How Comrade Sanders will destroy The Working Class and Our Economy

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
His planned $200 Trillion in Soviet Union styled Spending when we only have a $20 Trillion Dollar GDP alone would destroy America.

So will the $93 Trillion in Green New Scam Soending do the same.

No wonder he will need to confiscate The Wealth of Billionaires and throw them in Gulags, and round up Conservatives and put them in Re-Education Camps and take anyone who still resists to The Guillotines.

But let’s forget about what a Commie Disaster he is and just focus on just one of his Fantasies. Free Healthcare for Illegals and every slothful human being that made his couch his home.


Try paying for free education, The Green New Scam, Free Healthcare, Free College, and Guaranteed income on just $7.20 and hour. Then try to get a job after Sanders confiscates The Wealth of Billionaires and Nationalizes our economy.

How are The Democrats even considering such a suicide mission just to get back in power?
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Well, to be fair, that 52% tax would probably be only on the earnings above $29,000. So the 0.52($31,200 -$29,000) = $1,144

Still, it' a tax plan that would really suck for anyone earning a decent income.
The point is, that there is No Miracle Commie Math that can extract $200 Trillion out of a $20 Trillion Economy without burning it to the ground in ashes.

The Soviet Union does not need to Nuke America to destroy it. They just needed to send Barak Obama Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Well, to be fair, that 52% tax would probably be only on the earnings above $29,000. So the 0.52($31,200 -$29,000) = $1,144

Still, it' a tax plan that would really suck for anyone earning a decent income.

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