How Could Anyone Deny Manmade Climate Change?

How do you think carbon credits would help anything? It's all a scam.

It wont by itself but thats hardly a reason to say that the planet warming is all a scam because of carbon credits. Its like saying wrestling isnt effective because the WWE is fake.

It won't do anything at all. Lol. It is a money making scheme, and people have made money off it too, PLENTY. Just google it and check for yourself.

Maybe Carbon Credits are a money making scheme but again, that has nothing to do with whether or not climate change is real. For example, there are sociopaths that can pass a lie detector. Does that mean that lie detectors are bullshit? No.
sure it does, it's been asked by myself and others for you to provide a solution to your supposed problem. To date, the only response is this carbon credits. So it you agree that that doesn't qualify as a solution, what is your solution. The burden is on you since you believe. Me I don't know how to fix what isn't real.

False there is more solutions than Carbon Credits unless you never heard of green energy. Theres no burden on me. I know its real, like flash floods. But just because I dont know how to stop them doesnt mean flash floods dont exist. I'm just a guy on the internet.

You should ask scientists.

Oh thats right, you dont trust them either. have no real responsibilities in most of the climate crusader k00ks. The whole reason nobody is caring about the science is exactly because of the financial burdens that correspond with they nutty-ass alarmists solutions..........and anyway, carbon credit schemes are exactly tied to green energy you fucking dolt.:funnyface::funnyface::2up:
Cap and Trade was designed to push wind and solar on the public...........duh...........

Billy......we seem to have a new member trolling in the ENVIRONMENT forum. And this one is particularly stoopid..............

I gotta say...........Old Rocks.....Crick.......Mamooth..........Mathew..........all the old reliable group in here. Maybe the thought processing is a bit off.......but a bright bunch of people we debate.

This guys is a dumb as a stump.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: have no real responsibilities in most of the climate crusader k00ks. The whole reason nobody is caring about the science is exactly because of the financial burdens that correspond with they nutty-ass alarmists solutions..........and anyway, carbon credit schemes are exactly tied to green energy you fucking dolt.:funnyface::funnyface::2up:
Cap and Trade was designed to push wind and solar on the public...........duh...........

Billy......we seem to have a new member trolling in the ENVIRONMENT forum. And this one is particularly stoopid..............

Oh, this is a debate?

I gotta say...........Old Rocks.....Crick.......Mamooth..........Mathew..........all the old reliable group in here. Maybe the thought processing is a bit off.......but a bright bunch of people we debate.

This guys is a dumb as a stump

You think what you just did was thinking? Or debating? Anything?

Not surprised have no real responsibilities in most of the climate crusader k00ks. The whole reason nobody is caring about the science is exactly because of the financial burdens that correspond with they nutty-ass alarmists solutions..........and anyway, carbon credit schemes are exactly tied to green energy you fucking dolt.:funnyface::funnyface::2up:
Cap and Trade was designed to push wind and solar on the public...........duh...........

Billy......we seem to have a new member trolling in the ENVIRONMENT forum. And this one is particularly stoopid..............

Oh, this is a debate?

I gotta say...........Old Rocks.....Crick.......Mamooth..........Mathew..........all the old reliable group in here. Maybe the thought processing is a bit off.......but a bright bunch of people we debate.

This guys is a dumb as a stump

You think what you just did was thinking? Or debating? Anything?

Not surprised
Obama calls global warming a ‘fact,’ ignores flat temps
During the State of the Union, President Barack Obama stated that global warming is a “fact” and that the science was settled. But Obama’s remarks ignore the fact that global temperatures have not significantly risen in 17 years.
When Coal fired power plants were producing electrical energy at 3 cents a watt, there was no way solar or wind(old technology that isn't green) could compete. But when you start closing down these cheap energy producers, soon peoples costs go up, making unaffordable ungreen energy(wind and solar) better looking. So dumbass liberals still blame the power plants for higher energy costs, and not the real ENEMY of the country. Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet.

Growth in residential electricity prices highest in 6 years, but expected to slow in 2015 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Residential electricity rate increases during 2014 ranged from 1.3% in the Pacific Coast states to 9.9% in New England. Retail electricity prices have risen for various reasons. Many electric utilities purchase their power from regional wholesale electricity markets, which, at a national level, experienced higher prices last year. Other reasons commonly cited for higher retail electricity prices are the increased investment in transmission and distribution infrastructure, rising requirements to generate electricity from renewable energy sources, and utility investment in demand-side efficiency.
Despite recent increases, retail electricity prices have historically risen at a lower rate than the general rate of inflation, and the real price of electricity is lower than it was prior to 1995. Measured in constant 2014 dollars, the U.S. residential electricity price averaged 12.5 cents per kilowatthour in 2014, up slightly from its lowest point (in real terms) of 11.1 cents per kilowatthour in 2002.

graph of U.S. residential electricity price, as explained in the article text
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review

The electricity industry likely will continue to invest in upgrades to transmission and distribution systems in the coming years as well as expand renewable generating capacity, the costs of which will be passed through to retail customers. Costs associated with environmental compliance also will affect future retail electricity rates.
However, power generation fuel costs have fallen in recent months, especially the cost of natural gas. These lower costs are likely to offset some of the increases in utilities' nonfuel costs and thus slow the rate of retail electricity price increases. EIA's March edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook projects residential electricity prices will rise by 1.0% during 2015, which would be the lowest increase since 2010.

So, actually, even though we are adding capacity in renewables, the price is close to flat lining, and may be going down a bit in real terms. Of course, as people add more and more gadgets to their homes, the amount they pay will go up.
Growth in residential electricity prices highest in 6 years, but expected to slow in 2015 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Residential electricity rate increases during 2014 ranged from 1.3% in the Pacific Coast states to 9.9% in New England. Retail electricity prices have risen for various reasons. Many electric utilities purchase their power from regional wholesale electricity markets, which, at a national level, experienced higher prices last year. Other reasons commonly cited for higher retail electricity prices are the increased investment in transmission and distribution infrastructure, rising requirements to generate electricity from renewable energy sources, and utility investment in demand-side efficiency.
Despite recent increases, retail electricity prices have historically risen at a lower rate than the general rate of inflation, and the real price of electricity is lower than it was prior to 1995. Measured in constant 2014 dollars, the U.S. residential electricity price averaged 12.5 cents per kilowatthour in 2014, up slightly from its lowest point (in real terms) of 11.1 cents per kilowatthour in 2002.

graph of U.S. residential electricity price, as explained in the article text
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review

The electricity industry likely will continue to invest in upgrades to transmission and distribution systems in the coming years as well as expand renewable generating capacity, the costs of which will be passed through to retail customers. Costs associated with environmental compliance also will affect future retail electricity rates.
However, power generation fuel costs have fallen in recent months, especially the cost of natural gas. These lower costs are likely to offset some of the increases in utilities' nonfuel costs and thus slow the rate of retail electricity price increases. EIA's March edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook projects residential electricity prices will rise by 1.0% during 2015, which would be the lowest increase since 2010.

So, actually, even though we are adding capacity in renewables, the price is close to flat lining, and may be going down a bit in real terms. Of course, as people add more and more gadgets to their homes, the amount they pay will go up.
No shit, when you drive out cheap energy, and the price must necessarily skyrocket, once you get to the top costs, of course it will slow down. Nice try, playing on words, as typical of a liberal, but not only has Obama warred on coal plants, but those who dug it out of the ground, and had a pretty good life. CO2 has been the reason for plants to be green, when there is less CO2 in the air, there are less plants. Why are liberals against GREEN plants and trees?
Well, well, another 'Conservative' that cannot read a simple chart. The chart displays cost in real dollars versus inflated dollars. The price for the electricity has come way down in my lifetime, compared to what we earn. If you cannot see that, you are a blind fool. Given you are a 'Conservative', that can be assumed in any case.
It's obvious to anyone who has paid attention for even a few decades that humans have been and continue to fk up the planet.

But that does mean that the solutions proposed by the Religion of Global Warming are acceptable or even sane.
Well, well, another 'Conservative' that cannot read a simple chart. The chart displays cost in real dollars versus inflated dollars. The price for the electricity has come way down in my lifetime, compared to what we earn. If you cannot see that, you are a blind fool. Given you are a 'Conservative', that can be assumed in any case.
As typical of a dumbass liberal(redundant statement) what part of this link don't you get? Growth in residential electricity prices highest in 6 years, but expected to slow in 2015 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
HIGHEST IN 6 YEARS. Problem with you libtards, you are so brainwashed, that you cant say anything bad about Der Fuhrer.

It's obvious to anyone who has paid attention for even a few decades that humans have been and continue to fk up the planet.

But that does mean that the solutions proposed by the Religion of Global Warming are acceptable or even sane.

The fearmongering is what is amusing to me. Look at Al Gore, he cried that the oceans would rise and blah, blah, blah, and what does he go and do? Buys a huge mansion on the coast. :lol: A guy who flies around the world in his private jet, probably travels with a brigade of SUVs . . . good grief. :lmao:
Growth in residential electricity prices highest in 6 years, but expected to slow in 2015 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Residential electricity rate increases during 2014 ranged from 1.3% in the Pacific Coast states to 9.9% in New England. Retail electricity prices have risen for various reasons. Many electric utilities purchase their power from regional wholesale electricity markets, which, at a national level, experienced higher prices last year. Other reasons commonly cited for higher retail electricity prices are the increased investment in transmission and distribution infrastructure, rising requirements to generate electricity from renewable energy sources, and utility investment in demand-side efficiency.
Despite recent increases, retail electricity prices have historically risen at a lower rate than the general rate of inflation, and the real price of electricity is lower than it was prior to 1995. Measured in constant 2014 dollars, the U.S. residential electricity price averaged 12.5 cents per kilowatthour in 2014, up slightly from its lowest point (in real terms) of 11.1 cents per kilowatthour in 2002.

graph of U.S. residential electricity price, as explained in the article text
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review

The electricity industry likely will continue to invest in upgrades to transmission and distribution systems in the coming years as well as expand renewable generating capacity, the costs of which will be passed through to retail customers. Costs associated with environmental compliance also will affect future retail electricity rates.
However, power generation fuel costs have fallen in recent months, especially the cost of natural gas. These lower costs are likely to offset some of the increases in utilities' nonfuel costs and thus slow the rate of retail electricity price increases. EIA's March edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook projects residential electricity prices will rise by 1.0% during 2015, which would be the lowest increase since 2010.

So, actually, even though we are adding capacity in renewables, the price is close to flat lining, and may be going down a bit in real terms. Of course, as people add more and more gadgets to their homes, the amount they pay will go up.

Despite recent increases, retail electricity prices have historically risen at a lower rate than the general rate of inflation, and the real price of electricity is lower than it was prior to 1995.

Yes, fracking, despite Obama, has helped reduce electricity prices.
Well, well, another 'Conservative' that cannot read a simple chart. The chart displays cost in real dollars versus inflated dollars. The price for the electricity has come way down in my lifetime, compared to what we earn. If you cannot see that, you are a blind fool. Given you are a 'Conservative', that can be assumed in any case.
so you are agreeing that the costs have gone up on the poor. Nice job, I knew eventually you'd have to see that.
Italy's Etna in most dramatic eruption in 20 years
Fire and hot ash spewed high into the sky from Italy's Mount Etna in Sicily Friday, in one of the most dramatic eruptions of Europe's highest active volcano in the past 20 years.
Maybe the climate change alarmists will go to the mountain and demand carbon credits from it to continue spewing CO2 into the atmosphere. Or better yet, those alarmist will throw themselves into the volcano and sacrifice themselves for the good of the world, by reducing their CO2 footprint and save the planet? Nah, they are too chicken shit to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, but they would throw you in, in a NY minute.
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Throwing themselves into the volcano would do nothing. All the CO2 that humans exhale comes from the atmosphere. The carbon in the food we eat comes from the atmosphere breathed by the animals and plants we eat. We do not eat coal or drink petroleum.

But I appreciate knowing that you think death threats are a viable option here on the discussion board.
It won't do anything at all. Lol. It is a money making scheme, and people have made money off it too, PLENTY. Just google it and check for yourself.

Maybe Carbon Credits are a money making scheme but again, that has nothing to do with whether or not climate change is real. For example, there are sociopaths that can pass a lie detector. Does that mean that lie detectors are bullshit? No.
Oh climate change is real, I am not denying it, but climate has been changing since the Earth was formed. Shame liberals are too stupid to realize this, and are willingly dumb enough to part with their money. Why did the Earth warm 10,000 years ago, when there wasn't any industrial revolution and man was very few?

You guys seem to like to ignore science make brave statements like "the earth has always been changing" and at the end it all comes money and how you can have more of it and the earth being clean....meh, how much again?

Like the earth is an iffy investment lol
Why are you using fossil fuels? Get off the internet and save Mother Gia.

Because its widely available silly. That also isnt a reason to deny climate change. Sorry
The only ones not believing in Climate Change are those who hate GREEN TREES. Because you libtards want to get rid of CO2, then where will the grasses and trees get that life giving product from? The Earth has been in CLIMATE CHANGE since it has been created, but you tards THINK(I know liberals cant think, they just regurgitate what come from the rainbow house) that since the CO2 went from .03%(three hundredths of 1 percent) to .04%(four hundredths of 1 percent) that EVIL man must of caused it. But Mother Nature just inst playing along time after time. When ever tards of libs start spewing the Earth is warming the Earth is warming, God intervenes once again. Polar Vortex 2016: Will A Frozen Niagara Falls Freeze Over With Ice And Snow This Winter? [Photos/Video]
The 2016 polar vortex is upon us, and winter is coming (just not from George R.R. Martin). The polar vortex, or an arctic cyclone as they’re also known, is essentially a hurricane-like storm that hovers over the North Pole of the Earth
If the North Pole is melting where does the polar vortex come from? Liberals are dumbasses.
Maybe Carbon Credits are a money making scheme but again, that has nothing to do with whether or not climate change is real. For example, there are sociopaths that can pass a lie detector. Does that mean that lie detectors are bullshit? No.
Oh climate change is real, I am not denying it, but climate has been changing since the Earth was formed. Shame liberals are too stupid to realize this, and are willingly dumb enough to part with their money. Why did the Earth warm 10,000 years ago, when there wasn't any industrial revolution and man was very few?

You guys seem to like to ignore science make brave statements like "the earth has always been changing" and at the end it all comes money and how you can have more of it and the earth being clean....meh, how much again?

Like the earth is an iffy investment lol
Why are you using fossil fuels? Get off the internet and save Mother Gia.

Because its widely available silly. That also isnt a reason to deny climate change. Sorry
The only ones not believing in Climate Change are those who hate GREEN TREES. Because you libtards want to get rid of CO2, then where will the grasses and trees get that life giving product from? The Earth has been in CLIMATE CHANGE since it has been created, but you tards THINK(I know liberals cant think, they just regurgitate what come from the rainbow house) that since the CO2 went from .03%(three hundredths of 1 percent) to .04%(four hundredths of 1 percent) that EVIL man must of caused it. But Mother Nature just inst playing along time after time. When ever tards of libs start spewing the Earth is warming the Earth is warming, God intervenes once again. Polar Vortex 2016: Will A Frozen Niagara Falls Freeze Over With Ice And Snow This Winter? [Photos/Video]
The 2016 polar vortex is upon us, and winter is coming (just not from George R.R. Martin). The polar vortex, or an arctic cyclone as they’re also known, is essentially a hurricane-like storm that hovers over the North Pole of the Earth
If the North Pole is melting where does the polar vortex come from? Liberals are dumbasses.
it comes up from the south. Seems everything is driven from the south including cold. The antarctic must get some good winds blowing.
Not at all. They don't have enough knowledge of science to be heretics, they are just stupid asses posting nonsense, like you.

The science isn't the issue, your "more government more regulation less quality of life less freedom" solution is the issue.

Watermelons, all of you.
Stupid fucks, every one of you that deny reality.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.
Stupid is as stupid does, Marty, me boy. So you are claiming that millions of scientists around the world, from every culture and poltical system are in on a grand conspiracy. So perfectly aligned in their nefarious goals that not one of them has divulged what the purpose of the conspiracy is, and who is spearheading it.

There is the case of the three member cells of the NVA and VC.

The main feature is that anyone who might dissent would have a hard time convincing two comrades to join in. So they watched each other and ratted out those who lost the faith.

It is quite clear that the scientific community is in the same boat.

When it is suggested that denier scientists be tried.........
IPCC admitted climate change was just a wealth redistribution scheme, why won't you believe them?

I already know from your reputation that thats a lie

Clearly, you don't know dick

I do, and its you

If I post IPCC admitting that climate change is to redistribute wealth will you promise me you'll beg Stats for a new avatar?

Does he even post here anymore? I haven't seen Stat around in ages.

No great loss.
Throwing themselves into the volcano would do nothing. All the CO2 that humans exhale comes from the atmosphere. The carbon in the food we eat comes from the atmosphere breathed by the animals and plants we eat. We do not eat coal or drink petroleum.

But I appreciate knowing that you think death threats are a viable option here on the discussion board.

We do not eat coal or drink petroleum.

I just had some Sweet 'N Low in my coffee.
“El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“UK winter weather: El Nino could plunge country into long, snowy winter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
—Headline, London Independent, March 20, 2000

Toss in the fact those screaming at the clouds still fly private jets and heat and cool their 6,000 sq ft mansions and we know why.
I just heard the recent earthquakes are because of fracking
Globally, the majority of people and scientists accept climate change, with man having a large influence. This is supported with vast amounts of evidence and upheld by governments worldwide. Climate change denialism appears to be a problem only present in America. It's not worth debating individuals who believe they know more then the world governments and scientists on an Internet forum. It gets nowhere.

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