How Did Biden & The Deep State Force Trump To Appoint So Many Traitors To His Cabinet??

By 2024, Trump will have more indictments and the charges will be well over 100. I hate to burst your little snot bubble, but Trump isn`t coming back no matter how much money you send him. As his former AG Bill Barr said, "if only half of the stuff in the indictments are true Trump is TOAST".
Trump will never be prosecuted on this case because the judge will allow Trump weeks and months to prepare... by that time Trump will be the GOP candidate and when he wins he will have the case dismissed....
Trump will never be prosecuted on this case because the judge will allow Trump weeks and months to prepare... by that time Trump will be the GOP candidate and when he wins he will have the case dismissed....
If he wins, he’ll put Pompeo, Christie, Pence, Barr, and Haley in cabinet posts. He’s that dumb or maybe he’s that compromised.
If he wins, he’ll put Pompeo, Christie, Pence, Barr, and Haley in cabinet posts. He’s that dumb or maybe he’s that compromised.
I disagree... he won't even take calls from Graham anymore....
By 2024, Trump will have more indictments and the charges will be well over 100. I hate to burst your little snot bubble, but Trump isn`t coming back no matter how much money you send him. As his former AG Bill Barr said, "if only half of the stuff in the indictments are true Trump is TOAST".
When both parties are against what Trump stands for which is us the AMERICAN people choosing a cabinet is not going to be an easy thing to do.... Trump tried to work with establishment republican's but they leaked lied and wouldn't defend Trump....
That fat ass from New jersey said the GOP has been losing since Trump left office... well look in the mirror asshole... McConnell holding money from Trump's endorsements... McConnell hasn't said a word during all of this witch hunt to defend the president of his party... when Trump wins in 24 things will be very different and the swamp knows it.... and that's why they want to put him in jail.... both sides...
The reason trump appointed pence and other swamp creatures to his cabinet is to infiltrate them,to keep tabs on them.McConnell is indeed a swamp creature Rino same as bush.

"Another senior official in the Trump administration has come out and stated that the former president is accused of serious crimes, hamstringing the Donald Trump and his allies’ ability to spin his latest legal development. Ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and delivered a sobering assessment of the charges against his former boss which dismantled the assertion Mr Trump’s allies have pushed on social media seeking to explain away the boxes of documents and classified materials at Mar-a-Lago as the president’s own property.

Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration."

So now we have traitor and RINO, Mike Pompeo coming out and stabbing Trump in the back - one must ask at this point, was Pompeo nothing more than a Deep State operative sent in by Biden to spy on the Trump presidency and betray America? Now we have had Bill Barr, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, basically people who would be nobodies if it wasn't for Trump reaching down and giving their life purpose, now all of them are against Trump and America? I know Biden is a senile dumbo who doesn't know what day it is, but how is it he is able to at least hire the best people? And I call them the best people because somehow they were able to steal 2 elections without so much as a single indictment being charged against anyone.

They have been able to force half of Trump cabinet to turn against him, they control both his own DOJ and FBI appointees, as well as his own Pentagon appointees..Biden's team even forced his own lawyers to turn against him and testify and offer evidence; on more than one ocassion...resulting in 30 plus federal indictments. Why can't we at least get one of Biden's people to turn against him? Trump is far more brilliant than we are seeing right now; he must have something huge planned that will finally bring down Biden and the Deep State...but what will it be?

Everyone who ever worked for Trump wants to stab him in the back
The reason trump appointed pence and other swamp creatures to his cabinet is to infiltrate them,to keep tabs on them.McConnell is indeed a swamp creature Rino same as bush.
It`s going to take a long time for Jack The Swamp Drainer Smith to complete his work.

"Another senior official in the Trump administration has come out and stated that the former president is accused of serious crimes, hamstringing the Donald Trump and his allies’ ability to spin his latest legal development. Ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and delivered a sobering assessment of the charges against his former boss which dismantled the assertion Mr Trump’s allies have pushed on social media seeking to explain away the boxes of documents and classified materials at Mar-a-Lago as the president’s own property.

Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration."

So now we have traitor and RINO, Mike Pompeo coming out and stabbing Trump in the back - one must ask at this point, was Pompeo nothing more than a Deep State operative sent in by Biden to spy on the Trump presidency and betray America? Now we have had Bill Barr, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, basically people who would be nobodies if it wasn't for Trump reaching down and giving their life purpose, now all of them are against Trump and America? I know Biden is a senile dumbo who doesn't know what day it is, but how is it he is able to at least hire the best people? And I call them the best people because somehow they were able to steal 2 elections without so much as a single indictment being charged against anyone.

They have been able to force half of Trump cabinet to turn against him, they control both his own DOJ and FBI appointees, as well as his own Pentagon appointees..Biden's team even forced his own lawyers to turn against him and testify and offer evidence; on more than one ocassion...resulting in 30 plus federal indictments. Why can't we at least get one of Biden's people to turn against him? Trump is far more brilliant than we are seeing right now; he must have something huge planned that will finally bring down Biden and the Deep State...but what will it be?

If this was satirical, then it is an instant classic!

"Another senior official in the Trump administration has come out and stated that the former president is accused of serious crimes, hamstringing the Donald Trump and his allies’ ability to spin his latest legal development. Ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and delivered a sobering assessment of the charges against his former boss which dismantled the assertion Mr Trump’s allies have pushed on social media seeking to explain away the boxes of documents and classified materials at Mar-a-Lago as the president’s own property.

Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration."

So now we have traitor and RINO, Mike Pompeo coming out and stabbing Trump in the back - one must ask at this point, was Pompeo nothing more than a Deep State operative sent in by Biden to spy on the Trump presidency and betray America? Now we have had Bill Barr, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, basically people who would be nobodies if it wasn't for Trump reaching down and giving their life purpose, now all of them are against Trump and America? I know Biden is a senile dumbo who doesn't know what day it is, but how is it he is able to at least hire the best people? And I call them the best people because somehow they were able to steal 2 elections without so much as a single indictment being charged against anyone.

They have been able to force half of Trump cabinet to turn against him, they control both his own DOJ and FBI appointees, as well as his own Pentagon appointees..Biden's team even forced his own lawyers to turn against him and testify and offer evidence; on more than one ocassion...resulting in 30 plus federal indictments. Why can't we at least get one of Biden's people to turn against him? Trump is far more brilliant than we are seeing right now; he must have something huge planned that will finally bring down Biden and the Deep State...but what will it be?

Well firstly we know that Trump is a master of this and is playing 3D chess with all of his enemies.

However he made a fatal mistake whilst being sidetracked in office. he appointed deep swampers rather than his own people.

When you consider the talent of the likes of Laura Loomer, Charlie Kirk, Nick Fuentes and other teenage leaders like Don jnr it is puzzling how he could have chosen the losers that he did,

In 24 I suggest he dumps the White House and rules with an iron fist from Mar e Lago if it is still above sea level. There are people he trusts working there and some of them will still be free in 24. Maybe.
Says the guy who thinks this weak ass bitch is tough....

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you worship a you understand this??
You are so gay for Trump it's not even funny. What straight man keeps pictures like that on hand? Sad.

As to folks like Pompeo, Sessions, and some others, they belong to the establishment. Fair weather fools who think the media is their friends and generally attention whores looking for airtime.
Republicans who want to survive in Washington DC must play the game. Trump doesn't have to because he doesn't need to survive. He has an established life away from politics. It's like trying to survive in a giant corporation. You learn to play the game or you're out.
So why would Trump be so naive and foolish to keep appointing them to very high positions in his administration?

And he has done this to say "well, Trump is new to this" isn't a great excuse anymore...he said he only hires the best people and Trump would never lie or mislead us...he is a man of God and Jesus and stuff
It's simple, criminals hang with criminals.
When both parties are against what Trump stands for which is us the AMERICAN people choosing a cabinet is not going to be an easy thing to do.... Trump tried to work with establishment republican's but they leaked lied and wouldn't defend Trump....
That fat ass from New jersey said the GOP has been losing since Trump left office... well look in the mirror asshole... McConnell holding money from Trump's endorsements... McConnell hasn't said a word during all of this witch hunt to defend the president of his party... when Trump wins in 24 things will be very different and the swamp knows it.... and that's why they want to put him in jail.... both sides...
The only thing Trump Humpers stand for is White Supremacy and Trump realized this and has taken full advantage of it.

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