CDZ How COVID19 Quarantine SHOULD Be Done (IMO)

How do you think a COVID19 qarantine should be done?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Governments around the world seem to swing from one extreme to the other. Initially they ignore the virus, then when it is obvious that they have a health crisis, then they swing all the way over to the opposite extreme; MARTIAL LAW! LOCK DOWN THE WHOLE NATION! And then dismantle their own economy.

While the medic al health of the populace is the top priority, the economic health impacts the medical health as well. Being able to buy essential, medical needs, and visit the family has a huge impact on the mental and physical health of a population. So we shouldnt just throw the economy over board as many seem inclined to do in a fearful over reaction.

So I think we can prioritize a few things and have an effective quarantine that would minimize economic disruption.

1) Quarantine only those who have COVID19, and those most vulnerable to it. There is no point in quarantining EVERYONE. If you are over 80, or over 65 and have problems with heart, kidney and lungs, have cancer or diabetes, or any of several other vulnerabilities, then self-quarantine, for Christs Sake.

2) Utilize those made unemployed in this thing to become couriers to the Quarantined population. Get some FEMA folks to organize a courier service to get food and stuff to those quarantined. This service could grow alongside the spread of the disease.

3) Organize free medical protective gear for medical workers, the couriers and the quarantined, in that order of priority. Absolutely make sure that any personnel working with COVID19 patients or bio-products have all the protection that they need. IF they fall into a quarantined group then they need to work remotely.

4) Provide interest free loans, paid back at 5% of total debt annually to all businesses negatively impacted by this pandemic. Reimburse them for all costs related to the pandemic like paying a laid off work force, lost business etc.

Anyway, I think this is much better than a total indiscriminate quarantine like Europe is doing.

Hell that is true of almost anything at all anyway.
Put a quarantine on they hysterical media...

I think minorities and the elderly should be pressed into public service. They are the two groups which consume the most public services/funds during 'healthy times'. As a result they should be expected to pitch in the most when times are roughest for the population, if they are 'physically able'. I think that this is a fair trade.
They would assist emergency staff however the bulk of their efforts would be spent in work tasks which help to maintain infrastructure at a basic level.
These tasks should/would be surrounded around those mechanisms which aid in the continued function of basic services and processes of a culture. Cleanup, farm labor, warehouse labor, and pest control, to name a few. If the virus becomes serious enough, of course, body removal, and disposal.

Those elderly who can show a record of public service during their lives, would be exempt.
Governments around the world seem to swing from one extreme to the other. Initially they ignore the virus, then when it is obvious that they have a health crisis, then they swing all the way over to the opposite extreme; MARTIAL LAW! LOCK DOWN THE WHOLE NATION! And then dismantle their own economy.

While the medic al health of the populace is the top priority, the economic health impacts the medical health as well. Being able to buy essential, medical needs, and visit the family has a huge impact on the mental and physical health of a population. So we shouldnt just throw the economy over board as many seem inclined to do in a fearful over reaction.

So I think we can prioritize a few things and have an effective quarantine that would minimize economic disruption.

1) Quarantine only those who have COVID19, and those most vulnerable to it. There is no point in quarantining EVERYONE. If you are over 80, or over 65 and have problems with heart, kidney and lungs, have cancer or diabetes, or any of several other vulnerabilities, then self-quarantine, for Christs Sake.

2) Utilize those made unemployed in this thing to become couriers to the Quarantined population. Get some FEMA folks to organize a courier service to get food and stuff to those quarantined. This service could grow alongside the spread of the disease.

3) Organize free medical protective gear for medical workers, the couriers and the quarantined, in that order of priority. Absolutely make sure that any personnel working with COVID19 patients or bio-products have all the protection that they need. IF they fall into a quarantined group then they need to work remotely.

4) Provide interest free loans, paid back at 5% of total debt annually to all businesses negatively impacted by this pandemic. Reimburse them for all costs related to the pandemic like paying a laid off work force, lost business etc.

Anyway, I think this is much better than a total indiscriminate quarantine like Europe is doing.

Hell that is true of almost anything at all anyway.

LEts lock everyone up keep them safe. but wait we have WIDE OPEN BORDERS lol............
A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have less than one hundred dead from Covid-10. Which should you be worried about influenza or Covid-19? A hundred versus 18,000? It is not a trick question…,,,

Now please feel free to panic buy pallet loads of toilet paper and bottled water.
You can't quarantine everybody forever. Does anyone really think the situation will be any better in 2 weeks, 2 months, etc.?
A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have less than one hundred dead from Covid-10. Which should you be worried about influenza or Covid-19? A hundred versus 18,000? It is not a trick question…,,,

Now please feel free to panic buy pallet loads of toilet paper and bottled water.

Oh htat stuff will still be needed there's just one problem it won't be for the virus it will be the NWO GOV telling it's population how it can or can not move.

YOu know all those yaers some ass holes on here laughed at me over SOCIAL CREDIT SCORING annd we will be like CHINA


this is how 911 works when you cann't see FIRE and bldggs falling. it's real it is happening the dumb fkrs just can't get who the hell is doing it.
You can't quarantine everybody forever. Does anyone really think the situation will be any better in 2 weeks, 2 months, etc.?

it's being said 18 mos

This is why the media is going to push that 1,000 a month BS

Latest on coronavirus: Cars line up around block for drive-by testing; Allegheny Co. has new case; Pa. confirms 96 across state

None of the measures the government is forcing on us is meant to stop people from being infected but rather to slow the rate of infections so the health care system does not become overwhelmed

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None of the measures the government is forcing on us is meant to stop people from being infected but rather to slow the rate of infections so the health care system does not become overwhelmed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That is part of it that's not ALL of it.
Just think if i could provide the information I used to. that's what CENSORSHIP DOES!!! see not only does google do it so do others...


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