How Do You Like Me Now?

the US government is shoving 55m a month into this thing. This is a bank driven stock market. This bubble will burst just like the dot com. Totally false reality. Remember ya heard it from me.
the stock market has never broke 15k

Where else are folks going to put their money? In a savings account? :lol:
Cash and equity should be circulating in the economy, not on Wall Street.
The stock market is a poor indicator of the state of things.
the US government is shoving 55m a month into this thing. This is a bank driven stock market. This bubble will burst just like the dot com. Totally false reality. Remember ya heard it from me.
the stock market has never broke 15k

Correct. It's hard to pretend you're having an intelligent conversation with people who can't grasp that in a short period of time the FED's will have dumped 500 billion, HALF A TRILLION on the markets to prop them up. This is of course not counting any previous injections of money that would put it well over 1 trillion.

The single area where people can point to "good news" is purely propped up by money literally printed and then handed to rich people. All the areas that can touch upon that look better, but reality will come crashing down. How long do people think they can keep this kind of spending going? It would be one thing if it were chump change, but we're talking about a sum of money so large that a fifth of all revenues collected in a year is equal to what is printed up and handed to the rich to gamble on the markets alone, not counting any other money spent by the FEDs.
Why don't we all share a moment of silence for the father of QE, Ronald Reagan. The man who fired Volcker for daring to fight inflation and propose that the United States remain an industrial nation. In the bonus round NeoCon Ron fathered the bailout, banks (S&Ls) AND sleazeball finance (insurance [AIG]). His finest role was playing a man's man in a fake cold war.

Then let's have another moment of silence in gratitude for the finest Republican ever to be elected as a freakshow liberal, Slick Clinton. Brought us NAFTA, repeal of Glass Steagall, naked speculation in essential commodities and for good measure pardoned a man who didn't wait for naked speculation in essential commodities to be legal: his speaking tour sponsor, Marc Rich. In the bonus round, Clinton became the only human in history to "earn" a hundred million dollars without creating a private sector job, improving a process, or inventing something.

Last but not least, let us celebrate the people who re elected Junebug Bush in 2004. Already the most spectacularly failed president in US history by 2004, halfwit America re elected their kindred spirit who proceeded to borrow enough money to collapse the economy that Clinton and Reagan had pumped up with hot air and credit.

Those who can, may breathe again.
Stocks are at an all time high not counting inflation.

People are borrowing money to invest.

Home values are recovering.

Profits are way up.

What could go wrong?

A 7 point drop in Gallup's Obammy's approval poll, in one week. :D Now 46%.

Fox News......ROTFLMAO!!

Aren't they the ones who predicted that Romney would slaughter him Nov. 6th?
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devaluation of the dollar is well underway....

BO helped the price of gas double 'economic wonder' he is.....:rolleyes:

So, there really are rw's who still believe this?

Dumb and :cuckoo:

Soooo, are you calling out every progressive liberal that said Bush was in the tank for oil companies when gas prices were high when he was in office? Cuz you can't really go back and forth on this and be taken seriously.
Why don't we all share a moment of silence for the father of QE, Ronald Reagan. The man who fired Volcker for daring to fight inflation and propose that the United States remain an industrial nation. In the bonus round NeoCon Ron fathered the bailout, banks (S&Ls) AND sleazeball finance (insurance [AIG]). His finest role was playing a man's man in a fake cold war.

Then let's have another moment of silence in gratitude for the finest Republican ever to be elected as a freakshow liberal, Slick Clinton. Brought us NAFTA, repeal of Glass Steagall, naked speculation in essential commodities and for good measure pardoned a man who didn't wait for naked speculation in essential commodities to be legal: his speaking tour sponsor, Marc Rich. In the bonus round, Clinton became the only human in history to "earn" a hundred million dollars without creating a private sector job, improving a process, or inventing something.

Last but not least, let us celebrate the people who re elected Junebug Bush in 2004. Already the most spectacularly failed president in US history by 2004, halfwit America re elected their kindred spirit who proceeded to borrow enough money to collapse the economy that Clinton and Reagan had pumped up with hot air and credit.

Those who can, may breathe again.

Thank you for that list of Progressives... Or is Obama a Neo-con now too seeing as his polices like QE (you know, what you are talking about) is 100% (more like 230%) the same as Reagan's, Clinton's and Bush?

Or wait, is it somehow different under Obama?

Then again I see your timeline stopped just before Obama got into office....
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Stock Market Closing Prices - 1/21/09

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 8228.10 Up 279.01
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 1507.07 Up 66.21
S&P 500 Close - 840.24 Up 35.02

This Economy Has Only Been Screwed One Time Which Was Worse Then The Bush Mess

Can we have an English translator in aisle 3?

On top of it aren't you?

That was the market close the day Obama took the helm. I don't want anybody to forget what a goddam mess Bush, Bernanke and Paulson left.

Personally....I've made four withdrawals from our IRA's since that day and cleared nearly $100,000 of pure profit.
Stock Market Closing Prices - 1/21/09

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 8228.10 Up 279.01
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 1507.07 Up 66.21
S&P 500 Close - 840.24 Up 35.02

This Economy Has Only Been Screwed One Time Which Was Worse Then The Bush Mess

Not a bad job for a socialist president who was universally acknowledged as the worst president in history.
Stock Market Closing Prices - 1/21/09

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 8228.10 Up 279.01
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 1507.07 Up 66.21
S&P 500 Close - 840.24 Up 35.02

This Economy Has Only Been Screwed One Time Which Was Worse Then The Bush Mess

Not a bad job for a socialist president who was universally acknowledged as the worst president in history.

so he Occupied Wall Street......?

devaluation of the dollar is well underway....

BO helped the price of gas double 'economic wonder' he is.....:rolleyes:

BO...what does it say about a president when he names his DOG after himself?
Why don't we all share a moment of silence for the father of QE, Ronald Reagan. The man who fired Volcker for daring to fight inflation and propose that the United States remain an industrial nation. In the bonus round NeoCon Ron fathered the bailout, banks (S&Ls) AND sleazeball finance (insurance [AIG]). His finest role was playing a man's man in a fake cold war.

Then let's have another moment of silence in gratitude for the finest Republican ever to be elected as a freakshow liberal, Slick Clinton. Brought us NAFTA, repeal of Glass Steagall, naked speculation in essential commodities and for good measure pardoned a man who didn't wait for naked speculation in essential commodities to be legal: his speaking tour sponsor, Marc Rich. In the bonus round, Clinton became the only human in history to "earn" a hundred million dollars without creating a private sector job, improving a process, or inventing something.

Last but not least, let us celebrate the people who re elected Junebug Bush in 2004. Already the most spectacularly failed president in US history by 2004, halfwit America re elected their kindred spirit who proceeded to borrow enough money to collapse the economy that Clinton and Reagan had pumped up with hot air and credit.

Those who can, may breathe again.

Thank you for that list of Progressives... Or is Obama a Neo-con now too seeing as his polices like QE (you know, what you are talking about) is 100% (more like 230%) the same as Reagan's, Clinton's and Bush?

Or wait, is it somehow different under Obama?

Then again I see your timeline stopped just before Obama got into office....

There is little difference between Obama and Clinton; both believe education is a substitute for brains, and both are co-opted by a borderline criminal element in the financial services community. The difference between Obama and Clinton and the proud-to-be-a-nutball presidents Reagan and Bush is about 40IQ points AND confidence. Reagan and Bush had a lot of personal confidence; Clinton and Obama are like children compared to either Reagan or Bush in the world of men.

On the other hand, all four failed as presidents. Yes, the moron elements from both sides of the unholy political aisle will claim Reagan and Clinton presided over "the best economies ever". Morons do that because they don't understand that Reagan began turning the US economy from an industrial base to an asset base and Clinton took it to the hoop - and BOTH did it with borrowed money.

Junebug and Obama basically ate Reagan's and Clinton's shit and claimed it tastes real good.
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