How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(they benefit the employer, I do believe they need to pay fica on them, not sure, but if they do and pay into the SS and Medicare on them , do they get SS then? Also they are younger , get a lower wage , and well don't qualify for unemployment, any pension , and I read an article its can be like slave labor as they either work and work happily or go home, so no workers rights. I think this should be done with, as it screws the American workers) PS: I want to add Rubio is for it , and A few rich billionaires are behind him, Sheldon Adelson loves open boarders to work at his casinos, and another billionaire is (of course Jewish) behind Rubio as well. Soros is king of open boarders, a jew as well. Sounds rather like the Jews do not like us native americans or give a shit about us.

How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers

afew years ago, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer informed hundreds of tech workers at its Connecticut R&D facilities that they'd soon be laid off. Before getting their final paychecks, however, they'd need to train their replacements: guest workers from India who'd come to the United States on H-1B visas. "It's a very, very stressful work environment," one soon-to-be-axed worker told Connecticut's The Day newspaper. "I haven't been able to sleep in weeks."

Established in 1990, the federal H-1B visa program allows employers to import up to 65,000 foreign workers each year to fill jobs that require "highly specialized knowledge." The Senate's bipartisan Immigration Innovation Act of 2013, or "I-Squared Act," would increase that cap to as many as 300,000 foreign workers. "The smartest, hardest-working, most talented people on this planet, we should want them to come here," Sen. Marco Rubio, (R-Fla.) said upon introducing the bill last month. "I, for one, have no fear that this country is going to be overrun by Ph.D.s."

To be sure, America's tech economy has long depended on foreign-born workers. "Immigrants have founded 40 percent of companies in the tech sector that were financed by venture capital and went on to become public in the U.S., among them Yahoo, eBay, Intel, and Google," writes Laszlo Bock, Google's senior VP of "people operations," which, along with other tech giants such as HP and Microsoft, strongly supports a big increase in H-1B visas. "In 2012, these companies employed roughly 560,000 workers and generated $63 billion in sales."

How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers
H1B foreign worker program, in its current form is an insult to the highly trained and high earner Americans that it discriminate against. Employers should shoulder this blame for the fraud and abuse we are seeing today.
I don't have H1B employee nor will hire any of these people in the future.

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