CDZ How Benjamin Netanyahu Freed Me

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Up until recently, I had a history of backing Israel, right or wrong. I did so because they were America's friend and ally, or so I thought. Even when they were wrong, my criticisms of them were designed to shield them. No more. Benjamin Netanyahu freed me.
And, how did he do that exactly?
He entered into a partisan debate and broke all protocol and insulted our sitting President. No friend and ally does all of that. He has dome more. Israel reelected him. Actions have consequences. Many Jews and supporters of Israel have tried to paper it all over and convince people like me to back Israel as we used to.

no more

we are free

thank you Bibi
Up until recently, I had a history of backing Israel, right or wrong. I did so because they were America's friend and ally, or so I thought. Even when they were wrong, my criticisms of them were designed to shield them. No more. Benjamin Netanyahu freed me.

ah.. .that explains your last thread.

okie dokie... so now we're trolling jews. ok. *shrug*

i didn't feel i should hate the united states because george w bush had horrible policies.

i'd think one can dislike netanyahu and not hate israel. but whatchagonnado?
Up until recently, I had a history of backing Israel, right or wrong. I did so because they were America's friend and ally, or so I thought. Even when they were wrong, my criticisms of them were designed to shield them. No more. Benjamin Netanyahu freed me.

ah.. .that explains your last thread.

okie dokie... so now we're trolling jews. ok. *shrug*

i didn't feel i should hate the united states because george w bush had horrible policies.

i'd think one can dislike netanyahu and not hate israel. but whatchagonnado?

Who hates Israel? Trolling Jews? Bringing up what Jews here have been asking. Please, stop trying to be fair here. It's not working. I expect better from you

sincerely Woof!
Up until recently, I had a history of backing Israel, right or wrong. I did so because they were America's friend and ally, or so I thought. Even when they were wrong, my criticisms of them were designed to shield them. No more. Benjamin Netanyahu freed me.
As a nation, we Americans do not realize how our view of Israel is shaped by propaganda and differs radically not only from the view of the other nations on the planet but from the facts on the ground as well.

The alternate views of the history and current policies of the Likud government are not subject to open debate in America. Trying to talk about US-Israel relations with most Americans is like trying to talk about gun control with an NRA member or Roe v. Wade with a right-to-lifer. There is an immediate, accusatory and angry response which precludes any further dialogue.

The tragedy, at least in my view, is that our white-knuckles-on-the-wheel approach to the Palestinian question is enabling the expansionist aggression of Likud,* a policy which could well lead to disaster for the Jewish state.

Friends don't let friends drive drunk, and providing the guns and money which allows Likud to outrage half a billion Muslims surrounding Palestine and to defy the rulings of the United Nations is not doing the Jewish people any good. Uncle Sam needs to take the keys away from Bibi before he leads Israel into a calamitous tragedy.

* Note that I distinguish between the Likud coalition and the people of Israel as a whole.
Israel has contempt for douchebags who are not zionist jews. But certainly appreciates them. So go ahead and stand with delusional, racist faggots who get US military gear for free!
Israel has contempt for douchebags who are not zionist jews. But certainly appreciates them. So go ahead and stand with delusional, racist faggots who get US military gear for free!

Yeah yeah we get it, you're an anti Semite off to ignore you go
The issue in the Occupied Territories is not self-preservation, it is conquest of lebensraum for Eretz Israel through military aggression and illegal occupation. Israel's creation of the Gaza Ghetto is no more an act of self preservation than was the US creation of a Cherokee Reservation in Oklahoma. Think straight and don't fall for AIPAC propaganda.
The issue in the Occupied Territories is not self-preservation, it is conquest of lebensraum for Eretz Israel through military aggression and illegal occupation. Israel's creation of the Gaza Ghetto is no more an act of self preservation than was the US creation of a Cherokee Reservation in Oklahoma. Think straight and don't fall for AIPAC propaganda.
Constant terror attacks against Israel will not lead to a Palestinian State.
The issue in the Occupied Territories is not self-preservation, it is conquest of lebensraum for Eretz Israel through military aggression and illegal occupation. Israel's creation of the Gaza Ghetto is no more an act of self preservation than was the US creation of a Cherokee Reservation in Oklahoma. Think straight and don't fall for AIPAC propaganda.
Constant terror attacks against Israel will not lead to a Palestinian State.
Well, you are quite right about that. It isn't the terror attacks that will do the job, it is the UN resolutions backed up by the World Court which will force Washington to man up to the AIPAC lobby and tell the Israeli government to get right with God or no more military of financial handouts.

You may be too young to remember when President Carter told Israel to halt the illegal settlements or face a suspension of assistance. The settlement activity froze on the spot. Israel cannot survive without the US military and financial subsidy. Once the government of Israel becomes convinced that we mean what we say, they will comply on a same-day basis.

Our problem isn't in Jerusalem, it is in Washington.
And, how did he do that exactly?
He entered into a partisan debate and broke all protocol and insulted our sitting President. No friend and ally does all of that. He has dome more. Israel reelected him. Actions have consequences. Many Jews and supporters of Israel have tried to paper it all over and convince people like me to back Israel as we used to.

no more

we are free

thank you Bibi

Obama started ths insult game, if we're honest.
And, how did he do that exactly?
He entered into a partisan debate and broke all protocol and insulted our sitting President. No friend and ally does all of that. He has dome more. Israel reelected him. Actions have consequences. Many Jews and supporters of Israel have tried to paper it all over and convince people like me to back Israel as we used to.

no more

we are free

thank you Bibi

Obama started ths insult game, if we're honest.
Folks! We have a winner.

good gawd, you can't really believe that shit, can you?
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