How Did Biden & The Deep State Force Trump To Appoint So Many Traitors To His Cabinet??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Another senior official in the Trump administration has come out and stated that the former president is accused of serious crimes, hamstringing the Donald Trump and his allies’ ability to spin his latest legal development. Ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and delivered a sobering assessment of the charges against his former boss which dismantled the assertion Mr Trump’s allies have pushed on social media seeking to explain away the boxes of documents and classified materials at Mar-a-Lago as the president’s own property.

Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration."

So now we have traitor and RINO, Mike Pompeo coming out and stabbing Trump in the back - one must ask at this point, was Pompeo nothing more than a Deep State operative sent in by Biden to spy on the Trump presidency and betray America? Now we have had Bill Barr, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, basically people who would be nobodies if it wasn't for Trump reaching down and giving their life purpose, now all of them are against Trump and America? I know Biden is a senile dumbo who doesn't know what day it is, but how is it he is able to at least hire the best people? And I call them the best people because somehow they were able to steal 2 elections without so much as a single indictment being charged against anyone.

They have been able to force half of Trump cabinet to turn against him, they control both his own DOJ and FBI appointees, as well as his own Pentagon appointees..Biden's team even forced his own lawyers to turn against him and testify and offer evidence; on more than one ocassion...resulting in 30 plus federal indictments. Why can't we at least get one of Biden's people to turn against him? Trump is far more brilliant than we are seeing right now; he must have something huge planned that will finally bring down Biden and the Deep State...but what will it be?

"Another senior official in the Trump administration has come out and stated that the former president is accused of serious crimes, hamstringing the Donald Trump and his allies’ ability to spin his latest legal development. Ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and delivered a sobering assessment of the charges against his former boss which dismantled the assertion Mr Trump’s allies have pushed on social media seeking to explain away the boxes of documents and classified materials at Mar-a-Lago as the president’s own property.

Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration."

So now we have traitor and RINO, Mike Pompeo coming out and stabbing Trump in the back - one must ask at this point, was Pompeo nothing more than a Deep State operative sent in by Biden to spy on the Trump presidency and betray America? Now we have had Bill Barr, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, basically people who would be nobodies if it wasn't for Trump reaching down and giving their life purpose, now all of them are against Trump and America? I know Biden is a senile dumbo who doesn't know what day it is, but how is it he is able to at least hire the best people? And I call them the best people because somehow they were able to steal 2 elections without so much as a single indictment being charged against anyone.

They have been able to force half of Trump cabinet to turn against him, they control both his own DOJ and FBI appointees, as well as his own Pentagon appointees..Biden's team even forced his own lawyers to turn against him and testify and offer evidence; on more than one ocassion...resulting in 30 plus federal indictments. Why can't we at least get one of Biden's people to turn against him? Trump is far more brilliant than we are seeing right now; he must have something huge planned that will finally bring down Biden and the Deep State...but what will it be?

so biff are you going to turn in your trumpy doll now?......
Closet Socially Liberal Republicans are everywhere in DC , if Republicans in the House or Senate form a committee you can bet there will be more than a few on every committee ( so why should a cabinet be different )
so biff are you going to turn in your trumpy doll now?......
Does Trump congratulate you on how you have no gag reflex??

IDK but we need to figure it out so it doesnt happen again!
Up with hope, down with the deep state!
Closet Socially Liberal Republicans are everywhere in DC , if Republicans in the House or Senate form a committee you can bet there will be more than a few on every committee ( so why should a cabinet be different )
So why would Trump be so naive and foolish to keep appointing them to very high positions in his administration?

And he has done this to say "well, Trump is new to this" isn't a great excuse anymore...he said he only hires the best people and Trump would never lie or mislead us...he is a man of God and Jesus and stuff
How can a nation go forward after a failed coup attempt or even a successful attempt, when the losing side aren't brought to swift justice by execution?

America has created a new and different situation for itself in which those who plotted against government are able to continue to walk the streets and threaten government.

None of that is to say which side was right and whether or not one side was cheated out of power.

Just to say that a different situation was created!

One example to aid Americans to understand:

Comrad Fidel, Comrad Che, and their lieutenants would have been hung by their heels in the public town square had their coup attempt failed.
How can a nation go forward after a failed coup attempt or even a successful attempt, when the losing side aren't brought to swift justice by execution?

America has created a new and different situation for itself in which those who plotted against government are able to continue to walk the streets and threaten government.

None of that is to say which side was right and whether or not one side was cheated out of power.

Just to say that a different situation was created!

One example to aid Americans to understand:

Comrad Fidel, Comrad Che, and their lieutenants would have been hung by their heels in the public town square had their coup attempt failed.
Yes, we do know which side is right.....

The side who can point to factual evidence, court ruling after court ruling, recount after recount, and confidently state without shame that when Trump claims he won the 2020 election, he is full of shit....
"Top Secret/SCI" ...

In Trump's bathroom ...

PHOTOS of "Top Secret/SCI" documents scattered across the shitter's floor ... that helps our foreign enemies destroy us ...

Mike Pence self-reported ... he's learned his lesson ... THIS is how MAGA gets four more years ... Pence '24 ... and I'm a damned liberal ...
When both parties are against what Trump stands for which is us the AMERICAN people choosing a cabinet is not going to be an easy thing to do.... Trump tried to work with establishment republican's but they leaked lied and wouldn't defend Trump....
That fat ass from New jersey said the GOP has been losing since Trump left office... well look in the mirror asshole... McConnell holding money from Trump's endorsements... McConnell hasn't said a word during all of this witch hunt to defend the president of his party... when Trump wins in 24 things will be very different and the swamp knows it.... and that's why they want to put him in jail.... both sides...
Yes, we do know which side is right.....

The side who can point to factual evidence, court ruling after court ruling, recount after recount, and confidently state without shame that when Trump claims he won the 2020 election, he is full of shit....
I made the point that a new and toxic situation has been created in America in which the losing side of the attempted coup are permitted to live and walk the streets.

The losing side are the losers, but that's not to suggest either side was on the side of right. You're deciding that.

When justice wasn't swift and final, can a country ever go forward with active supporters of the attempted coup being allowed to walk the streets unpunished?

Now the US justice system will attempt to put a bandaid on the festering sore by bringing down the leader of the coup. And almost certainly fail!

America may have created a system that was made in hell!
How can a nation go forward after a failed coup attempt or even a successful attempt, when the losing side aren't brought to swift justice by execution?

America has created a new and different situation for itself in which those who plotted against government are able to continue to walk the streets and threaten government.

None of that is to say which side was right and whether or not one side was cheated out of power.

Just to say that a different situation was created!

One example to aid Americans to understand:

Comrad Fidel, Comrad Che, and their lieutenants would have been hung by their heels in the public town square had their coup attempt failed.
Fidel, Che, et al are the poster heroes of the USA Left. The Left then gave us the Insurrection of Summer 2020; CHAZ, CHAOS, etc.

For that matter, Leftist Insurectionists often get rewarded by the Left-leaning Deep State for their failed attempts. Case in point and example;
William Charles Ayers (/ɛərz/; born December 26, 1944)[1] is an American retired professor and activist. During the 1960s, Ayers rose to prominence as a leader of the Weather Underground militant group, described by the FBI as a terrorist group.

In 1969, Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group modeled on the Red Guards in China active at the same time, that sought to overthrow what they viewed as American imperialism.[2] The Weather Underground conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the United States Capitol, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The bombings, which caused no fatalities, except for three members killed when one of the group's own devices accidentally exploded, resulted in Ayers being hunted as a fugitive for several years, until charges were dropped due to illegal actions by the FBI agents pursuing him and others.

Ayers is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.[3] During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with then-candidate Barack Obama. He is married to lawyer and Clinical Law Professor Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather Underground.
And left leaning Wiki does a good bit of dis-information in down playing that Ayers was a close friend and adviser to Barry Obama on his political career, and Ayers wife is the one that arranged for Obama to meet her friend and his future wife Michele.
Fidel, Che, et al are the poster heroes of the USA Left. The Left then gave us the Insurrection of Summer 2020; CHAZ, CHAOS, etc.

For that matter, Leftist Insurectionists often get rewarded by the Left-leaning Deep State for their failed attempts. Case in point and example;
William Charles Ayers (/ɛərz/; born December 26, 1944)[1] is an American retired professor and activist. During the 1960s, Ayers rose to prominence as a leader of the Weather Underground militant group, described by the FBI as a terrorist group.

In 1969, Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group modeled on the Red Guards in China active at the same time, that sought to overthrow what they viewed as American imperialism.[2] The Weather Underground conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the United States Capitol, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The bombings, which caused no fatalities, except for three members killed when one of the group's own devices accidentally exploded, resulted in Ayers being hunted as a fugitive for several years, until charges were dropped due to illegal actions by the FBI agents pursuing him and others.

Ayers is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.[3] During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with then-candidate Barack Obama. He is married to lawyer and Clinical Law Professor Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather Underground.
And left leaning Wiki does a good bit of dis-information in down playing that Ayers was a close friend and adviser to Barry Obama on his political career, and Ayers wife is the one that arranged for Obama to meet her friend and his future wife Michele.
The placing of blame is just N.A. and don't change the facts. A country is divided in two roughly equal parts and the leadeer of the coup against government hasn't faced execution, but is even being permitted to challenge for the title of commander in chief again.

The American system has failed and is at great peril of failing again.

Speak to Bob Bray's-a-lot who is critical of the monarchy system that takes final measures against the leaders of failed coups. He may want to change his mind about comparing systems of government?

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