’re an antisemite.

You‘re just another black antisemite who calls other people racist while making disdain remarks about Jews.
That is the right wing lie of course.

The United States was experiencing a period of low inflation before 2020. Then, in early 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) created various market problems, causing prices for goods and services to rise.

Sorry, pal…..I’ve said nothing racist.
Not in that sentence you didn't.
And your making the remark about ”kissing my Jewish ass” tells me you’re an antisemite.
You made it a point to tell me you were Jewish, if not how would I have known you were Jewish?
You‘re just another black antisemite who calls other people racist while making disdain remarks about Jews.
Black folks were Hebrews before you were, so how the hell could I be an antisemite?
Not in that sentence you didn't.

You made it a point to tell me you were Jewish, if not how would I have known you were Jewish?

Black folks were Hebrews before you were, so how the hell could I be an antisemite?
Telling a Jewish woman that “blacks don’t kiss Jewish ass” is pretty damn antisemitic. So don’t go around calling other people racist, you Jew-hating hypocrite.
Sorry, pal…..I’ve said nothing racist. And your making the remark about ”kissing my Jewish ass” tells me you’re an antisemite.

You‘re just another black antisemite who calls other people racist while making disdain remarks about Jews.

Time is coming.

Telling a Jewish woman that “blacks don’t kiss Jewish ass” is pretty damn antisemitic. So don’t go around calling other people racist, you Jew-hating hypocrite.
Anyone that disagrees with you is anti-Semitic, which is bullshit. I have no problem with Jewish folks, I just have a problem with racist like you.
Anyone that disagrees with you is anti-Semitic, which is bullshit. I have no problem with Jewish folks, I just have a problem with racist like you.
Nope….anyone who tells me they don’t have to “kiss Jewish ass” is an antisemite. And if you had no problem with Jewish folks, your mind would never go to such a remark.

And as I said, I’ve said nothing racist. Find it. All I’ve ever done is point out the inequity of race-based decisions…..the very opposite of racist.

Now, if I said that Jews don’t have to kiss black ass, the way you did in reverse, now THAT would be racist.

You‘re just another black antisemite on this forum, calling people racist for disagreeing with you, while you make nasty remarks about kissing Jewish ass.
Nope….anyone who tells me they don’t have to “kiss Jewish ass” is an antisemite. And if you had no problem with Jewish folks, your mind would never go to such a remark.

And as I said, I’ve said nothing racist. Find it. All I’ve ever done is point out the inequity of race-based decisions…..the very opposite of racist.

Now, if I said that Jews don’t have to kiss black ass, the way you did in reverse, now THAT would be racist.

You‘re just another black antisemite on this forum, calling people racist for disagreeing with you, while you make nasty remarks about kissing Jewish ass.
Are there black Jews?

I am not antisemitic; I am anti racist Lisa558
Are there black Jews?

I am not antisemitic; I am anti racist Lisa558
Too late to make that claim. You already made the nasty remark about not having to kiss Jewish ass. If you weren’t an antisemite, your mind would never have gone there.

So what have I said that’s racist? And hint: disagreeing with race-based decisions is the opposite of racism.

Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.

Couldn’t take
The footage from the Bronx is jaw-dropping. This is an inflection point and begins the doom spiral for the Dems. This rally--mostly minorities and tens of thousands of attendees--solidifies Democrats as the party of Woke BS and uptight liberal elites entirely out of touch with normal folks.

Dems, enjoy this. It's so well deserved.
OP, do you honestly believe Trump is getting lots of support in the Bronx?
No, but he’s getting optics across the Nation. He’s being held in shackles in NYC but is not afraid to get out and campaign. The incumbent never left his basement to campaign in 2020 and his handlers are afraid how and when he campaigns in 2024. Trump will not win the Bronx in 2024 but more of the Bronx and more of the Bronx and more Blacks and Latinos will vote for him. The Nation will take note.
The lying Dems are underreporting crime so as to hide from voters had bad their “coddling of criminals” policies have been.

Theyre also classifying offenders as white ...when they're not White...that's also taking place across the country

Forget the retards running their mouths ...theirs a couple of natives here
My brother still around town he doesn't have any fear ....and cousins and a few other relatives scattered across the tri state
They're all telling me ...it's a friggin disaster

I'm probably heading up for Thanksgiving
NYC and upstate

Hold my breath when I fill er up in Jersey :p
If Trump was as popular in New York and the Bronx as he and his cult think he is, he should have been able to pack Yankee Stadium, which is in the Bronx.

He had to hold his rally in an open air park since tens of thousands of empty seats in a city of nine million would have been embarrassing to his image.

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