House Repubs to Obama: Scrap Vegas speech, work with us on college loans


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama has been saying plenty about the student loans in his speeches, but hasn't yet responded to the proposal by Republicans. He plans to give a speech in Vegas and talk about the loans, which will likely include how the Republicans won't do anything about them. It's like he needs this issue to go unresolved so he can have something to bitch about.

I don't understand why a sitting president needs to do so much campaigning. He should simply talk about his record.

Instead, I bet he goes to Vegas and badmouths the Republicans for not addressing this issue that is so important to the student he'll be speaking to. He'll scare them by telling them that the rates are going to sky rocket and that no one will work with him on it. He'll lie. I am glad the Republicans put this out there and now the ball is in Obama's court. He's ignored them so far, but now the public is watching.

House Republicans to Obama: Scrap Vegas speech, work with us on college loans
House Republicans to Obama: Scrap Vegas speech, work with us on college loans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Isn't 'Don't do as I do, do as I say' a trademark of a hypocrite?...
Obama Makes 10th Vegas Trip—Since Warning Bankers: Don’t Go There
September 12, 2012 - Less than three weeks into his presidency Barack Obama warned executives of banks that had received federal bailout money that they better not take business trips to Las Vegas. Since then, Obama himself has made 9 trips Vegas—and is making a tenth today.
“You can't get corporate jets,” Obama said at a Feb. 9, 2009 townhall meeting in Elkhart, Ind. “You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime.” By May 27, 2009, Obama was in Las Vegas to tour a “solar photovoltaic array” at Nellis Air Force Base with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. According to an archive of the president’s official schedule maintained by the Chicago Sun Times, Obama has frequently returned to Vegas for purposes ranging from pushing his jobs bill, to campaigning with Reid, to attending fundraisers.

He has made an average of over three trips per year, including one trip in 2009, three in 2010, one in 2011, and four this year--prior to the fifth trip today. On January 25, 2012 Obama spent the night in Vegas before delivering remarks the following day at UPS Las Vegas South on “the importance of American workers developing American-made energy to an economy that's built to last.”

Obama went back to Vegas on March 21, in route to Boulder City, Nevada, which is about 40 miles southeast of the city, to visit the Copper Mountain Solar 1 Facility, the largest photovoltaic plant in America. He landed in Vegas at 11:40 a.m. before touring the plant at 1:10 p.m., according to his official schedule. On June 7, Obama delivered a speech on student loan interest rates at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), and on Aug.22, participated in a roundtable discussion with teachers at Canyon Springs High School, followed by a campaign event.

In 2011, Obama went to Vegas for a campaign event on Oct. 24. In 2010, he went to Vegas on Feb.18 for a DNC fundraising dinner at a private home, July 8 to attend fundraisers for Harry Reid, and Oct. 22 for a DNC rally at Orr Middle School Park, followed by another event for Reid. Obama’s official schedule for Wednesday, Sept. 12 says. “In the afternoon, the President will depart the White House en route Las Vegas, Nevada.” Obama will be in Las Vegas, it says, to “deliver remarks at a campaign event” at the Cashman Center.

Obama Makes 10th Vegas Trip
House Republicans don't want to work with Obama on ANYTHING.

Obama wants to run the debt up to over 20 trillion.

You socialist love to run a country into the ground.

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