How Boring will the Trump Reelection be?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Kindergarten Kids could have pulled off something better than the witch hunt to promote the Ds.

The D Clown car caravan includes no one that a sane voter would want as county dog catcher.

You may note that this OP is in politics not satire and while the thread could be expanded who wants to beat the jackass herd after it has overdosed on loco weed?
Never assume too much.

Fight tooth and nail for everything you think is right.
agreed, Hillary in 2016 is exhibit A in what not to do. But the big problem is that the real battle is against the state and local branches of the political arm of organized crime. Trump is not putting the boot in and that is the big problem.
We can expect DEMs to establish a new low in Presidential politics just like they did with the Kavanaugh hearings. They will smear Trump with the most cringe-worthy filth while they push their Socialist/Open Borders agenda. We'll see how that plays on Main Street USA.
Orange man good thread.

More like a "democrat candidates are unelectable" thread
Echoes of the 2018 midterms.

How'd that work out?

Same way most midterms turn out or am I wrong? We'll see what happens in 2020. Trump doesn't have to DO anything, the dems are digging their own graves IMO.
18 months is a long time. But please, please let Trump do stuff! Let him tweet stuff, say stuff off the cuff (I'm a poet and don't realize it). Let him gut federal departments. Let him treat human beings as Charles. Let him insult, degrade, demean and feud with both the living and the dead. Let the unrdacted Mueller report come to the public. Let Trump be Trump.
Orange man good thread.

More like a "democrat candidates are unelectable" thread
Echoes of the 2018 midterms.

How'd that work out?

Same way most midterms turn out or am I wrong? We'll see what happens in 2020. Trump doesn't have to DO anything, the dems are digging their own graves IMO.
18 months is a long time. But please, please let Trump do stuff! Let him tweet stuff, say stuff off the cuff (I'm a poet and don't realize it). Let him gut federal departments. Let him treat human beings as Charles. Let him insult, degrade, demean and feud with both the living and the dead. Let the unrdacted Mueller report come to the public. Let Trump be Trump.

Ok and let the democrats continue to demean and marginalize white men while hypocritically claiming they oppose racism and sexism.
Orange man good thread.

More like a "democrat candidates are unelectable" thread
Echoes of the 2018 midterms.

How'd that work out?

Same way most midterms turn out or am I wrong? We'll see what happens in 2020. Trump doesn't have to DO anything, the dems are digging their own graves IMO.
18 months is a long time. But please, please let Trump do stuff! Let him tweet stuff, say stuff off the cuff (I'm a poet and don't realize it). Let him gut federal departments. Let him treat human beings as Charles. Let him insult, degrade, demean and feud with both the living and the dead. Let the unrdacted Mueller report come to the public. Let Trump be Trump.

Ok and let the democrats continue to demean and marginalize white men while hypocritically claiming they oppose racism and sexism.

damn them for keeping the white man down
More like a "democrat candidates are unelectable" thread
Echoes of the 2018 midterms.

How'd that work out?

Same way most midterms turn out or am I wrong? We'll see what happens in 2020. Trump doesn't have to DO anything, the dems are digging their own graves IMO.
18 months is a long time. But please, please let Trump do stuff! Let him tweet stuff, say stuff off the cuff (I'm a poet and don't realize it). Let him gut federal departments. Let him treat human beings as Charles. Let him insult, degrade, demean and feud with both the living and the dead. Let the unrdacted Mueller report come to the public. Let Trump be Trump.

Ok and let the democrats continue to demean and marginalize white men while hypocritically claiming they oppose racism and sexism.

damn them for keeping the white man down

Right here's the standard lefty reaction. You know, instead of trying to bring white men down (no matter their status) the dems should consider policies meant to lift everyone UP.
Orange man good thread.

More like a "democrat candidates are unelectable" thread
Echoes of the 2018 midterms.

How'd that work out?

Same way most midterms turn out or am I wrong? We'll see what happens in 2020. Trump doesn't have to DO anything, the dems are digging their own graves IMO.

That they are and I'm going to enjoy the campaign they throw at America.

Should be good for a laugh.
It will be hilarious and terrifying watching the Democratic party candidates try to out crazy each other.
It will be hilarious and terrifying watching the Democratic party candidates try to out crazy each other.

Not all of them are playing that game and D primaries rarely matter since the local party bosses deliver whatever vote total the state bosses tell them to.

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