How can yall continue to support him?

I agree. I would add that he's intelligent and articulate unlike his predecessor. He's an idealist but he's smart enough to be pragmatic. Lastly, he isn't afraid to tackle the big controversial issues.
Obama is indeed intelligent and articulate but he's not an idealist. He is the consummate realist -- and a very slick politician who is owned by the corporatocracy. He's also an expert performer.

If it appears that he's not afraid to tackle the big controversial issues it's because he really doesn't care about the outcome. He's playing with our money and our future. Either way, his money and future are assured. Even if he ends up with one term he will follow in Bill Clinton's footsteps on the big money speaking circuit and will probably become the president of some Ivy League university, a partner in a prestigious law firm or an executive in one of the banks or financial institutions he served so well as President.
I supported Obama because he was the democratic nominee. I use to vote for the man, now I vote for the party because of the polarization that has occurred in American politics leaves me no other choice. I thought McCain would make a good president, but I could not abide the dogma of the Republican party.

I tend to vote Democrat in lieu of Republicans or Independents because Democrats tackle the most difficult problems the country faces, social problems which are just about completely ignore by Republicans.

The Republicans always go after the easy stuff such as starting wars that they can't possibly loose and cutting taxes for the elite.

You need to educate yourself, you're no better than the loons who always vote Republican simply because they feel a Dem would take their guns. :lol:

That is a good point. What president has ever confiscated any guns?
I agree. I would add that he's intelligent and articulate unlike his predecessor. He's an idealist but he's smart enough to be pragmatic. Lastly, he isn't afraid to tackle the big controversial issues.
Obama is indeed intelligent and articulate but he's not an idealist. He is the consummate realist -- and a very slick politician who is owned by the corporatocracy. He's also an expert performer.

If it appears that he's not afraid to tackle the big controversial issues it's because he really doesn't care about the outcome. He's playing with our money and our future. Either way, his money and future are assured. Even if he ends up with one term he will follow in Bill Clinton's footsteps on the big money speaking circuit and will probably become the president of some Ivy League university, a partner in a prestigious law firm or an executive in one of the banks or financial institutions he served so well as President.
He doesn't care? The success of his presidency depends on his ability to delivery on what none of his predecessors could delivery on, healthcare reform, financial reform, and immigration reform. Republicans can not standby and see the new president credited with these victories.
I supported Obama because he was the democratic nominee. I use to vote for the man, now I vote for the party because of the polarization that has occurred in American politics leaves me no other choice. I thought McCain would make a good president, but I could not abide the dogma of the Republican party.

I tend to vote Democrat in lieu of Republicans or Independents because Democrats tackle the most difficult problems the country faces, social problems which are just about completely ignore by Republicans.

The Republicans always go after the easy stuff such as starting wars that they can't possibly loose and cutting taxes for the elite.

You need to educate yourself, you're no better than the loons who always vote Republican simply because they feel a Dem would take their guns. :lol:

That is a good point. What president has ever confiscated any guns?

Eh, don't get to cocky, plenty of left wing morons who vote demo simply because they think Repubs would take their abortions. Morons on either extreme.
I agree. I would add that he's intelligent and articulate unlike his predecessor. He's an idealist but he's smart enough to be pragmatic. Lastly, he isn't afraid to tackle the big controversial issues.
Obama is indeed intelligent and articulate but he's not an idealist. He is the consummate realist -- and a very slick politician who is owned by the corporatocracy. He's also an expert performer.

If it appears that he's not afraid to tackle the big controversial issues it's because he really doesn't care about the outcome. He's playing with our money and our future. Either way, his money and future are assured. Even if he ends up with one term he will follow in Bill Clinton's footsteps on the big money speaking circuit and will probably become the president of some Ivy League university, a partner in a prestigious law firm or an executive in one of the banks or financial institutions he served so well as President.
He doesn't care? The success of his presidency depends on his ability to delivery on what none of his predecessors could delivery on, healthcare reform, financial reform, and immigration reform. Republicans can not standby and see the new president credited with these victories.

Does he care? That's debatable. Does he actually know how to do the job? Nope, he doesn't have a clue. He has grand ideas and no idea how to implement them in the real world. Health care insurance reform? A great idea, but there was no reason for it to be as bloated as it is, that was a direct consequence of him having NO leadership skills.

As I said earlier, the FIRST damn lesson they teach you in OCS is that when one of your men fail, you fail. You don't throw your subordinates under the bus, you climb under there with him.

Harry Truman had a sign that read "The buck stops here" on his desk, Obama has one that reads "I'm playing golf, drop the buck in my in box and I'll get to it when I can, and then I'll blame it on BOOSH" The man is no leader, I don't care how many great ideas he has, he is incompetent at the job of President. Like someone said earlier in the thread, he could have hid in the Senate forever, but his incompetency shows in the big office.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Well he has tried to deliver on his promise to fundamentally transform america

1) We shun our allies england and israel...transformation
2) Government gets to control health care instead of individuals....transformation
3) Government gets to have a say in how some car companies are run....transformation
4) Government gives tax money to big wig corporate interests under the guise of stimulus spending...transformation
5) Government doesn't suspend the Jones act in order to get help cleaning up the worst oil spill ever even though several years earlier it was willing to suspend the Jones act to get help for Katrina victims.....transformation

I could go on but you get my point.

1) Israel has actually received MUCH more support from the U.S. than actually most countries in the world. We've given them $34 BILLION since 1951 (and still giving them money).
2) Because, you know, England is going over SUCH turmoil right now. Because they're going through an oil crisis in an area that got struck by a hurricane just a few years ago. Sorry, but the only thing they are really grieving over is their loss at the hands of Germany during the World Cup.
3) The government's control of both health care and the auto industry is NOT the Orwellian Nightmare that you are think that Obama is forcing down our throats. It's just a small part of socialism. And socialism and communism are two COMPLETELY things. I could go on about the differences between the two, but since I feel it completely unnecessary to spit out the two ideologies in full detail, let me break it down in the simplest terms: Communism is Russia ruled under Stalin while Socialism is Canada since the early-to-mid 20th century. And for the record, the majority of Canada is fine and dandy with their socialist system, especially as far as their health care goes.
4) So the government allows these companies to spend money given to them while still telling how these people to spend it? Where and when did you hear that? When the Bush administration gave these companies the money, they allowed them to do what they want. Obama has followed Bush's precedent. So if anything, you should praise Obama for following Bush's very capitalist decision.
5) That doesn't mean that the government hasn't done anything to clean up the Gulf. That's the problem with people like you. The government is either too strict with the oil spill and is doing way too much while on other days, they are too lax and aren't doing enough to help.

I could go on, but you get my point.
Stock Market up almost 60% from the time he came into office
Rest assured this is the predictable result of the deal he made with Wall Street and the bankers, which in simple terms amounted to: Put Geithner and Summers in charge of everything financial, give us $800 billion with no questions asked, we'll take care of everything and it will look good for you. The whole thing is analogous to professional wrestling: You do that and we'll do this, then you do this and we'll do that.

We have focused the war effort where our military leaders wanted in Afghanistan instead of Bush/Cheney Iraq war.
We now have more troops in the Middle East than before. Instead of winding down and putting an end to all of the wholly unnecessary waste he is ensuring a permanent flow of cash from our pockets to the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex. He is doing exactly what Bush and Cheney would have done, the difference being he's moving the pieces around a bit differently.

The economy is turning around slowly with the majority of economic indicators are increasing while the majority were decreasing durring Bush's last months.
As per the agreement with the financial industry that delivered him to Office. It is they who are arranging the pieces, not Obama. But we still have millions unemployed and a deficit that could bring about another Great Depression at any time.

He passed health reform. Presidents have been trying for 30 years without success. Dispite criticisim the majority of healthcare stocks since the bill was passed are up.
You mean the healthcare industry's stocks are up. That's because the health care bill that was passed is really a minor compromise in relation to what was promised and expected. The industry is already ramming substantial rate increases through. None of the really important provisions which were originally touted are incorporated in the bill that was passed. Briefly stated, it's 90% bullshit and the same industry players are still in the catbird seat.

He passed a bipartisan bill to regulate Wall Street to prevent a reoccurrence of the melt down that happened durring the Bush Presidiency.
What was passed is the creation of a centralized fund to bail out failing banks and investment companies. But the way the banks and credit card companies have been raising their rates and interest it's no secret where the money to build that fund is coming from. Have you seen any relief coming in your direction from the banksters?

He has a 50% approval rate twice what Bush has. But more importantly twice the current congress's approval rating. The bigger problem is congress not Obama.
Just being rid of Bush is worth a 50% approval rating. You are quite right about the Congress but you're ignoring the fact that what makes a good President is the ability to move the Congress in the direction you want them to go. That's what made LBJ a good President. Obama is a nice guy, but what good does that do us? LBJ was an aggressive wheeler-dealer who got things done by molding the Congress to his will.

If Obama was a good President he would not have appointed Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel. What can the common people expect from that crew?
You need to educate yourself, you're no better than the loons who always vote Republican simply because they feel a Dem would take their guns. :lol:

That is a good point. What president has ever confiscated any guns?

Eh, don't get to cocky, plenty of left wing morons who vote demo simply because they think Repubs would take their abortions. Morons on either extreme.

Are you worried about your right to get an abortion?
You lost, get over it.

How sad that this is just some game to you that your side "won." No my friend, I didn't lose, I got to exercise my vote. America lost......

The libs continues to use those phrases as if it's a game to them. They do not realize that as long as we are divided, the focus is off the politicians. Almost ALL politicians are power crazy and have only their interests in mind. The few that are honest and have good ideas get pushed aside by the corrupt.
We spend so much time and energy arguing us v them, we allow this country to continue the downward spiral. The libs seem absolutely giddy when they state that they "won". What did they win? Probably a President that will go down in history as completely inept at his job. Our children and grandchildren will curse our generation for allowing this presidency to happen.
Bigger government is not the answer.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Easy...thanks for asking

President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

That is just in the economic sector....would you like to hear more?

Yeah just ignore the hugh deficit increase it took to "turn it around". Still waiting for it to turn.
That is a good point. What president has ever confiscated any guns?

Eh, don't get to cocky, plenty of left wing morons who vote demo simply because they think Repubs would take their abortions. Morons on either extreme.

Are you worried about your right to get an abortion?

That's irrelevant but no, neither am I worried about anyone taking my guns.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

A new poll of leading presidential scholars ranks Barack Obama as the 15th best president of the United States. Bill Clinton is number 13. George W. Bush came in at number 42 and second to last on issues such as handling the U. S. economy, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence.

So take your cheesy little opinion of the prez and shove it. And refrain criticizing others about honesty, you big hypocrite. Skin color is the reason you bagheads hate Obama even more than you all hated Bill Clinton. Obama's skin color has been a big problem for conservatives all along. Everybody knows that. Most of Obama's supporters didn't care about that. A LOT of us whites voted for him because we like him and knew he would do a good job. Color had nothing to do with it. Idiot.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

A new poll of leading presidential scholars ranks Barack Obama as the 15th best president of the United States. Bill Clinton is number 13. George W. Bush came in at number 42 and second to last on issues such as handling the U. S. economy, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence.

So take your cheesy little opinion of the prez and shove it. And refrain criticizing others about honesty, you big hypocrite. Skin color is the reason you bagheads hate Obama even more than you all hated Bill Clinton. Obama's skin color has been a big problem for conservatives all along. Everybody knows that. Most of Obama's supporters didn't care about that. A LOT of us whites voted for him because we like him and knew he would do a good job. Color had nothing to do with it. Idiot.

Obamabots can not wrap their heads around the fact that Obama's policies are what drive his opposition. Instead it is just easier to play the race card as a way to shut down debate. As far a "everybody knowing that skin color is the reason" Obama is disliked, that opinion is reserved for those that blindly support him and have no real argument to defend the big govt policies he has enacted, his ineptness relating to the oil spill, his distaste for all things business and the many other failures of his presidency. His sinking poll numbers seem to support the displeasure of the voting public.

There are many black individuals that would make a great president (Colin Powell, Herman Caine, J. C. Watts and etc. Unfortunately, none of them ran for the office. While I admit there are a few ignorant, hate filled bigots that do not like Obama because of his color, they are not the majority. Both sides have their radicals.

The cold hard facts are:
The left put him there and if they abandon him because he is ruining this country, there may not be another chance to vote for a minority President for many, many years. If the left and the media were honest and admitted he is not doing a sub par job, then that would be an admission that they were wrong in their support and their egos will not allow it. The same can be said for the right in some of their choices of politicians. Why we insist on following these "leaders" over the cliff just because our pride won't let us be honest, is beyond me. Bad is bad no matter what letter is beside their names.
Get past the race issues as the libs are the only ones that seem fixated on it. The subject is, more times than not, brought up by Liberals. They seem to have race issues, not the Cons.
Such total and complete crap. And it's bad enough that you are trying to get other people to buy this. But then it seems as if you've convinced yourself that it's true. Lying to yourself is really bad. I feel sorry for you.
In other words? They loathe American Exceptionalism.
oooooooooooooooooooooo......more code for Aryan Rights!!

I remember American Exceptionalism.
Yeah.....we've had our moments.....


Thanks for lets move on to the wars

Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become mopre engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.

There is more Con want to hear it?

Inheriting two wars is daunting,, we're agreed. But of course you don't give Bush any slack for inheriting 9/11 so I don't really understand how you now claim "mercy".
Bush ALLOWED 9/11 TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

(Are you really as clueless as you act??!! :eusa_eh: )​

Long before 9/11, the White House debated taking the fight to al-Qaeda. By the time they decided, it was too late. The saga of a lost chance.


"In Washington, Dick Clarke didn't seem to have a lot of friends either. His proposals were still grinding away. No other great power handles the transition from one government to another in so shambolic a way as the U.S.—new appointments take months to be confirmed by the Senate; incoming Administrations tinker with even the most sensible of existing policies. The fight against terrorism was one of the casualties of the transition, as Washington spent eight months going over and over a document whose outline had long been clear.

As the new Administration took office, Rice kept Clarke in his job as counterterrorism czar. In early February, he repeated to Vice President Dick Cheney the briefing he had given to Rice and Hadley. There are differing opinions on how seriously the Bush team took Clarke's warnings. Some members of the outgoing Administration got the sense that the Bush team thought the Clintonites had become obsessed with terrorism. "It was clear," says one, "that this was not the same priority to them that it was to us."

For other observers, however, the real point was not that the new Administration dismissed the terrorist theat. On the contrary, Rice, Hadley and Cheney, says an official, "all got that it was important." The question is, How high a priority did terrorism get? Clarke says that dealing with al-Qaeda "was in the top tier of issues reviewed by the Bush Administration." But other topics got far more attention. The whole Bush national-security team was obsessed with setting up a national $y$tem of mi$$ile defen$e. (MY empha$i$!)

Some counterterrorism officials think there is another reason for the Bush Administration's dilatory response. Clarke's paper, says an official, "was a Clinton proposal." Keeping Clarke around was one thing; buying into the analysis of an Administration that the Bush team considered feckless and naive was quite another. So Rice instructed Clarke to initiate a new "policy review process" on the terrorism threat. Clarke dived into yet another round of meetings. And his proposals were nibbled nearly to death."

Hey, ConHog.....ya' got any OTHER Absolutes ya' need VAPORIZED???!!!!!!

You lost, get over it.

How sad that this is just some game to you that your side "won." No my friend, I didn't lose, I got to exercise my vote. America lost......

The libs continues to use those phrases as if it's a game to them. They do not realize that as long as we are divided, the focus is off the politicians. Almost ALL politicians are power crazy and have only their interests in mind.


[ame=]YouTube - The Nexus of Politics and Terror[/ame]​
Support (or detract) policies, not politicians.

Ssves you from getting locked into supporting things you don't approve of.

President Obama is the first president to pass a comprehensive nationwide healthcare plan. After over 100 years of trying, the US has joined the rest of the industrialized world in ensuring that its citizens have access to healthcare.
In spite of massive lobbying by the insurance industry and rampant fear mongering and misinformation generated from the right, president Obama along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid managed to hammer out a deal long after most considered healthcare to be dead.
Is the bill flawless.?....hell no
Is there more to be done?....hell yes

But the bill did establish the groundwork for comprehensive coverage for all Americans. Despite repeated attempts by Republicans to rip it up and lame promises of "we will help you this time, no really, trust us, we republicans want Americans to hae access to healthcare"...Obama pushed through a deal that will be a hallmark of his presidency

Damn....and its only been 18 months so far....pretty impressive

There is want to hear?

Pretty imipressive???

Not exactly the words I would use. More like lets shove this peice of shit down the throats of the American people. Yeah. That sounds more like it to me.

Did you perhaps forget that the majority of Americans wanted reform, not this peice of shit we got handed??

There is no reform in this bill whatsoever. They merely added millions to the roles. The insurance companies can't refuse to treat anyone and can't cancel anyones insurance. This expense will be passed on to all of us who have coverage. Peoples kids and grandkids will be paying for this cluserfuck forever.

Pretty impressive. Not fucking hardly.

Most wanted more comprehensive reform, ie single payer or at least public option; But very few wanted this bill to fail with no reform whatsoever as the alternative. It's a foundation for greater reform, if nothing else.

The truth is, all the rabble-rousing you heard from Republicans during the great debate was nothing more than scare tactics; Scare the ever lovin shit out of Americans and force the pressure to result in the failure of this bill. Just buy some time, get Obama and congressional dems mired in something else; Eventually the Republicans will be back in power and you'll hear the same amount of talk about HC reform that you've heard of the last 30 years when Republicans were in control: NADA.

To view it as anything else is to deny logic. You really think piddlin crap like tort reform and buying across state lines is the reason Republicans were against it?? Get real. Let me introduce you to the elephant in the room: THE REPUBLICANS DID NOT AND DO NOT WANT ANY HEALTH CARE REFORM.

So. The Reps had control of Congress for 30 years??

I think you better get on Google and get your facts straight.

The Reps had control of Congress from 1994 till 2006. Periiod. The Dems ran the show for the rest of that time. Social engineering galore.

I'm also glad you know what the Reps were thinking about HC because neither the Dems nor OL'BO were the least bit interested in anything they had to say on the matter.

The only thing that scares me about HC is having the Govt run the show which is the ultimate aim of Pelosi, Reid and Barry Boy. The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well in charge of HC. God. What a scary thought.

I guess thats your cup of tea though. It sure as hell ain't mine.
Hmmmm....where were we?

You wanted more reasons why we continue to support President Obama

1. Patched up tattered relations with international allies and re-established the reputation of the US abroad
2. Established a new ideal of global cooperation with other nations. Showed a willingness to consider their needs and listening to their input and concerns in resolving global issues
3. Negotiated the largest nuclear disarmament treaty since Reagan
4. Pushed Finance reforms to prevent a massive economic meltdown like we saw under the Republicans

Imagine....he accomplished all this with the Republicans blocking, obfuscating, lying, fear mongering every major initiative.

President Obama has accomplished more in his first 18 months of office than any President since FDR. The good part for the nation is he still has six and a half years to continue putting the nation on the right track and repairing the damage done by our eight year journey into rightwing hell


RW. You really need to take the rose colored glasses off. Jeeze.

1. I don't really think all his bowing and ass kissing has patched up much. In fact from what I've read Sarkozy thinks he's a joke. No telling what our other allies think of him. GB and Isreal must have some thoughts on that. LOL

2. Established a new deal of global cooperation?? Sounds nice.

3. Yeah. Russian loved it. They didn't have to give up a thing. More diplomacy of the BO kind.

4. Had all kinds of regs to prevent the meltdown. The oversite, i.e. the Clowns in Congress weren't doing their jobs. That was while both the Dems and Reps had control of Congress. Now they are just Covering Their asses.

As for the Reps blockinig. Well. You kinda sorta forgot that the Dems had a SUPERMAJORITY and could have passed anything they wanted to pass. They just had to bribe a few of their members thats all. You know. The buyoffs and backroom deals. Standard politics.

Nope.. BO don't walk on water and never will.

1. Still playing the Rush Limbaugh "Obama bows too much" we really need to start posting the George Bush handholding and man-kissing pics?

2. Obama patched up the global disdain for the US because of the previous presidents lies, bullying and inability to listen. "In the past, America has been arrogant" translates to "George Bush was an asshole"

3. Nuclear disarmament helps everyone on earth. It also decreases our need to maintain nuclear platforms that are no longer needed

4. Repubs are still resisting instituting regulations to prevent Financial shenanegans that resulted in a worldwide collapse. How stupid can the" party of no"be???

Pollyanna: Has anything in this country ever been accomplished without politics?

Pollyanna??? Not hardly.

Since I don't listen to Rush I have no idea what he's saying on the subject. As for Barry Boys world standings?? Well, I don't think the world thinks any more of him than I do.

Nuclear disarmament is a game they all play. Both sides get something out of the deal. Not just one. Russia was the winner in this round.

As for the Reps and Financial regulation. Take a good look at Europe. They have so many regulations businesses can't expand. Thats the reason their economies are stagnant. I'm all in favor of regulations but lets not over regulate everything. Lets also have some oversite thats real oversite. Both parties are at fault big time on this one.

You and I will always differ on HC. This bill is just a foot in the door the the Govt takeover of HC. God. What a scary thought. This bill just added millions to the roles. It didn't reform anything. Let me know when you HC costs hit the roof. Mine are already heading that way.

You think BO is the answer. I don't.

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