How The Right Wing Media Killed It's Own Audience To Own The Libs

Not supported by any facts.
MAGATS don't need facts MAGAT.


You bought up the vote count MAGADUMIAN

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Have you always been unable to back up a point, or did you recently get a lobotomy?

still ignoring Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016?

one of those morons that believes popular vote determines the presidency?

Republicans voted more for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016, but popular vote doesn't win the Oval office.

Lesson over.
Have you always been unable to back up a point, or did you recently get a lobotomy?

Republicans voted more for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016, but popular vote doesn't win the Oval office.

Lesson over.

Lose the vote by 3M but win the EC...WE WIN
Lose the by 7M and lose the EC by 100...WE WIN

Have you always been unable to back up a point, or did you recently get a lobotomy?

Republicans voted more for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016, but popular vote doesn't win the Oval office.

Lesson over.

Not counting the unverifiable mail in ballots, he got more votes than any American in history.
does that make you a MAGAT?

Because you continuously ignore facts.

Sorry my tiny minded ignoramus I didn't really mean that.

But given your fact free existence your comment is worthy only of


Now go whine to your favorite MOD and make them take that first one down.

find a post where I stated Trump won in 2020.

(you should make that gif your signature, it fits you.)
Find me a post where you told your fellow MAGATS to STFU BECAUSE Trump lost.

and the GIF is a gift to you.
sign away

no need to contact a mod.

best thing to do with trolls on message boards is to bury them.

bye bye

You'll be missed.


betting the fool comes back.
He is one of the owned.
Sit Ubu, sit.

good boy!
BTW, moron

win the EC, he won. Lose the EC, he lost. Popular vote doesn't matter

except to mouthy trolls.

told ya folks.
Your favorite DADO is a drug you can't do without.

Let's see...
Trump lost the vote in 2020 by 7M
Trump lost the EC in 2020 by 100 votes
And MAGA said


And proceeded to troll for the next 3.5 years with constant lies and threats of more violence.
check the mirror sparkless.


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