How Do You Know Voting By Mail Works? The Military Has Been Doing It Since The Civil War

WASHINGTON — The nation in crisis. A divisive president up for re-election. Millions of Americans who can't make it to their local polling place. Partisan fights over proposals to vote by mail.

Sound familiar?

It was the 1860s, the Civil War was raging and Republicans, led by President Abraham Lincoln, wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. The opposition Democrats balked. They warned of rampant fraud and "a scheme" by Republicans "to gain some great advantage to their party," as one Wisconsin state senator put it before the legislature voted on party lines to become the first state to legalize absentee voting.

About 150,000 of the 1 million Union soldiers were able to vote absentee in the 1864 presidential election in what became the first widespread use of non-in-person voting in American history.

A century and a half later, amidst a new debate over voting by mail as the country prepares to hold an election during a different kind of war — this one against the coronavirus — America's long history of letting soldiers vote from far-flung war zones shows the issue has always been controversial, but that the worst fears of critics have never come to pass.

It's now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

Coming to your state soon.
This is a lot of bull
We've had vote-by-mail FOR EVERY SINGLE ELECTION here in Oregon since 1998.
It's definitely handier than hell, but the possibilities of fraud are certainly out there.

There have been cases where some voters never received ballots.
There have been cases where voters have received more than one ballot.
Dead voters have received ballots.
In the privacy of a voters home, a voter can easily be coerced into voting a certain way.
Ballots both filled out, and not filled out have been found in the trash.

I have an anecdotal story.

A friend here in the state, has been married for over 30 years. He and his wife have differing political views, and frequently get into some really heated arguments. He's a Dim, she's conservative. He's always in favor of property and other tax levies, she's always against them.
Candidates they also always disagree on (by the way, on a side note, my advice, never EVER E-V-E-R begin a live-in relationship if you have differing political views. Once the newness of the relationship wears off, you will be completely miserable).

Anyway, he has mentioned to me more than once , that he has destroyed her filled out ballot, knowing how she would have voted, and knowing it would cancel out his vote.
Yep, illegal as hell, he could go to prison, but I bet this sort of thing does indeed happen.
How Do You Know Voting By Mail Works?

Here is one way in Oregon where I live and how it works. We vote by mail here.

When Obama was running for reelection a woman living and working here but with citizenship only in Switzerland, her native country,
illegally voted for Obama using her American husbands' ballot. How did that happen? Well, the woman's' husband had previously voted for Obama but had become very disillusioned with him during his first term and was not going to vote for him again. When the man's ballot arrived at their home, the wife took it upon herself to vote to reelect Obama and simply signed her hubby's name to it!

That is called FRAUD. :nono:

Voting by mail- advantage Democrats! That is why they want it. They are willing and anxious to cheat and break any law that will keep President Trump from being once again duly elected as POTUS-2024!

Go, Trump. :woohoo:
How many DEAD PEOPLE are still on the voter roles? All of those people will have ballots mailed to them and those thousands upon thousands of ballots will wind up.........

Why do Trumpleton's pretend Repubs don't cheat in elections?

Trump says mail voting means Republicans would lose every election. Is that true? No.

No it's not true because he won Florida.
WASHINGTON — The nation in crisis. A divisive president up for re-election. Millions of Americans who can't make it to their local polling place. Partisan fights over proposals to vote by mail.

Sound familiar?

It was the 1860s, the Civil War was raging and Republicans, led by President Abraham Lincoln, wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. The opposition Democrats balked. They warned of rampant fraud and "a scheme" by Republicans "to gain some great advantage to their party," as one Wisconsin state senator put it before the legislature voted on party lines to become the first state to legalize absentee voting.

About 150,000 of the 1 million Union soldiers were able to vote absentee in the 1864 presidential election in what became the first widespread use of non-in-person voting in American history.

A century and a half later, amidst a new debate over voting by mail as the country prepares to hold an election during a different kind of war — this one against the coronavirus — America's long history of letting soldiers vote from far-flung war zones shows the issue has always been controversial, but that the worst fears of critics have never come to pass.

It's now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

Coming to your state soon.
DNC Chair has faith in mail-in voting, expects safe convention
Military voting has safeguards against fraud civilian voting does not

if it didnt, obama-loving and trump-hating EO (equal opportunity) reps could not simply fill out ballots in soldiers name and send in thousands of votes for biden

but in the states they can

So what are the military safeguards? Here in Florida you can check online if your vote was counted.
Selective counties..just like the ones they ignored in the recount in Florida to help Gore.
Liberals have to cheat to win.

In Oregon, the ballot count is done by election officials and witnessed by someone from each of the many official political parties in the State ... I'm sorry if the other States are to ignorant to do this, maybe their votes shouldn't be counted at all ...

Seriously, you don't think anyone would notice an entire county's election result was zero? ...

27 counties in Oregon voted in favor of The Donald ... 7 counties in favor of Hillary ... absolutely nothing unusual about this ...
They targeted Democratic counties only in FL to mine votes for AL Gore. It’s something they have already done.

And openly at that.

If you can prove that, how did that work out for Gore?
I've lived in this house for 6 years. The mail lady delivers mail to people who haven't lived here in years.

What kind of mail? ... I get a lot of mail addressed to "John Doe or Current Resident" ... or are you getting IRS summons or election office mail for other people? ...
Lat thing I got was for a previous resident's retirement plan.

I wouldn't put too much faith in the USPS knowing who lives where.

If the state has a place on the back of envelope for you to sign after you seal it and it doesn't match your signature they have on file for you the ballot is tossed. So what does it matter if the mailman deliver's to wrong address?
How many different studies have been done on voter fraud that have proven no significant voter fraud takes place? How many have to be done that keep proving it before people keep saying it happens anyway?

Many but the right on this forum and trump doesn't believe the studies.
It is only a problem since your new lord told you it was a problem.
Just because YOU can't fathom thinking for yourself without leftist talking points does not mean no one else can.
You really are quite the douchebag.
We have been DEMANDING that you present a VALID ID for DECADES. How do we go from that position DECADES before Trump to not approving of mass mail in voting because of Trump?

It's almost like you CANT THINK FOR YOURSELF!

Trump has NOTHING to do with my opinions on voting requirements and I doubt it matters to most others either.
My first votes were via a mail In ballot 40 years ago. Not until Trump told his idiot supporters mail in ballots were full of fraud that we saw a plethora of these threads in various forums attacking mail in ballots.

Trump’s own rigged voter fraud commission found no voter fraud. If a rigged commission can find no fraud, that tells you how little election fraud there truly is.

You project about lemmings. Look in the mirror for someone that can’t think for themselves.
Blablablabla..... that's what I just read from you.

The shit you just wrote did not have ANYTHING to do with what I just said.

And since you are so God damn stupid let me help you out.....
The right is talking about mail in voting because THE LEFT WANT MAIL IN VOTING

Jeb Bush and the republican legislature back in 2001 disagrees with you.
Voting by mail should be streamlined and made easier, instead, Republicans attack and impede this because, well, they know they have to corrupt the voting process to remain getting elected.
People die and people move, and those ballots just keep coming to the same old address.
It really isn't more complicated than that.

Must be complicated for you to sign the back of the envelope and let the elections office verify it and if your signature changes over the years you have to go in person and prove it to them.
How many DEAD PEOPLE are still on the voter roles? All of those people will have ballots mailed to them and those thousands upon thousands of ballots will wind up.........


How does a dead person sign their name? ... are you suggesting forgery? ...
... plus if someone dies, there's a death certificate issued and that's public information ... the county election boards can cross-reference these with their own voter rolls ...
Yep...forgery, it's done in every election.
The board does not have the time to go through the 'public information' at that that scale, or funding to cross reference.
Not to mention out and out fraud.

Well some do because they post on a website if your ballot has been accepted.
Home Depot lets in 200 people at a time. Walmarts are packed.

No reason we can't go to the polls in November.

Well go vote in person who the hell is stopping anyone? Just let the ones who want to use mail in use it.

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