How does America react to the next mass shooting?

I never mentioned how I think it will end, so how would you know?

Extrapolation of data contained in your posts allows one to make an educated guess.

So are you going to guess or not?

I have.

... well I guess you're too shy to share, then. Okay.

Me shy? Too funny.

Because you beg, I will not.

I find it interesting that you bring it up in the first place when you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Depends on where he or she pulls the gun.

Where I live there are lots of people packing.

A shooter would go down very very very fast.

Eh, not necessarily. There's a big difference between shooting at targets and a moving human being who is shooting back at you.

Add a pinch of chaos, and armed civilians can easily make a bad situation worse, and provide an advantage for the shooter.

In many cases armed citizens have more training than the police who get paid for what they have.

Possible, but they certainly won't have the coordinated force that the police will have.

You mean like the recent incident wherein the police fired 65 times as a group at a shooter and did not score a single hit?

I see.

So you are anti-police? Interesting that the right is turning against the police now. I guess they're looking to revert back to the wild west.

Me? Not hardly. My family is historically filled with LEOs of various levels. My grandfather was a Treasury agent, my uncle a cop in a large city that will remain unnamed, my cousin an undercover cop who became the head attorney for the State Police, and so on.
Extrapolation of data contained in your posts allows one to make an educated guess.

So are you going to guess or not?

I have.

... well I guess you're too shy to share, then. Okay.

Me shy? Too funny.

Because you beg, I will not.

I find it interesting that you bring it up in the first place when you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

It's good you are so easily entertained. I envy you that.
Depends on where he or she pulls the gun.

Where I live there are lots of people packing.

A shooter would go down very very very fast.

Eh, not necessarily. There's a big difference between shooting at targets and a moving human being who is shooting back at you.

Add a pinch of chaos, and armed civilians can easily make a bad situation worse, and provide an advantage for the shooter.

In many cases armed citizens have more training than the police who get paid for what they have.

Possible, but they certainly won't have the coordinated force that the police will have.

Soooooooooooooooo what ?

They'll be shooting back and the fucker will be dead before he or she hits the floor.
Depends on where he or she pulls the gun.

Where I live there are lots of people packing.

A shooter would go down very very very fast.

Eh, not necessarily. There's a big difference between shooting at targets and a moving human being who is shooting back at you.

Add a pinch of chaos, and armed civilians can easily make a bad situation worse, and provide an advantage for the shooter.

In many cases armed citizens have more training than the police who get paid for what they have.

Possible, but they certainly won't have the coordinated force that the police will have.

Soooooooooooooooo what ?

They'll be shooting back and the fucker will be dead before he or she hits the floor.

Haha. Sure.
Depends on where he or she pulls the gun.

Where I live there are lots of people packing.

A shooter would go down very very very fast.
You go down on every man in sight. Not everyone is like you though cross dresser.

And not everyone is as limber as you and can stick their head up their ass with relative ease.

Missed your's clear.
I predict by the time the next big shooting comes around, nothing will have been done to protect the American public. I anticipate a mass shooting with at least 20 - 30 dead in the next three months. Quite possibly a home-grown Islamic terrorist. Haven't had one of those in a while.

I predict many "thoughts and prayers", followed by civil unrest, possibly riots, and possibly assassination attempts on our political figures. The pot is near to bubbling over. All we need is one more little thing ...

But to be honest, I'm a little tired of the fight. I don't need a gun to defend myself. I don't care if some guy wants to shoot tin cans in his back yard. I just want to know how it all ends ...

The same things that always happen, will happen. There will be "rabble rabble rabble" throughout the left and the media, prayer vigils, flowers and stuffed animals, a few hashtag twitter campaigns, threats of senators submitting bills that never make it to the floor, and more guns and ammunition will change hands.

Wash, lather, rinse, and repeat.
I predict by the time the next big shooting comes around, nothing will have been done to protect the American public. I anticipate a mass shooting with at least 20 - 30 dead in the next three months. Quite possibly a home-grown Islamic terrorist. Haven't had one of those in a while.

I predict many "thoughts and prayers", followed by civil unrest, possibly riots, and possibly assassination attempts on our political figures. The pot is near to bubbling over. All we need is one more little thing ...

But to be honest, I'm a little tired of the fight. I don't need a gun to defend myself. I don't care if some guy wants to shoot tin cans in his back yard. I just want to know how it all ends ...

“And in other news today, RUSSIA,Russia, sex, sex, crazy crazy! Click”. That’s how I do it.
It's not going to end the way you think.

I think it will end up with the NRA being marginalized, because it is such a radical organization, and then the rest of us, gun owners and non-owners alike can talk about common sense gun control.

The real problem right now is that everyone forgets about a gun shooting a few weeks after it happens, while the NRA keeps the crazy cranked up to 11 all the time.

But a certain point of having to live this way, people are going to get fed up. they are going to get fed up with their kids doing 'Active shooter drills" and having to buy them kevlar backpacks. They are going to get tired of walking past flags at half-mast every day past three security doors to get to their desks.

If the NRA was smart, they'd realize that no one is well served by guys like Nicolas Cruz being able to get a gun after everyone, including himself, screamed about how dangerous he was.

But the NRA is a tool of the gun manufacturers,and people won't buy guns unless they are scared.

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