How do those on the left defend this?

As far as I'm concerned, if an adult wants to identify as a member of the opposite gender, that is their choice. The bigger issues have to do with forcing everybody else, not only to tolerate it, but to validate it, normalize it, support it and give up their own rights in doing so.

Especially when children are involved.

I'm old enough to remember when the degenerates claimed that it was only about “consenting adults”.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
Your headline doesn't match the facts presented in your story. Lie #1
Since you DON'T know the intent you cannot claim that this is political. Lie #2
But who am I to interfere with your personal butthurt of the day.
If you can’t keep up, find the remedial section. Others have not had any issues. If you can’t find the idiot of this thread, that idiot is you. Congratulations
So you can't actually respond to the post.
Not surprising. Takes intellect, an aspect missing from all Tiny Brained "conservatives."

So, tell us all about your fixation on penises and looking up men's dresses.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
Your headline doesn't match the facts presented in your story. Lie #1
Since you DON'T know the intent you cannot claim that this is political. Lie #2
But who am I to interfere with your personal butthurt of the day.
If you can’t keep up, find the remedial section. Others have not had any issues. If you can’t find the idiot of this thread, that idiot is you. Congratulations

There's a reason why that fool is denied access to my screen.
We try to keep the stupid from spreading.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?

I assume you're talking to Dado, since I stated in my post how I know: because I've talked to and observed them.
No you haven't.
I bet you're like "Archie" talking "Lionel"
Thinking the shucking and jiving is what Black people are about.
Your ignorance is clear and abundant.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

There is nothing wrong with that.

How should any sane person be able to understand the workings of the mind of someone who is so seriously fucked-up in the head as to be confused about the distinction between men and women, and even about one's own sex?
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"

we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"
You tried to posit yourself as the ultimate expert, so it was only natural to assume that it was the voice of experience talking.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.

What percieved perversions are you talking about?

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
Your headline doesn't match the facts presented in your story. Lie #1
Since you DON'T know the intent you cannot claim that this is political. Lie #2
But who am I to interfere with your personal butthurt of the day.
If you can’t keep up, find the remedial section. Others have not had any issues. If you can’t find the idiot of this thread, that idiot is you. Congratulations
So you can't actually respond to the post.
Not surprising. Takes intellect, an aspect missing from all Tiny Brained "conservatives."

So, tell us all about your fixation on penises and looking up men's dresses.
What post. If the others 20+ understood and you don’t the problem is yours not mine, caddo kid. Go and run to the mods again.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.
Of course you do. You’re the utmost expert. Please STFU and stop hijacking this thread
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

There is nothing wrong with that.

How should any sane person be able to understand the workings of the mind of someone who is so seriously fucked-up in the head as to be confused about the distinction between men and women, and even about one's own sex?
If such is the case why are you people always claiming to know how their minds work?

Perhaps admitting both your ignorance and, along with that, your inability to judge their actions because of that ignorance.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"

we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"
You tried to posit yourself as the ultimate expert, so it was only natural to assume that it was the voice of experience talking.
You failed to describe your interest in my "IT."

I never claimed expertise but I don't need to have a PHD in Transgender studies to recognize an idiot blowing smoke out his ass.

Now, again, what is your interest in my "IT?"
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.

What percieved perversions are you talking about?
They're YOUR perversions, you tell us.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
Your headline doesn't match the facts presented in your story. Lie #1
Since you DON'T know the intent you cannot claim that this is political. Lie #2
But who am I to interfere with your personal butthurt of the day.
If you can’t keep up, find the remedial section. Others have not had any issues. If you can’t find the idiot of this thread, that idiot is you. Congratulations
So you can't actually respond to the post.
Not surprising. Takes intellect, an aspect missing from all Tiny Brained "conservatives."

So, tell us all about your fixation on penises and looking up men's dresses.
What post. If the others 20+ understood and you don’t the problem is yours not mine, caddo kid. Go and run to the mods again.

Still trying to make your lies true?
Sorry My tiny Brained "conservative."
Reality is, yours isn't

But you haven't answered the question everyone's dying to know...

What is it with you and looking up men's dresses?
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"

we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.
So, do you plan on cutting it off or do you plan on keeping it?
Cutting what off?
And what is your interest in "it?"
You tried to posit yourself as the ultimate expert, so it was only natural to assume that it was the voice of experience talking.
You failed to describe your interest in my "IT."

I never claimed expertise but I don't need to have a PHD in Transgender studies to recognize an idiot blowing smoke out his ass.

Now, again, what is your interest in my "IT?"
You assume Cecilie is a "he"? How binary of you. You should be ashamed.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.
Of course you do. You’re the utmost expert. Please STFU and stop hijacking this thread
You're whining at the wrong party. All I do is respond to posts. If you want to bitch take it up with your fellows.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

Typical leftist. "We'll just rearrange everything to fit the reality we wish existed. Then we'll suggest that everyone who doesn't like it marginalize themselves out of normal life. THEN we'll suggest that they spend time and money fighting legal battles against the mess we've made, which they can't win because we passed asinine laws demanding our stupid fantasies. Then we'll all act bewildered by the damage that we've caused and try to find someone else to blame for it."

OF COURSE HER RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED, you dungbrain. EVERY woman's rights are being trampled by this "transgender" lunacy, and everyone on the right TOLD you they were going to be trampled from the get-go.

Here's a suggestion for you, Sparky: Maybe the shitbrains on the left should learn to suck it up and accept reality, so they can stop trying to force their mental illnesses on the rest of us. Maybe states like California should stop demanding that everyone has to pretend that people with penises are or can be women, and go back to arresting anyone with a dick who goes into the ladies' room. And maybe leftists should start fucking LISTENING when people on the right tell them that they're out of their fucking minds.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

So don't hire a lawyer.. Quit the spa.. If enough women agree with you and quit, they will take care of it themselves. Vote with your feet. Vote with your pocketbook.
That is what is happening as I understand it

Again, the question is, where are they supposed to go? Where are they going to find, in the state of California, a gym that doesn't allow men to dangle their dicks in the ladies' locker room?

Allowing transgendered people into locker rooms, it’s not a license for men to expose their penises to women in those locker rooms. Transgender people use the stalls and change rooms provided for privacy for women in any gym throughout North America.

I don't even know where to start with this level of abysmal ignorance proudly proclaiming itself to be intelligence, I really don't.

I am going to do you an enormous favor of which you are not even remotely worthy, and which I sincerely doubt you have the ability to use. I'm going to break this down and explain to you the reality you have so stubbornly and persistently avoided so that it won't get in the way of what you want to believe. No need to thank me.

1) People get naked in locker rooms. That is what locker rooms are FOR. One goes to the locker room at a gym to change from their street clothes to their workout clothes, and then to shower off the sweat after they exercise and change back to their street clothes. Showering and changing clothes, by definition, involves being naked at some point in time.

2) Allowing transgenders into the women's locker room, therefore, DOES allow them to get naked in that locker room, because why else would you allow them in there at all? To sightsee? That's no less creepy, completely aside from being ridiculous.

3) Your assertion that all "real" transgender people change in the stalls and are terribly modest and shy and ashamed about their bodies until they've been fully surgically altered is based on absolutely nothing in reality. I get that you wanted to imagine that it worked that way, because it makes them sound like they're all poor, tortured little victims you can feel sorry for and make asinine demands on behalf of, thereby letting you feel virtuous at the expense of other people's discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but that ain't how it is at all.

First of all, full "gender affirmation" surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. It's also typically done over an extended period of time, and usually after a certain amount of time spent on hormones. Partly that's because of the expense, but a big part of it is that no surgeon wants to cause that much trauma to a body all at once, and put a patient through that much pain and recovery all at once. In the interim, the transitioning person doesn't just lock himself in a room and do nothing; he goes about his regular life.

Second, transgender people are . . . people. As such, they are differing and complex and come in a wide variety of personality types, motivations, etc. Not all of them WANT the complete transition surgery. Not all of them want ANY surgery. Some of them are good with just the hormones; some are good with just changing their names and pronouns and cross-dressing. I can assure you that the transgender community considers all of that to still be "real transgenderism", and would kick your butt up and down the street for presuming to decide for someone else that it isn't.

Also, in with that whole "people" thing is the fact that some people who are transgender are assholes, just like some of any group you care to name are assholes. Being transgender doesn't make you immune from being a jerk, and it doesn't make you immune from being a pervert or a predator. I have known a number of people in the transgender community who get a special charge out of "freaking the mundanes". They LIKE displaying the fact that they're dressing and identifying the opposite of their birth gender to regular people and provoking a reaction. There's actually a contingent of these people in all segments of the LGBTQ community, as well as the BDSM community. Hell, that's a huge reason that Pride parades exist, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, being transgender doesn't mean a person can't also have an exhibitionist fetish and get off on flashing people, just the same as the stereotypical guy in the trench coat on the playground does.

4) Whether the guy in the locker room is actually transgender, in the sense that he routinely identifies as female in myriad aspects of his life, or is just a predator using transgender claims as a dodge to get in the women's locker room, there are two operative points here that you're skating past: the transgender activist agenda demands that nothing more is required than for someone to declare that they are this or that gender to make it true, and the law in California specifically prohibits anyone - including law enforcement - from questioning or challenging his identification as a woman in any way. The Wi Spa doesn't seem to particularly WANT to challenge it, but even if they did, they couldn't do so legally. They can't do a damned thing about him until such time as he physically harms someone, or they open themselves up to fines and lawsuits.

Oh, there's one other point here that you shouldn't miss: We told you this exact thing was going to be the result of the transgender agenda you were so eager to endorse so that you could feel "compassionate". Let's don't ever forget that we said it, you dismissed it, and you were dead wrong.
You are wholly ignorant of the mental workings of Trans people.

How do you know their mental workings?
I don't claim to "know."
I know several Trans people. We've talked.
I do know that you people know NOTHING of their mentality beyond your own perceived perversions.

What percieved perversions are you talking about?
They're YOUR perversions, you tell us.
Leftist on leftist crime

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