Drag Queen invited by Kamala Harris to the White House to celebrate Pride Month was just accused of multiple s*xual ass*ults

Tell us more about deep throat Harris and child fondler Joe.
why don't you tell us. i only know about those wild parties at studio 54 and down at epstein's pad (where trump made the little girls wear rubber gloves before they touched him, according to sworn testimony .)
why don't you tell us. i only know about those wild parties at studio 54 and down at epstein's pad (where trump made the little girls wear rubber gloves before they touched him, according to sworn testimony .)
My favorite was Epstein having a painting of Bill Clinton in a woman’s dress.
Lol, you need to support the accusation.

This is America. Innocent until proven guilty, no matter how they do it wherever you're posting from.
such silly melodrama. The ''Trump is Hitler" nonsense is just a Slogan you stole from Joy Reid Clown Show.
such silly melodrama. The ''Trump is Hitler" nonsense is just a Slogan you stole from Joy Reid Clown Show.
So rather than supporting your assertion you choose to deflect.

Your surrender is accepted.

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