How do the Ds Sabotage Themselves?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

No, they're fanatically religious postmodernists and they hate themselves and everyone and thing else with a fervor and passion unmatched in prior human history. Thus, they consider themselves eternal victims of their ancestors' crime of having sired their origin bloodlines.
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

They'll pick some adultering reality tv star with a funny comb over and pretend they want small government and open markets but somehow jump to the authoritarian tariffs, race baiting and odd selective christian morality platform?
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

No, they're fanatically religious postmodernists and they hate themselves and everyone and thing else with a fervor and passion unmatched in prior human history. Thus, they consider themselves eternal victims of their ancestors' crime of having sired their origin bloodlines.

Having watched the D debates I cannot see how Anyone with a functioning brain can be Democrat and given the statements of the debaters I believe that to be the case even worse than I thought.
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

No, they're fanatically religious postmodernists and they hate themselves and everyone and thing else with a fervor and passion unmatched in prior human history. Thus, they consider themselves eternal victims of their ancestors' crime of having sired their origin bloodlines.

Having watched the D debates I cannot see how Anyone with a functioning brain can be Democrat and given the statements of the debaters I believe that to be the case even worse than I thought.

Most traditional moderate Democrats are or descend from the JFK denomination. They seem to have found themselves at a loss, still believing in that sect's speculative humility, caged in by the more radical postmodernist new bloods and wholly refusing to believe any human being can embrace the modern PC madness, let alone accept their own Party has gone so far off the sanity reservation. What needs to happen is we need wake up those moderate, traditional Democrats and fully open their eyes to the anti-human agenda of ideological postmodernism. Barring that, we must at least make them believe "anyone but Trump" has opened their Party's door to pure evil. As for the most radical, ideologue postmodernists who are at the new core of the Democratic Party? There's just nothing to be gained from trying to reason with people who believe 'reason' itself is a social construct. They're a mob of cultists willing to visit any atrocity or perversion on the American People and all that is left to do to protect our civilization is to fight them to the bitter end . . . theirs or ours.
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

Sabotage them more than they're doing to themselves?
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

No, they're fanatically religious postmodernists and they hate themselves and everyone and thing else with a fervor and passion unmatched in prior human history. Thus, they consider themselves eternal victims of their ancestors' crime of having sired their origin bloodlines.

Having watched the D debates I cannot see how Anyone with a functioning brain can be Democrat and given the statements of the debaters I believe that to be the case even worse than I thought.

There ya go, that should tell you enough about Democrats.
The Ds have pretty much the entire MSM Broadcast or online.

They have fanatical support from the Politically Correct.

And their own Stormtroopers call themselves anti-fascists

Are they Schizoid or what?

No, they're fanatically religious postmodernists and they hate themselves and everyone and thing else with a fervor and passion unmatched in prior human history. Thus, they consider themselves eternal victims of their ancestors' crime of having sired their origin bloodlines.

Having watched the D debates I cannot see how Anyone with a functioning brain can be Democrat and given the statements of the debaters I believe that to be the case even worse than I thought.
Because the competition debates like this:

When your competition is as inept as you are it is pretty easy. As an old boss of mine once said, its easy to shine as a quarter when you are surrounded by a bunch of pennies.
"Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are helpfully reminding Americans that the Democrats were the party of slavery, secession, & segregation. By contrast, the Republican Party was founded on & has always stood for the natural equality of all men & women." - Sen Cotton

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