How A Bunch Of Republicans Accidentally Voted To End Welfare-To-Work Requirements

Dick Tuck

Board Troll
Aug 29, 2009
So the wingnuts lie about Obama cutting the work requirement, while writing legislation that would do exactly that. And Republicans are wondering why they're losing the battle of ideas.

OOPS! A GOP-led House Panel Voted To End Welfare Rules At Heart Of Anti-Obama Attack | TPMDC

There’s little Republicans love more these days than falsely attacking President Obama for stripping work requirements out of welfare.

But in their zeal to slash and de-federalize safety net programs, they’ve advanced legislation that would do exactly that.

The bill — sponsored by Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Joseph J. Heck, (R-NV), and Buck McKeon (R-CA) and called the Workforce Investment Improvement Act — would allow states to lump moneys from state-federal employment and training programs, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, into a single fund. But by doing so, it could essentially nullify federal eligibility requirements for those programs, according to the Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan analysis arm of Congress which reviewed the bill.
The source Talking points memo that's what makes the net so much fun you can always find a partisan website to back up any notion you want. It would be nice if ever so often people on both sides of the aisle would try posting a non or at least less partisan source to back up there claims.

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