How dare Fox News end the President's Speech with...

Why the fuck are you watching Fox for the coverage? Just looking for soemthing to bitch about?

Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

But I bet when Chris Matthews was PRETENDING to be a news anchor on MSNBC and said listening to Obama gave him a tingle up his leg, you had no problem with that.

I have no problem with the comment and I'm surprised it wasn't a more negative comment than that! It is a memorial service and it wasn't about Obama. Do YOU clap at a funeral or memorial service too? Find that appropriate do you? Clinton who beats Obama hands down with his gift of speaking - gave one of the most touching speeches at the memorial service following the Oklahoma City bombing and NO ONE clapped! But it had Brit Hume on Fox nearly in tears. Did you complain about THAT happening on Fox then when he responded so emotionally to Clinton's speech?

Given the trashy and low class act so many Democrats already (and continue) engaged in by repeatedly insisting this was somehow connected to political rhetoric -specifically conservative and even accused Palin of being an accomplice to murder (because after all, disagreeing with Democrats IS how they defined "hate speech") and insisting the act of a paranoid schizophrenic was the fault of Palin, Tea Party etc. it doesn't surprise me they treated Obama's speech like it was the kick off to his re-election campaign. But it won't go down as being in the same category as Clinton's following OKC bombing or that of Bush following 9/11 both of whom were eloquent and completely apolitical in their speeches as a President should be -and both audiences respectful and always aware of the real nature of the event.

I don't find applause, much less cat calls, whistles and foot stomping to be appropriate at ANY memorial service and this was low class behavior. You'd think they would have taken a cue from Obama's demeanor which was not "Hey, we can win this thing!" but funereal as fitting the occasion. The fact the Congresswoman's husband stood up to applaud later is irrelevant, especially since his wife was not the only victim. A memorial service is to honor the DEAD -NOT to cheer a President with a round of cat calls, whistling, foot stomping applause. It was really a demeaning, undignified response and totally inappropriate for the occasion.

But it doesn't surprise me in the least about who here thinks a no class behavior of cat calls, whooping, yelling, shouting, whistles and foot stomping at a memorial service is perfectly appropriate to the solemnity, dignity and purpose of a memorial service. Yeah. Must be why we see it all the time when other Presidents speak at memorial services, huh. Oh wait -we don't.
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How dare Fox News end the President's Speech with...

"This is supposed to be a solemn moment", referring to people applauding during his inspirational and uplifting speech in such a difficult time.

Fuck that odious FOREIGN station. They never stop in their attempt to divide the nation and tear down our president. Can they go any lower? I guess so.

The FIRST man to stand after the President's speech was the Congresswoman's husband.

That network is sick, sick, sick.

Give me a break. Unless Obama aides were standing on the sides holding up "APPLAUSE" signs, it was NOT a criticism of Obama whatsoever because he can't help it if people applaud. If it was a criticism at all and not just a comment noting the unusual behavior given the fact it is a memorial service and not a campaign stop -then it was a criticism about the audience who lost sight of the true purpose of the event which was not about any of the speakers. Obama looked appropriately somber and no one found fault with his demeanor. But that audience was INCREDIBLY TRASHY! Whistles, catcalls, yelling and applauding -it was revolting.

That was a low class and tasteless response by that audience and there is NO excuse for that behavior. That is a criticism of the audience -not Obama. Obama's speech was ok in my opinion but certainly not such a stunningly amazing, never-heard-that-kind-of-brilliance-come-out-of-anyone's-mouth-before that it would be unusual if people DIDN'T applaud. And because it wasn't that kind of speech, the applause was undignified and inappropriate to the occasion. The behavior just to his introduction was far more appropriate to a campaign stop but had NO place at a memorial service!

What a sick, sick person you are that you saw a criticism of the speaker in that when it was a comment about the audience. Seems to me YOU are looking for the least bit reason to bitch and complain about Fox. While apparently unaware that Fox was NOT the only station to note the inappropriate applause by the audience! Made it look like it was packed with political hacks and partisans who outnumbered those who were personally affected by this event. And it probably was since people who suffered a loss would not be whooping and hollering, catcalling and whistling like that. Shame on them.
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I guess the words of the President were lost on rdean. Pity because I thought the President spoke really well.

Not lost on me. Lost on Fox. I wonder how many Fox viewers will now say the President disrespected the deceased?

It's still on Fox and they seem to be changing their tune, for now. Wonder what's going to be said once Billo and Sean and Glenn get a hold of it?

I watched the same program. They did NOT blame Obama. The tone of the event was inappropriate - and it was outside Obama's control. You are a lying little hack, rdweeb. There is no depth to which you will not sink, including using the deaths of your fellow Americans, for your sick partisanship. You should be ashamed.
Why the fuck are you watching Fox for the coverage? Just looking for soemthing to bitch about?

Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

Thanks, rdean. Because of you, I now have a better understanding of the 'wingers' (on both sides). Wingers are those who will lie - even when the truth is right in front of you - in the forlorn hope that some idiot will believe you.
Why the fuck are you watching Fox for the coverage? Just looking for soemthing to bitch about?

Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

But I bet when Chris Matthews was PRETENDING to be a news anchor on MSNBC and said listening to Obama gave him a tingle up his leg, you had no problem with that.

I have no problem with the comment and I'm surprised it wasn't a more negative comment than that! It is a memorial service and it wasn't about Obama. Do YOU clap at a funeral or memorial service too? Find that appropriate do you? Clinton who beats Obama hands down with his gift of speaking - gave one of the most touching speeches at the memorial service following the Oklahoma City bombing and NO ONE clapped! But it had Brit Hume on Fox nearly in tears. Did you complain about THAT happening on Fox then when he responded so emotionally to Clinton's speech?

Given the trashy and low class act so many Democrats already (and continue) engaged in by repeatedly insisting this was somehow connected to political rhetoric -specifically conservative and even accused Palin of being an accomplice to murder (because after all, disagreeing with Democrats IS how they defined "hate speech") and insisting the act of a paranoid schizophrenic was the fault of Palin, Tea Party etc. it doesn't surprise me they treated Obama's speech like it was the kick off to his re-election campaign. But it won't go down as being in the same category as Clinton's following OKC bombing or that of Bush following 9/11 both of whom were eloquent and completely apolitical in their speeches as a President should be -and both audiences respectful and always aware of the real nature of the event.

I don't find applause, much less cat calls, whistles and foot stomping to be appropriate at ANY memorial service and this was low class behavior. You'd think they would have taken a cue from Obama's demeanor which was not "Hey, we can win this thing!" but funereal as fitting the occasion. The fact the Congresswoman's husband stood up to applaud later is irrelevant, especially since his wife was not the only victim. A memorial service is to honor the DEAD -NOT to cheer a President with a round of cat calls, whistling, foot stomping applause. It was really a demeaning, undignified response and totally inappropriate for the occasion.

But it doesn't surprise me in the least about who here thinks a no class behavior of cat calls, whooping, yelling, shouting, whistles and foot stomping at a memorial service is perfectly appropriate to the solemnity, dignity and purpose of a memorial service. Yeah. Must be why we see it all the time when other Presidents speak at memorial services, huh. Oh wait -we don't.

You contradict yourself.



Lots of cheers and hollering there.

By the way..that was President George W. Bush's finest moment.
I agree that the tone was inappropriate. It started right away with the cheers & jeers and claping of a very beautiful sacred Indian prayer ceremony. Would they have done that had it been a preacher?
Fox and CNN were just comenting on how the tone was wrong,in some places.
It was a Memorial not a pep rally.
It was appropriate when eveyone laughed, when he said that this was the first time he had performed the ceremony in front of such a large crowd. Then they sould have keept quite during the prayer.
I agree that the tone was inappropriate. It started right away with the cheers & jeers and claping of a very beautiful sacred Indian prayer ceremony. Would they have done that had it been a preacher?
Fox and CNN were just comenting on how the tone was wrong,in some places.
It was a Memorial not a pep rally.
It was appropriate when eveyone laughed, when he said that this was the first time he had performed the ceremony in front of such a large crowd. Then they sould have keept quite during the prayer.


I couldn't agree more. It was a memorial. Not a Pep rally.

The Prez gave a great speech. In my opinion, his finest.

He had no control over what the crowd did. Nor did anyone else.

Fox news said as much.. They sure didn't denigrate the Prez or his speech.

Deany must have watched a different Fox news than the one you and I watched Peach.
What we have here is a failure at communication, Claudette.
It happen's here on the forum also.
We are use to talking with each other face to face,we can see each others body language and the tone of their voice, it's hard to do that with written language only, seems, quite a few of us need to learn how to do that a little better. Including myself.
But as to percecption, well that's a whole nother thing.
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Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

But I bet when Chris Matthews was PRETENDING to be a news anchor on MSNBC and said listening to Obama gave him a tingle up his leg, you had no problem with that.

I have no problem with the comment and I'm surprised it wasn't a more negative comment than that! It is a memorial service and it wasn't about Obama. Do YOU clap at a funeral or memorial service too? Find that appropriate do you? Clinton who beats Obama hands down with his gift of speaking - gave one of the most touching speeches at the memorial service following the Oklahoma City bombing and NO ONE clapped! But it had Brit Hume on Fox nearly in tears. Did you complain about THAT happening on Fox then when he responded so emotionally to Clinton's speech?

Given the trashy and low class act so many Democrats already (and continue) engaged in by repeatedly insisting this was somehow connected to political rhetoric -specifically conservative and even accused Palin of being an accomplice to murder (because after all, disagreeing with Democrats IS how they defined "hate speech") and insisting the act of a paranoid schizophrenic was the fault of Palin, Tea Party etc. it doesn't surprise me they treated Obama's speech like it was the kick off to his re-election campaign. But it won't go down as being in the same category as Clinton's following OKC bombing or that of Bush following 9/11 both of whom were eloquent and completely apolitical in their speeches as a President should be -and both audiences respectful and always aware of the real nature of the event.

I don't find applause, much less cat calls, whistles and foot stomping to be appropriate at ANY memorial service and this was low class behavior. You'd think they would have taken a cue from Obama's demeanor which was not "Hey, we can win this thing!" but funereal as fitting the occasion. The fact the Congresswoman's husband stood up to applaud later is irrelevant, especially since his wife was not the only victim. A memorial service is to honor the DEAD -NOT to cheer a President with a round of cat calls, whistling, foot stomping applause. It was really a demeaning, undignified response and totally inappropriate for the occasion.

But it doesn't surprise me in the least about who here thinks a no class behavior of cat calls, whooping, yelling, shouting, whistles and foot stomping at a memorial service is perfectly appropriate to the solemnity, dignity and purpose of a memorial service. Yeah. Must be why we see it all the time when other Presidents speak at memorial services, huh. Oh wait -we don't.

You contradict yourself.



Lots of cheers and hollering there.

By the way..that was President George W. Bush's finest moment.

Wow, you see a contradiction in my comments because of that video or because of my comments about Matthews and Hume or what? I was pointing out what was no doubt HER contradiction by pointing out instances where news anchors really did make an inappropriate comment or were just caught in the moment reacting emotionally -however you want to view that. Instances where I'm sure the original whiner/poster had NO problem with those kind of comments and reactions.

So imagine my surprise that you posted that video of Bush at Ground Zero as if that proved a point somewhere in all this. I'm sorry -I didn't realize anyone was really so stupid as to not even know the difference between a MEMORIAL SERVICE and an unscheduled stop to the site of an attack where someone spoke to working emergency personnel. But Bush's visit to Ground Zero -which is what your video shows -was not a "service" of any kind! Probably why he is wearing such casual clothes and using a bullhorn which is not normally seen at memorial services either, huh. Bush went to NYC that day to spend time with some of the victims' families -with the media forbidden to be present since he did not want it treated like a political event or as if it were about him-and then made an impromptu, unscheduled stop to give words of encouragement to the emergency workers. This was indeed among his finest moments but primarily because it WAS unscheduled and it was his unscripted remarks intended to encourage them that generated such a response from those WORKING in the rubble.

But what he did and said there and the hollering and cheering those present did in response - would have been TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE at the memorial service. See picture below to help remind that you a memorial service doesn't look like a stop off by a President to the site of a disaster where he makes off-the-cuff comments. Which is why he didn't do anything remotely like that at the memorial service where he struck a totally different, somber, respectful and dignified tone and those in the audience treated it like the somber, respectful and dignified memorial service it was! Totally unlike the atmosphere created by the no-class partisan hacks stacked at yesterday's audience at that "memorial" service where the audience's behavior was far more appropriate for a rodeo than a memorial service intended to HONOR those who died and were directly affected by this terrible crime! MORON


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I agree that the tone was inappropriate. It started right away with the cheers & jeers and claping of a very beautiful sacred Indian prayer ceremony. Would they have done that had it been a preacher?
Fox and CNN were just comenting on how the tone was wrong,in some places.
It was a Memorial not a pep rally.
It was appropriate when eveyone laughed, when he said that this was the first time he had performed the ceremony in front of such a large crowd. Then they sould have keept quite during the prayer.


I couldn't agree more. It was a memorial. Not a Pep rally.

The Prez gave a great speech. In my opinion, his finest.

He had no control over what the crowd did. Nor did anyone else.

Fox news said as much.. They sure didn't denigrate the Prez or his speech.

Deany must have watched a different Fox news than the one you and I watched Peach.

Do really believe that? I don't put that much blame on Obama himself for the low class crowd who treated it like a pep rally -I have no real criticism regarding his demeanor and speech. But where do you think everyone else in that crowd who was not a victim or related to one really came from? Do you think YOU could have just walked into that memorial service? Of course not. Who attends these kinds of events is never random. They -whether "they" were local Democrats or national or both working together -made sure this crowd was primarily Democrat party hacks -and they acted like they were at a party too. The people at this memorial service were people with political CONNECTIONS, specifically Democrat ones - and if you doubt that, think real hard about whether or not you REALLY believe that Republicans attending would be so giddy at the thought of Obama speaking they would whoop, hoot, whistle and stamp their feet at a MEMORIAL SERVICE and act like they were at a rodeo just because the man was introduced! Get real -these were party hacks attending and low class ones who treated it like a political rally instead of a memorial service.
They never stop in their attempt to divide the nation and tear down our president. Can they go any lower?

you fucking asshole...what the fuck do you and your lowlife Far Leftist pieces of shit friends do to bring this Country together?.......not a fucking thing....all you assholes do is keep the divide going.......NO ONE can get as low as you are does the dirt taste asshole?....
How dare Fox News end the President's Speech with...

"This is supposed to be a solemn moment", referring to people applauding during his inspirational and uplifting speech in such a difficult time.

Fuck that odious FOREIGN station. They never stop in their attempt to divide the nation and tear down our president. Can they go any lower? I guess so.

The FIRST man to stand after the President's speech was the Congresswoman's husband.

That network is sick, sick, sick.
You don't want to hear what some RW radio guttersnipes like Tom Sullivan are saying and/or suggesting/condoning about the President's speech then.

Let them try to bring Obama down to the gutter with them rdean, the American people are watching and judging. Time will tell. Time. Will. Tell.
Why the fuck are you watching Fox for the coverage? Just looking for soemthing to bitch about?

Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

Either always seem to be spoiling for a fight.


because that is the only way to keep the divide going.....the trademark of the FAR Left and Right......their motto...."Keep The Fuckers Divided"....
Didn't take long. Laura Ingram on Billo last night said it was "politically timed", whatever that means and that Obama "used" the death of a little girl and the others dying. Right on cue, Billo agreed with her.

See? I told you it wouldn't take long.

The number of Republican congressmen and senators calling Obama Marxist, or saying he's pals around terrorists, or that he wasn't born here? Nearly all of them.

The number if Democrats in congress saying the shooting was connected to Sarah Palin? Couldn't find any. Can someone find "one" or "two", please? Oh, I mean besides the one who was shot.
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Had the clearest picture. Two feet of snow outside and some of the cable stations pixilate. I never thought Fox would stoop so low. I apologize for being wrong.

Either always seem to be spoiling for a fight.


because that is the only way to keep the divide going.....the trademark of the FAR Left and Right......their motto...."Keep The Fuckers Divided"....

Unity with the Republicans means agreeing that Obama is "foreign born" and a "Marxist/Fascist" who "pals around with terrorists".

Unity with Republicans means we should give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaire and screw the middle class.

Unity with Republicans means no health care for millions of children.

Unity with Republicans means repeal the EPA and Wall Street Regulations and apologize to BP.

You see, the right doesn't negotiate for the good of the country. The only way to "negotiate" with them is to give them something they want, whether they need it or not. The tax breaks to the ultra rich while holding the middle class unemployed hostage proves that. It's not something even they can deny since it happened just last month.
I was responding to rdean. I didn't expect liberals to see the humor.
at least one did
see sallows post

My apologies to Sallow I missed that comment. Thanks for pointing it out to me. He's misguided but cognizant.

hey the guy is one of the few Left leaners here that is not afraid to tell Dean that he is a Jerk.....Sallows ok with me......unlike Dean he is a straight shooter....

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