How Assad Delivered Journalist J. Foley to ISIS?


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
American authorities know that journalist James Foley was delivered by syrian regime to ISIS puppets to be killed, the objective of Assad was to call US collaborate with regime and to fight rebels in Syria.

Otherwise how this journalist was carried from Regime jail to ISIS jail.

One Big Question Surrounds The Murder Of US Journalist James Foley By ISIS

Following the grisly murder of an American journalist by extremist militants, one key question remains: How did ISIS abduct James Foley, who was widely considered to be in the custody of groups loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad?
In the words of Mic politics editor Stefan Becket: "The prevailing assumption was that Foley was being held by pro-Assad forces, or by the regime itself. How did he get from there to ISIS?"

In May 2013, GlobalPost President Philip Balboni released the following statement on behalf of himself and Foley’s parents: “We have obtained multiple independent reports from very credible confidential sources … that confirm our assessment that Jim is now being held by the Syrian government in a prison … under the control of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence service.

"t is likely Jim is being held with one or more Western journalists," Balboni added, "including most likely at least one other American.”

On Tuesday, ISIS released a grisly, 4-minute video apparently showing Foley's beheading. The video, and claims that ISIS also holds American Time contributor Steven Sotloff, are being investigated by U.S. intelligence services, and Foley's family stated that James "gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people."

What is unclear is if previous investigations into Foley's whereabouts were inaccurate, if ISIS militants somehow captured Foley from some of the regime's most elite security, or if the Assad regime provided Foley to ISIS.

"Until recently, James Foley was thought to be in hands of pro-Assad forces. If Assad is handing over Westerners to ISIS to be killed, it indicates Assad feels cornered, looking for leverage," BBC's Kim Ghattas tweeted, adding that the assessment jibes with what her sources in Damascus have told her recently.

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Funny, Yesterday it was the rebels that sold Foley to ISIS, what will tomorrow bring?
Sad, how people want to exploit the murder of Foley. He was an idiot who went to the "rebels" who know killed him.
The question is how he was transported from regime jail to ISIS jail?!
Why ISIS never kill pro-regime journalists who are tens in Syria?!

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