How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

To each is own

Everyone has their own ideas and beliefs, there is not right faith for all people.
Freedom of religion in the US is guaranteed. No one or group should force their religious beliefs on others.
Everyone has their own path through life, their own learning experience, their own adventure, their own discovery, their own proof.

There are multiple Gods/theories but there is only one "truth" and we probably wont ever know..

except after we die? Or do you mean "ever ever"?
Personally, I don't think we will know anything after we die. I don't believe in a man made god. I don't doubt a supreme creator/being but not the Abrahamic "God". I think if there was something so fuckin awesome that could have made us/world, they wouldn't be as narcissistic as the Abrahamic god. I don't think they would spiritually rape a virgin. I don't think they would send us to an eternity of fire for having a different opinion. And I damn sure think that if someone created us, they are watching us; yhey would show their faces and straighten us out instead of letting us kill each other and dwell on metaphorical bullshit.

well then, if there IS some kind of creator, they are still allowing this to happen to us....

Consider the major religions of the world. What are they?

1. Christianity.
2. Islam
3. Judaism

What do these have in common? It seems to me that they all point to the God of Abraham.

Granted, there are far eastern religions like Buddhism but that is more of a philosophy than a religion. Then there is Hinduism but that is mainly in and around India and a local religion.

Hindus are a pretty substantial group.

Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there are as many gods as there are immortals that become one ... it's not a mind boggling equation that of all the god's there would be one Almighty

whatever means taken to accomplish imortality is not the same as being granted Admission to the Everlasting. as in if denied by the Almighty what possibly could a single sole do to alter the inevitable.

There are multiple Gods/theories but there is only one "truth" and we probably wont ever know..

except after we die? Or do you mean "ever ever"?
Personally, I don't think we will know anything after we die. I don't believe in a man made god. I don't doubt a supreme creator/being but not the Abrahamic "God". I think if there was something so fuckin awesome that could have made us/world, they wouldn't be as narcissistic as the Abrahamic god. I don't think they would spiritually rape a virgin. I don't think they would send us to an eternity of fire for having a different opinion. And I damn sure think that if someone created us, they are watching us; yhey would show their faces and straighten us out instead of letting us kill each other and dwell on metaphorical bullshit.

well then, if there IS some kind of creator, they are still allowing this to happen to us....

Consider the major religions of the world. What are they?

1. Christianity.
2. Islam
3. Judaism

What do these have in common? It seems to me that they all point to the God of Abraham.

Granted, there are far eastern religions like Buddhism but that is more of a philosophy than a religion. Then there is Hinduism but that is mainly in and around India and a local religion.

Hindus are a pretty substantial group.


True, but it is only a regional religion. It is not really a world wide religion.

It just so happens that there are a lot of people in that region.

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